
  • Levels&&research

    Here is an idea...

    First of all new players don't have minimum change to fight against

    older players, there for the possibilitie to the new player invest any

    kind of money is limited , the older players has so much power that they

    will just "farm" newest players, making the majorety of the players

    eventually abandon the game and come back no more (wonder if the sales

    is ok for ogamers owners) plus wen new players gets to a nice trottler

    on resources their acounts eventually start being powned , until he

    quits or vacation mode , sometimes and as we know some of thoose acount

    are solld to higer players on back.

    (we could discuse this but since that envolve some admins in ogame ........)

    Finally the idea

    In php language its very easy to create a small script to compare the

    level resources whit the level of researchs , we could allow a small

    diference between them but whit a large diference the war would be

    limited or impossible ( think about an galactic org that prevents unjust

    wars or "farming effect).

    First whit this, new users would put more faster and more often money in

    their accounts because they know they can take advantage from doing it

    so and be secure that they will invest in something whit retorn not for

    "farming" , secondly it would make the "bigger ones " to fight whit

    someone of their own level forcing them to also invest money , because

    they will fight against same level they will loose more they will fight

    more they will spend more .

    PLUS the term "Farming " should be consider an insult (heavy) u the hell

    are you to call me a cow or pig or chicken maybe pinguin or something

    its a racist act and form to be in ogame.

    If moderators dont mod this kind of beahviour wy should we(new users )

    bother putting money on the acounts or even wy the hell create them.

    This is a company , sustained on Entertaining area , above all they must

    garantie the entertaining it self , or they fail and they can be

    actually law sued imagine that !!

    It's their responsabilitie to ensure that all users play free , and that

    all users are respected , "farming" IS REPULSIVE ACT , AND SELLING THE

    ACOUNTS EVEN MORE REPOSILVE its not a small php script that will take

    them to bankropt, they just needed to be enlightement about the

    advantages that limitating and controlling THEIR OWN GAME, for


    Im not whit this saying baddly about no one ...it's just the way it is .

    secure the entertaining to everybody that looks for it in ogame.

    :cookie: :bday:
  • hi redfox

    would you be so kind and write without these annoying extra lines and the early linebreaks? would make your text easier to read and understand.

    so what is the idea in your post? i havent seen any suggestion in your post nor did i understand what your problem is.

  • the problem is the farming effect that you and i see everyday in ogame , takes new players to leave the ogame ,a small correction on the core would do wonderful .

    See , i will not put money in my account because the "farming" that higher level users do to lower level users, its like i put 20.000 darkmatter trough cellphone , hire a commander and a mines engenirie , but the advantage that it suppose give me , vanish wen a higher user "farms" my planets like every day!!! that WY many people dont buy dark matter (i included).

    to avoid this kind of FRAUD , a meter should be created to create a balance between higher level users and low level users .

    it would involve the level of resources and the level of researches to find a balance between the attacker and the defender. Generating than clean environment in ogame (farming effect).

    PLUS the "farming" should and must be considered an insult as heavy , or other classified terms, its racism action and its like slavering new players causing the abandon of the accounts .

    if a level meter was created , more people would put money in the accounts (because its a save investment), and the higher level users would also invest more because they would fight against balanced fighters(

    they will fight against same level, they will loose more they will fight

    more they will spend more .)

    Now gameforge as a company sustained in entertaining field, they must garantie that players play for free (they announce it) that players are respected (farming does not respect the users ) and above all as a entertaining company they must garantee that entertaining is accomplish by users , "farming" is by far away of that goal , and the difference between several players does not entertain nobody , people actually ABANDON THE GAME(after expending allot of personal time in a world were time is money).

    So for new users to be able to be respected and to actually play the game , a meter should be created , IT WILL MAKE MORE MONEY(if that is a problem) and it will be more fun to people to play.

    Best regards for those u understands the fact :bday:
  • but i do know that the "farming" is giving alote of money trough a "backhalley" it envolves on selling ogame accounts/resources after a gamer quit.

    once more

    Im not whit this saying baddly about no one ...it's just the way it is .

    secure the entertaining to everybody that looks for it in ogame.
  • ah ok now i understand.

    there will be a new noob protection with 3.0 maybe you should have a look at the changes. lower players will be better protected against stronger players and have more time to build up their defenses until the strong players can attack them.

    for now i would advice you to build up your defenses and just be online more often to take care of your resources. dont let your enemies see your resources because if they dont see them (because you send them away or invested them in defense) they wont attack you.


    see also:
    Protection of weaker users Protection of weaker user
  • yes ok it can be possible , to play save , but for exemple in my old acount i had no minimum change because were people PAYING to atack me exactly in the moment that i laid down in bed i caught them doing this , the intention was to sell my acount .

    Now they should put a standart i already saw the option for number of points but that is very relative , imagine also this ,in a ring fight , you will never put a heavy height champion whit a light height champion , it is moderated ,because its entertaining , now gameforge is also OBLLYED BY LAW to standart this dificulties that NEW PLAYERS HAVE due to the vicius cicle that is found in ogame , they are forced to meter the diference of the players to MAKE THIS ENTERTAINING . or else its fraud and extortion .IT CAN BE LAW SUED BY ANYONE THAT AS LOOSES OF MONEY AND TIME SINCE TIME IS MONEY .

    i will not sue them because im homeless, but anybody that looses money for the diference problem CAN AND IT WILL WIN THE LEGAL BATTLE USING THE STANDARTS THAT I LEFT HERE IN THIS PAGE ITS LEGAL!!!!
  • i can't understand what you write but i think you agreed on the terms of use.

    btw the same argument i read out of your text would be: if i walk on the street and i dont get money from the city i can go to court? very strange.

    so what you do with your sparetime is up to you. if you don't want to loose time than don't play ANY game.
  • Good point there let's discuse that.

    well the Tc is explicite under gameplay level and what they offer and what you can do on it ( resumed) Currect
    ? yes.
    Is this open for u everybody that wants ? yes . It's entertaining? No.

    Can a homeless lawsue anyone? No

    Can anyone lawsue gameforge for lack of moderation of their one game? Yes.( under their Tc and the legal law in their country as long on any country that ogame is played.)

    Does ogame have underground market for acounts whit good levels response ? Yes.

    u is the responsabilitie for moderate them ? Gameforge.

    Does a levelresources&&levelresearchs meter would estimulate the production of the game and even clean the environment in the ogame perpeling it to exactly what is entertaining and free? Yes.

    (to avoid farming to NEW players( can be viewed and assembled as vicios gameplay and RACIST ACTS (it is not mention in tc i copied), that actually damages u is starting the game, going against some lines in the tc's).

    Discuse this as a Man and fan of ogame im not a worker of the ogame but im doing it!!

    Don't resume your self to the interest that you might have in several landscape inside and OUTSIDE Ogame my friend.

    The objective is to create a smooth gameplay of Ogame .

    It would have 3 level of control at third level you would be free to fight against u you really want.

    It's simple , clear, objective , fair , un-vicius and anti-racism desicion, maybe i should present my self to the real owners of Ogame and explaining to them several aspects ,( legal and non legal, productive and lucrative ).

    im homeless but im a MAN sir.
  • i get the feelin that you want to troll me.

    btw i m in no means associated with gameforge so i cant say anything about the topic and this forum even seems to be the wrong place for such a discussion.

    if there are no other arguments i'll close this thread.

    ps: your english really makes it difficult to get the point out of your posts.
  • .....ok.

    Well before you close it , take a really good look on your posts ! it looks to me and everybody that YOU wanted to troll ME.

    i would consider it a miss respect from a user that is in Ogame origin longer than me , besides wen you say "Terms of use" means that you actually don't bother whit details , it's T&C that means Terms and Conditions.

    This also means that you din't give a dam for my idea.

    I think you should let the topic open until it stays back ended in the board, to respect u actually gives a real meaning to u create the game and that gives you a function ( the people that play it).

    p.s. : Well i'm sorry for my grammar errors and phrases construction , it means that i'm not english by nature , but i try ......

    p.s.: Your attitude says all about you , I SAY THANK YOU for your kindness ok , i posted a little better in this tread
    Protection of weaker user - Discussion


    p.s.: by the way :bday: wen comes a user whit good intentions.......
  • PLUS the term "Farming " should be consider an insult (heavy) u the hell

    are you to call me a cow or pig or chicken maybe pinguin or something

    its a racist act and form to be in ogame.

    As an actual penguin, I'd like to weigh in by saying that I have never taken personal offense from any comment that has to do with farming.

    That being said, I'm sure it would be worthwhile to have a broad-ranging discussion about the topics you have brought up... but I just don't know how to respond to what you've said. As a penguin, I pride myself on understanding cryptic texts, but yours I cannot quite decipher. If you can give a summary of your three or four main points in as simplistic a manner as possible, I would be glad to respond to what you are saying and try to help your thread yield some nice fish... err... useful discussion.

    I'd also like to say that to lock a thread is much like sealing a thread, and that as a penguin I am terrified of seals.
  • RedFox wrote:

    i would consider it a miss respect from a user that is in Ogame origin longer than me , besides wen you say "Terms of use" means that you actually don't bother whit details , it's T&C that means Terms and Conditions.

    for me its the same.

    RedFox wrote:

    This also means that you din't give a dam for my idea.

    i haven't understand what you want because:

    RedFox wrote:

    p.s. : Well i'm sorry for my grammar errors and phrases construction , it means that i'm not english by nature , but i try ......

    my mother language isn't english too.

    Edit: RedFox if it is easier for you to tell us what you actually want to say in your mother language than use the [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] tag to add the original to the post. maybe your representative or anybody else can translate it so that we can have a better idea what ya want

    @hodycall: best non trolling troll post i've ever seen