Improving Shipyard while producing units

    • Improving Shipyard while producing units

      Situation: You got a moon and you started to build its basic economy. You leave there a big amount of resources to build or just to prepare for FS to fly with it. For any case, you must to go away (Afk) and after you get back, all your ships are gone. But the resources are still there, attacker is flying with multi wave attack. Next waves contains transports, so you will lose even the resources for sure. You have just a little time for they arrive. You will build the shipyard on lvl 1 and put there what you can, so the attacker will get now the minimum...

      The problem is you get a time production like 150 days and more without a cancel option or to decrease that time. And this situation could happen even on new colony, where you need very much your shipyard.
      You can abort research anytime, but what can you do if you must wait around 200 day till end of shipyard build countdown and without option to decrease the build time?
      I know, that the cancel option could be misused, but why not to add a option to decrease the production time of Shipyard with unlock of the improve button just for this building. You are not able to profit from this, just correct your strategy for keeping the resources. To decrease the time of building queue from 200days to some normal time around 10days. And after that to build what you want or demolish the shipyard.
      Even you can't go into vacation mode if you did this by mistake!

      Edit -
      Ideal way, how it should be done:
      1. logical option is to stop the process with consequences like:
      "You lost the resources from the first unit in the in queue, others will be returned to your storage". or "You are able to pause the production till improving of the Shipyard is done"

      Compromise by marshen and Kamil:
      2. abort shipyard jobs without getting the resources back
      3. option to cancel and lose 3/4 of the resources that were put in a queue
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-

      The post was edited 3 times, last by sirEdward ().

    • that would mean even more moon turtles than ever O.o
      moon turtles are already a problem for MDs and for cargo slap, decreasing the time to build is even way worst and will get moon turtles, to an unprecedented level.
      no for me, sorry.
    • dislike

      a compromise i would accept would be:

      abort shipyard jobs without getting the resources back

      ps: but this would also mean fewer wins for fleeters if they destryo something with BC to get resources later with other ships for example.
    • Omg.. guys ..
      I see again and again, that this game is in hands of hard fleeters. No compromise for miners, no support for they strategy way of playing, just for fleeter, so they get bigger loot.
      I'm very sad, that i'm alone here between you all as representative of peaceful players, who want to bring more reality into game. So any side gets the maximum from the game.

      I don't see any problem with that, someone want to decrease the time of defense build. Because 1. he/she will not get the resorureces back 2. he/she must spend even more resources to improve the building 3. he/she has same rights as you, that he can build what he want even to be biggest turtle in universe and beyond 4. he/she will not obtain any profit from this action.
      If there is only argument, that the attacker has left with empty hands, then it is only childish answer and all miners should immediately leave this game. As they are only a pray.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Although I have played fleeter in the past I currently play miner too, and what you'll find is that a lot of fleeters also have a miner account in a different universe so please keep the fleeter vs miner discussion out of here...

      sirEdward wrote:

      who want to bring more reality into game.
      You want to bring more reality? the current system is more real than what you've proposed. How can you upgrade a shipyard if there's a ship currently in production in that space and so using the manufacturing equipment you wish to upgrade?
    • Kebab wrote:

      Although I have played fleeter in the past I currently play miner too, and what you'll find is that a lot of fleeters also have a miner account in a different universe so please keep the fleeter vs miner discussion out of here...

      yeah, that would actually be nice :)
      coz as a fleeter in univ30 and 42 in .org i would like to point out that i have a TURTLE/MINER account in univ
      so, the discussion about fleeters and miners is illogical and dead end pretty much ;)

      as kebab said, how are you supposed to improve the shipyard while building something ?
      dont you see its gonna get abused so easily ?

      when you have a 200 days queue on a moon, just destroy the moon if you cant wait that much without vmode, and live with it and get a new moon ;)
      i have made twice the mistake of choosing shipyard instead of fleet, and queue 6k lc for example.
      i had to vmode for RL issues, and easy solution, abandon moon and get a new one when you get back TWICE ;)
      so this might be useful for me, but i dont agree with it, coz this isnt strategy you are talking about, thats just pretty much, illogical.
      and yeah, Ogame is pretty much well based around fleeters whether you like it or not and whether others like it or not, ogame with no fleeters would be nothing, and you cant disagree on it.
      ofc there are other playing styles and without them fleeters cant play, but fleeters are the core of the universe.
      Ogame is a WAR game so fleeters are those who rule the universe and are the ones that are pretty much who make the universe exciting and ogame alive.
      remove fleeters, you removed ogame's core and purpose ;)
      why do you think a universe is called DEAD ??
      its becoz simply there aint much more fleets to kill, or pretty much nothing to kill, and so called dead at the end.
      its not becoz miners are there or not or turtles are there or not a universe is called dead.

      again, dislike :)
    • sirEdward wrote:

      I'm very sad, that i'm alone here between you all as representative of peaceful players, who want to bring more reality into game.

      i play as a pure miner too. the problem is that if you want to give miners additional strength you have to take care of so many problems and the biggest is that most fleeters have better mines than medium strength miners. so increasing miners would give the top 3 players an additional boost in most cases. i dont want to explain this now. maybe we can meet up sometime and discuss this topic.
    • Kebab:
      "Although I have played fleeter in the past I currently play miner too, and what you'll find is that a lot of fleeters also have a miner account in a different universe so please keep the fleeter vs miner discussion out of here..." When the answers will be good either for miner and fleeters, i will not say i single word.
      "You want to bring more reality? the current system is more real than what you've proposed. How can you upgrade a shipyard if there's a ship currently in production in that space and so using the manufacturing equipment you wish to upgrade?"
      The current system is more real than.. ? So for you is real, if you start a build process of car in some factory without a option to switch it off ? :) Even a nuclear reactor has this option (even if you can die due to uncontrolled consequences). And far i can see, the shipyard is landshipyard (drydock) not in space. Even if it is in space, there is REAL option to switch off the production. For your next argument, you can anytime improve the factory (IN REAL WORLD) by two option i know :
      1. by step by step upgrade of each manufacture sections till all are on same level (the one with building progress will be as last)
      2. halted production till upgrade end (this choice is ineligible because no productin = no profit)
      For example see any factory for making chips or silicon wafers (upgrading factorys from xx nm building process to yy nm building process). I WANT to see that factory, which can afford to lose the cash flow due some upgrade. Everytime they must come with solution, which will not stop the production.

      As i'm waiting for your answer "i wont be replying too much anymore, coz there isnt any point to do so anymore." there is no reason to wait that i could solve something with you. You telling about dead unis, about balancing of the game and etc, but in principle you twisting in that dead uni without done something against it.
      "Turtle/miner" If someone want to be turtle, why you argue with it? Did someone tell to YOU, you must be not a fleeter? If i wanna be turtle, your only chance to get me, will be you bigger fleet. But i know, for fleeter will be much better for looting ideal defense with ideal fleet defense. And in the other point of view, no one (at least major population of ogame) will not use this option i propose, if they could spend the resources in single way (to improve the factory OR to build something) and not to do it together. Because anyone will reconsider the next action, if he/she is not forced to do something from necessity.
      "when you have a 200 days queue on a moon, just destroy the moon if you cant wait that much without vmode, and live with it and get a new moon ;)" :DDD omg so buy a new car, because you want to change a single light on your car - omg!
      "i have made twice the mistake of choosing shipyard instead of fleet, and queue 6k lc for example." And you newer asked to solve this maze of unlogical "build till end" without any switch off or pause .. nice ;) Kamil, there are rules and RULES, you are not a zombie, you can solve anything if there is principle fact. I'm not arguing with you if the water is wet or dry. And my proposal is not a nonsense.
      "so this might be useful for me, but i dont agree with it, coz this isnt strategy you are talking about, thats just pretty much, illogical." Illogical? Bah.. Illogical would to leave the resources to the attacker, if you can spare them for your advantages. Thats would be illogical. And either is illogical, when must wait till the factory will spit the final product without any option to stop it :D This is illogical. And i can name xy illogical things in ogame, but i'm talking now only about this.
      "and yeah, Ogame is pretty much well based around fleeters whether you like it or not and whether others like it or not, ogame with no fleeters would be nothing, and you cant disagree on it." Becuase the fleeter have full mounth of "OGame is war game" this is only theirs truth. See the real world. Only the radicals, rebels and hotblooded people are heard on tv or on streets. Did you ever see someone peacefull ? You dont see those people, you dont even heard them. Only for that, major players on forum are these fleeters as they will show their skills how many fleets they have destroyed. Think about this simple fact, as psychology fact. This is not fleeters game, this is not a miners game. This is a game for anyone who want to build or conquer ;) Without miners you wil bore to death, even if you attack another fleeter, because on the end of any list, one fleeter is living from some miner. And in opposite, miners will bore to death, if there will be no danger from some crazy "ivan" fleeter.
      "ofc there are other playing styles and without them fleeters cant play, but fleeters are the core of the universe." Haha, they just want to be the core :D Anyone want to be core of the universe, either in game either in real world. I will tell you what is core of ogame. Competivity between players.
      "Ogame is a WAR game so fleeters are those who rule the universe and are the ones that are pretty much who make the universe exciting and ogame alive." omg.. you can rule the galaxie even with the economical advance. I have more points as many of the fleeters. And i can build a army in day or two, instead of building it whole time from begining. This is one-way seeing. And after you keep talking about strategy, where is the strategy if you see only fleeters. You limiting the game from the begining, don't wait that the game will bring some more for you.
      "why do you think a universe is called DEAD ??" Why, because there are people shouting, NO CHANGE TO OGAME, NO CHANGE TO OGAME! IT IS GOOD AS IT IS!
      "its becoz simply there aint much more fleets to kill, or pretty much nothing to kill, and so called dead at the end." haha .. no noo . not because of that. Ogame is dying just because GF sleeps when the competition is doing on full thortle. No game can live on same rules in such a long time, even if the game has spirit. Ogame will newer die as game, but there will be just a FEW players and for that GF will stop to support Ogame and this will lead to end.
      "its not becoz miners are there or not or turtles are there or not a universe is called dead." ;) Why? no one will play the game if ths will stay as it is now

      Marshen: Miners are even now only a pray. The difference is just in the sinplicity of getting the loot. The macroeconomy system will raise equaly > miners could defend themselves better < fleeters must think about new strategy to get miners resorces. There will be much more bigger combats, but in other side, only a little will be changed. For bigger defense you still need a resources. Major of players psychology is to be the best one - so because of that the priority will be 1. fleet amount - or- 2. mines level. Those who are thinking futher, those players are building great defenses. Nothing will change the psychology of players. Only if you would lower the cost of defenses ;)
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • "Turtle/miner" If someone want to be turtle, why you argue with it? Did someone tell to YOU, you must be not a fleeter? If i wanna be turtle, your only chance to get me, will be you bigger fleet. But i know, for fleeter will be much better for looting ideal defense with ideal fleet defense. And in the other point of view, no one (at least major population of ogame) will not use this option i propose, if they could spend the resources in single way (to improve the factory OR to build something) and not to do it together. Because anyone will reconsider the next action, if he/she is not forced to do something from necessity.

      first off, i didnt say anything about arguing why ppl will be a turtle or miner, i said i have a top14 turtle/miner account in
      so dont quote small parts of what i said and alter it ;)

      "i have made twice the mistake of choosing shipyard instead of fleet, and queue 6k lc for example." And you newer asked to solve this maze of unlogical "build till end" without any switch off or pause .. nice ;) Kamil, there are rules and RULES, you are not a zombie, you can solve anything if there is principle fact. I'm not arguing with you if the water is wet or dry. And my proposal is not a nonsense.

      your idea doesnt say anything about stopping production, your idea evolves over changing the time of production while having a queue, so start saying things that werent in your original idea, i fully support the option to either cancel and lose 3/4 of the resources that were put in a queue, or stopping the production coz i like the idea, and i always supported it.

      "so this might be useful for me, but i dont agree with it, coz this isnt strategy you are talking about, thats just pretty much, illogical." Illogical? Bah.. Illogical would to leave the resources to the attacker, if you can spare them for your advantages. Thats would be illogical. And either is illogical, when must wait till the factory will spit the final product without any option to stop it :D This is illogical. And i can name xy illogical things in ogame, but i'm talking now only about this.

      yeah, it is illogical to leave resources for the attacker, but it is also illogical what you purposed which is to reduce the times of the building queue after it has been ordered ;)
      ability of stopping it for vacation mode, yeah, good idea, canceling the queue ( that isnt being built ) and getting small part of the resources back, also, can be understandable, but not reduce the time of the queue ordered, thats a no.

      "and yeah, Ogame is pretty much well based around fleeters whether you like it or not and whether others like it or not, ogame with no fleeters would be nothing, and you cant disagree on it." Becuase the fleeter have full mounth of "OGame is war game" this is only theirs truth. See the real world. Only the radicals, rebels and hotblooded people are heard on tv or on streets. Did you ever see someone peacefull ? You dont see those people, you dont even heard them. Only for that, major players on forum are these fleeters as they will show their skills how many fleets they have destroyed. Think about this simple fact, as psychology fact. This is not fleeters game, this is not a miners game. This is a game for anyone who want to build or conquer ;) Without miners you wil bore to death, even if you attack another fleeter, because on the end of any list, one fleeter is living from some miner. And in opposite, miners will bore to death, if there will be no danger from some crazy "ivan" fleeter.

      Ogame IS a war game, thats its definition my friend ;)
      you quote a part of what i say and form a novel around it, i said fleeters are the main part of ogame and they will always be coz without them, there is no Ogame, it will be farmville, but instead of plants and harvesting fruits, you build mines and produce resources, that aint ogame my friend ;)

      "ofc there are other playing styles and without them fleeters cant play, but fleeters are the core of the universe." Haha, they just want to be the core :D Anyone want to be core of the universe, either in game either in real world. I will tell you what is core of ogame. Competivity between players.

      its not about they WANT to be the core of the universe, coz they ARE the core, remove fleeters, you removed everything there is in the game ;)
      even turtles wont be needed, not even a single defense to build coz no one will be raiding and hitting ;)

      "Ogame is a WAR game so fleeters are those who rule the universe and are the ones that are pretty much who make the universe exciting and ogame alive." omg.. you can rule the galaxie even with the economical advance. I have more points as many of the fleeters. And i can build a army in day or two, instead of building it whole time from begining. This is one-way seeing. And after you keep talking about strategy, where is the strategy if you see only fleeters. You limiting the game from the begining, don't wait that the game will bring some more for you.

      you are terribly wrong, if you have mines, doesnt mean you can have fleet ;)
      no matter how big yours mines are, you cant compete in building a fleet with someone that already built a fleet since the start ;)
      someone that fleeted from the beginning will have more fleet than you do, no matter what mines you have and the rate your building fleet from those mines, deal with it ;)

      "why do you think a universe is called DEAD ??" Why, because there are people shouting, NO CHANGE TO OGAME, NO CHANGE TO OGAME! IT IS GOOD AS IT IS!

      there is difference between what you ALWAYS suggest and that is to alter Ogame, and make it a different game, and getting ogame into something better through suggestion that are logical to ogame and the ogame concept ;)

      "its becoz simply there aint much more fleets to kill, or pretty much nothing to kill, and so called dead at the end." haha .. no noo . not because of that. Ogame is dying just because GF sleeps when the competition is doing on full thortle. No game can live on same rules in such a long time, even if the game has spirit. Ogame will newer die as game, but there will be just a FEW players and for that GF will stop to support Ogame and this will lead to end.

      "its not becoz miners are there or not or turtles are there or not a universe is called dead." ;) Why? no one will play the game if ths will stay as it is now

      ahh, so a universe is dead becoz miners are mining and turtles and turtling and building more defense and some mines ? right ? good thinking :)
      a universe is DEAD coz there isnt anything to do in it, no fleets to kill and no raids to do, not becoz either miners are mining or turtles are turtling, they will both continue in what they do with or without fleeters, and if there wasnt fleeters in ogame, there wouldnt have been any so called DEAD universe ;)

      giving suggestions blindly to just alter the game and make it something else isnt what ogame needs my friend.
      most your suggestions wont get any single player more in the game, and none will get anyone to actually stay in it ;)
      these are things that will change ogame and wont do anything good to it and wont get any new players ;)
    • Kamil wrote:

      giving suggestions blindly to just alter the game and make it something else isnt what ogame needs my friend.
      most your suggestions wont get any single player more in the game, and none will get anyone to actually stay in it ;)
      these are things that will change ogame and wont do anything good to it and wont get any new players ;)

    • Kamil wrote:

      first off, i didnt say anything about arguing why ppl will be a turtle or miner, i said i have a top14 turtle/miner account in so dont quote small parts of what i said and alter it ;)

      Did i altered something of yours? > "that would mean even more moon turtles than ever O.o moon turtles are already a problem for MDs and for cargo slap, decreasing the time to build is even way worst and will get moon turtles, to an unprecedented level."
      I think, it is clearly enough what do you want or not from this sentence. And about those miner account of yours. It's interesting, that the miner account is not on the newer uni 39,42 but on univ Let me guess, it's oldest account ;)

      Kamil wrote:

      your idea doesnt say anything about stopping production, your idea evolves over changing the time of production while having a queue, so start saying things that werent in your original idea, i fully support the option to either cancel and lose 3/4 of the resources that were put in a queue, or stopping the production coz i like the idea, and i always supported it.

      My idea is about that there should be a option to improve the shipyard while something is in queue. How to do it is a matter of discussion in this thread ;) Someone was arguing with me, that in real world is impossible to upgrade while it is on with building something.
      "i fully support the option to either cancel and lose 3/4 of the resources that were put in a queue, or stopping the production coz i like the idea, and i always supported it." and mine "The problem is you get a time production like 150 days and more without a cancel option or to decrease that time." First, see your first answer for this idea and and think about your "i always supported it" Marshen came with compromise, what did you bring ? -Dislike-

      Kamil wrote:

      yeah, it is illogical to leave resources for the attacker, but it is also illogical what you purposed which is to reduce the times of the building queue after it has been ordered ;) ability of stopping it for vacation mode, yeah, good idea, canceling the queue ( that isnt being built ) and getting small part of the resources back, also, can be understandable, but not reduce the time of the queue ordered, thats a no.

      First - If you look closer to the "demolition button" in shipyard while is building something, it is stil in red color. Not blended like by improve button while other buildings are in queue. For those who are thinking logical, they will be more than surprised after pushing the demolition button (which is not blended). Second i'm aware of the misusing scenario, where you take the whole invested resources back. Even if i'm for this, i have proposed a nonmisusable compromise. To improve the shipyard while building. You will not get the resouces back, you even must to give more to improve the shipyard. So i'm asking WHY you see there a problem ;)

      Kamil wrote:

      Ogame IS a war game, thats its definition my friend ;) you quote a part of what i say and form a novel around it, i said fleeters are the main part of ogame and they will always be coz without them, there is no Ogame, it will be farmville, but instead of plants and harvesting fruits, you build mines and produce resources, that aint ogame my friend ;)

      First, Kamil i'm not your friend. This is only your sarcastic comment, stop reduce the meaning of that word. If you want to be my Friend, act like that and show some respect like i do. You telling, that the Ogame is a war game. So, please show me where it is writen? Because see >this< There is a, i'm quoting: "OGame is a strategy-game set in space. Thousands of players across the world compete at the same time. In order to play you only need a web browser." Where is the word WAR ?

      Kamil wrote:

      its not about they WANT to be the core of the universe, coz they ARE the core, remove fleeters, you removed everything there is in the game ;) even turtles wont be needed, not even a single defense to build coz no one will be raiding and hitting ;)

      Uhm, so they are core :) Nice argument. This anwser is telling everything :D

      Kamil wrote:

      ahh, so a universe is dead becoz miners are mining and turtles and turtling and building more defense and some mines ? right ? good thinking :)
      a universe is DEAD coz there isnt anything to do in it, no fleets to kill and no raids to do, not becoz either miners are mining or turtles are turtling, they will both continue in what they do with or without fleeters, and if there wasnt fleeters in ogame, there wouldnt have been any so called DEAD universe ;)

      First please read this again: "haha .. no noo . not because of that. Ogame is dying just because GF sleeps when the competition is doing on full thortle. No game can live on same rules in such a long time, even if the game has spirit. Ogame will newer die as game, but there will be just a FEW players and for that GF will stop to support Ogame and this will lead to end." -and- ";) Why? no one will play the game if ths will stay as it is now"
      And i will add something new, there are lot of universes, it's was nonsense from begining to create so much universer instead of one or just a couple (1-3). But this strategy is only for sparing money and HW so there will be not such a server overload.

      Kamil wrote:

      giving suggestions blindly to just alter the game and make it something else isnt what ogame needs my friend.
      most your suggestions wont get any single player more in the game, and none will get anyone to actually stay in it ;)
      these are things that will change ogame and wont do anything good to it and wont get any new players ;)

      Kamil, please list those blinded suggestions of mine, when you are talking about them. Always i put in each of my ideas, if it would bring more players or not. So please, list them here.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Did i altered something of yours? > "that would mean even more moon turtles than ever O.o moon turtles are already a problem for MDs and for cargo slap, decreasing the time to build is even way worst and will get moon turtles, to an unprecedented level."
      I think, it is clearly enough what do you want or not from this sentence. And about those miner account of yours. It's interesting, that the miner account is not on the newer uni 39,42 but on univ Let me guess, it's oldest account ;)

      moon turtles are a problem for fleeters, so i cant tell you i like moon turtles, coz i dont, and most fleeters and raiders dont.
      and this will make problem even bigger if the queue could be reduced while building the defense.

      "i fully support the option to either cancel and lose 3/4 of the resources that were put in a queue, or stopping the production coz i like the idea, and i always supported it." and mine "The problem is you get a time production like 150 days and more without a cancel option or to decrease that time." First, see your first answer for this idea and and think about your "i always supported it" Marshen came with compromise, what did you bring ? -Dislike-

      i replied directly to the idea with a dislike, if you suggested a stop of the queue or something similar i would have totally supported you ;)

      First - If you look closer to the "demolition button" in shipyard while is building something, it is stil in red color. Not blended like by improve button while other buildings are in queue. For those who are thinking logical, they will be more than surprised after pushing the demolition button (which is not blended). Second i'm aware of the misusing scenario, where you take the whole invested resources back. Even if i'm for this, i have proposed a nonmisusable compromise. To improve the shipyard while building. You will not get the resouces back, you even must to give more to improve the shipyard. So i'm asking WHY you see there a problem ;)

      that should be fixed actually, and i agree with you on being able to demolish is illogical while there is a queue and it should be removed.
      the problem lies in the following, instead of having to blow the moon, you will get faster built and finish before having to vmode or scenario similar to that.
      better get the things canceled and resources partially returned ( for the defense not in queue ), or production stopped after a set queue was ordered.

      First, Kamil i'm not your friend. This is only your sarcastic comment, stop reduce the meaning of that word. If you want to be my Friend, act like that and show some respect like i do. You telling, that the Ogame is a war game. So, please show me where it is writen? Because see >this< There is a, i'm quoting: "OGame is a strategy-game set in space. Thousands of players across the world compete at the same time. In order to play you only need a web browser." Where is the word WAR ?
      first off, i am not giving friend less meaning, i do actually consider everyone i talk to and argue with a friend coz they give me something to argue with them and to actually develop new and more ideas ...
      if i didnt respect you, i wouldnt have replied like this, i am not attacking you at all, i am not saying anything bad about you, i didnt even accuse you of anything, if you took it as sarcastic comment, than sorry i didnt mean it.
      second, i didnt mean the definition in the portal ;)
      the definition everyone uses wherever they go ( when noobs come to the board complaining about getting hit by someone bigger, when ppl get hit and start saying things about how its unfair and much much more.. ) even miners use these words " Its a WAR Game "
      also, if it wasnt a war game, why would it have War declarations and wars between certain players and allies etc..
      also, i took this from the description of ogame ( in the homepage, in thesection " ABOUT " )
      Wage war against other empires as you struggle with other players to gain the materials.
      if it wasnt a war game why would they mention it like this ??

      First please read this again: "haha .. no noo . not because of that. Ogame is dying just because GF sleeps when the competition is doing on full thortle. No game can live on same rules in such a long time, even if the game has spirit. Ogame will newer die as game, but there will be just a FEW players and for that GF will stop to support Ogame and this will lead to end." -and- ";) Why? no one will play the game if ths will stay as it is now"
      And i will add something new, there are lot of universes, it's was nonsense from begining to create so much universer instead of one or just a couple (1-3). But this strategy is only for sparing money and HW so there will be not such a server overload.

      yeah, i agree with you about what big and huge and actually costly mistake GF did with opening the universes.
      but also, a dead universe is called like that coz of what i mentioned above, not coz of nothing, or coz of miner or turtles, but oz of fleeters not finding anything to hit ;)

      Kamil, please list those blinded suggestions of mine, when you are talking about them. Always i put in each of my ideas, if it would bring more players or not. So please, list them here.
      i didnt mean you in particular, i meant in general with this statement, but also, i didnt mention only the part of making ogame bring more players with these ideas, but also i said that " none will get anyone to actually stay in it ", few of the ideas you made, like the alarm, and this, and few others will coz what i actually said coz more palyers will leave coz of those changes and no new players will join to re-balance things. Same thing for the alien idea ( i know its not you that suggested it ) and many other ideas i cant think of now.

      sorry for not quoting properly, but i am a bit lazy to quote :P
    • Kamil wrote:

      moon turtles are a problem for fleeters, so i cant tell you i like moon turtles, coz i dont, and most fleeters and raiders dont.
      and this will make problem even bigger if the queue could be reduced while building the defense.

      I did understand it Kamil. But PLEASE don't refusesomething just for that you would have more work to get someones resources. See it from a different angle. Even flerter could do it, because there is always someone better as you (if you are not #1) and that player could attack you. Then you wil welcome this option, so the resources you produced will stay in your investment.

      Kamil wrote:

      i replied directly to the idea with a dislike, if you suggested a stop of the queue or something similar i would have totally supported you ;)

      How come, that marshen get the point and you not ? And next interesting thing is, that marshen is a miner (as he said). But no way for other explanation, i will simple add that to the topic for anyone happiness.

      Kamil wrote:

      that should be fixed actually, and i agree with you on being able to demolish is illogical while there is a queue and it should be removed.
      the problem lies in the following, instead of having to blow the moon, you will get faster built and finish before having to vmode or scenario similar to that.
      better get the things canceled and resources partially returned ( for the defense not in queue ), or production stopped after a set queue was ordered.

      Yes it's nonsense to blow the moon or even adandon a colony (because the colony is not excluded from this) just to "repair" that action with full build queue. (I will add this demolish button problem to small implement area, as it's likewise a "game bug"). But why is better to cancel the production with getting partially invested resources ? I don't understand this your point of view. Could you please explain it to me? Because only logical way is to stop the process with consequences like:
      "You lost the resources from the first unit in the in queue, others will be returned to your storage". or "You are able to pause the production till improving of the building is done"

      Kamil wrote:

      first off, i am not giving friend less meaning, i do actually consider everyone i talk to and argue with a friend coz they give me something to argue with them and to actually develop new and more ideas ...
      if i didnt respect you, i wouldnt have replied like this, i am not attacking you at all, i am not saying anything bad about you, i didnt even accuse you of anything, if you took it as sarcastic comment, than sorry i didnt mean it.
      second, i didnt mean the definition in the portal ;)
      the definition everyone uses wherever they go ( when noobs come to the board complaining about getting hit by someone bigger, when ppl get hit and start saying things about how its unfair and much much more.. ) even miners use these words " Its a WAR Game "
      also, if it wasnt a war game, why would it have War declarations and wars between certain players and allies etc..
      also, i took this from the description of ogame ( in the homepage, in thesection " ABOUT " )
      Wage war against other empires as you struggle with other players to gain the materials.
      if it wasnt a war game why would they mention it like this ??

      If it's so with the friend, then the apologize is on my side. So please accept my apologize.
      About the Ogame definition. Even in real world, the wars was declared in time. But just for that you can't define the planet Earth as War world (even if some green men from outer space can tell this for sure, if he see us earthlings). It's nonsense to argue what genre OGame is. It's a strategy and that is clear, i think for both of us. And the strategy means, that you want to achieve something by any way. But you can choose the side - by combat or by knowledge (research) power through economical superiority. WAR is always about killing someone.

      Kamil wrote:

      yeah, i agree with you about what big and huge and actually costly mistake GF did with opening the universes.
      but also, a dead universe is called like that coz of what i mentioned above, not coz of nothing, or coz of miner or turtles, but oz of fleeters not finding anything to hit ;)

      I did understand you previously and i do understand you now. Just pointing on that fact, that first must be done to get the existing people together and then bring a change to game, as it is not atractive for most of players (and this is a fact). I would not write here and keep talking about changes, if i don't see any problem here. In my country, Ogame is getting to extinction. DE, ORG and some other countrys have still around 25k players and more, but you can see even here the players outflow. Always getting to a new created uni is not a choice, but a way back (and then the dead unis are rising).

      Kamil wrote:

      i didnt mean you in particular, i meant in general with this statement, but also, i didnt mention only the part of making ogame bring more players with these ideas, but also i said that " none will get anyone to actually stay in it ", few of the ideas you made, like the alarm, and this, and few others will coz what i actually said coz more palyers will leave coz of those changes and no new players will join to re-balance things. Same thing for the alien idea ( i know its not you that suggested it ) and many other ideas i cant think of now.

      Because, Kamil you mentioned this before, that i came with some nonworking ideas which should bring players to Ogame. Stop that please. If you look into my own ideas, you can always see note, that this idea could/would attract more players or even make the game popular (quest system, interactive tutorial, ingame market). Others ideas from me, or those when i just response to 'em are only small improvment ideas with low priority to game status. I can response to anythin, like the more species in ogame, because i'm thinking about all. I'm comparing the impact for the game and i never will say never. I'll always support realism in game as much as possible to the possible corner, where more disadvantages will popup as advantages. Always keep on mind, that good game must be comfortable for players. As much as you will support each community
      (in this game - fleeter/miners), so better for attrativeness and will for play for you.

      Kamil wrote:

      sorry for not quoting properly, but i am a bit lazy to quote :P

      No problem, i'm tired too ^^
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • its night now and i am pretty tired to respond again, i will surely write something to explain what i meant in the previous things above ;)
      and btw, we agree on many points, but we also, disagree on many points ;)
      we arent that bad, we actually argue alot, but at least we argue on something useful :P
      anw, i will reply on this tomorrow :)
    • Hi !
      I think your suggestion is unfair for the person who took advantage of your "mistake".
      You should have two choice :
      1) Let the guy take what he was coming for (he took the risk to attack you !)
      2) Or penalize yourself if you put too much ressources in queue, by destroying your moon / new colony.
      If the suggestion regarding the vacation mode that freezes tech/build/shipyard is accepted, the game will already go in the same direction than your proposal...

      Maybe we just shouldn't be allowed to queue 100M ressources in a shipyard level 1... :D
    • NusaDua: unfair? While you still breathing, you should have a choice to do something for your own interest.. not for anyone else interest. It's like childish saying "it's unfair!!!@#!" after he/she lost in game with someone just because he/she was sure about wining the game.

      NusaDua wrote:

      1) Let the guy take what he was coming for (he took the risk to attack you !)
      Are you kidding me ? I should thank him for it? :)

      NusaDua wrote:

      2) Or penalize yourself if you put too much ressources in queue, by destroying your moon / new colony.
      Penalize for what? That i'm still able to change the result of combat for my own good?

      Sorry, but your subscription is unfair only for the defender. The attackers, as aggresive act towards defender, are always in risk if they will be victorious or not.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • sirEdward wrote:

      NusaDua wrote:

      1) Let the guy take what he was coming for (he took the risk to attack you !)
      You are kidding me ? I should thank him for it? :)

      no but you shouldn't let your resources/fleet standing so that someone attacks you. it is already your fault if you are such a valuable target and you have to deal with it. I can only support NusaDuas arguments because I think the same :P