I have noticed and mentioned already in my recension, that the alliance (alli.) manager is place with only a little options to choose from.
I think, anybody would welcome new options and richer content of alli. manager. Therefore, i come with some ideas to improve this game part. As new element for game where any alli. leader can play with the rewarding of the member or just to see how far is the member in gameplay.
Possible options for Alliance manager part
1. New privileges option to see part of inner section, where one can put the informations about fleets, colony positions and other things which you can only show to someone you can trust in 100% (no newbie members)
2. Option for alli. leaders to see automatically how much of every ships have each member in the alliance and where he has colonies.
3. Option for alli. leaders to penalize its members (through giving a mark on his name in inner section or marking the newbie member, who cheated into alli. only to get informations about them - this player can be marked as "s" spy, so anyone could be aware of him for time of one month)
4. Possibility of declaring wars within the alliance menu (This information should be vissible in the alliance page, and may be notify with automatic alliance messages (Alliance X has declared you WAR, it will start at XX:XX:XX; Your alliance has declared War to XX...) -DirdamLaer idea-
5. Beeing able of writing a goodbye message when you kick-out a member (you are out because you are inactive many days, or something like that) -DirdamLaer idea-
6. BBC editor for editing inner and outer area, with preview option
7. Option for alliance - to place own recruitment buoy with popup text (like: Alliance Xy is recruiting new members..) to the galaxy view aka new symbol icon (between icon of Moon and debris field icon).
Can be attached to one member of that alliance (buoy symbol will be placed by each of his colony) or to alliance name (to each member planet of the alliance)
8. Aliance board - a place, where aliance member can read news/comments/motto of the day/and other stuff from other members.
Of course, there should be aded a privilege to use the board within the ranks privileges.
9. Aliance spying network - inner section database, where after you fill-in specific player name, you will see his/hers planets within sight reach of your aliance member. Also anyone from ali. members, which will come to contact (galaxy view) with that player, will be used as updater of planet positions for selected player of interest. Sugestion based on galaxy tool.
10. Aliance memebership tax - there could be tax, based on transfer of specific amount of resources (metall/crystal/deuterium) to the founder of aliance or specific rank in aliance. IT can be misused, but in the other side can have a significant use potential.
11. Inner trade system within the aliance alias Aliance Auctioneer - Place where aliance members can trade their resources without asking Game Operator.
12. Aliance realtime chat system. This is a must, if a developer want to occupy player mind with something different as the game itsel (good marketing move for boring games). As it can be a significant slowdown for the game or security issue, existing systems can be used and platforme crossed with existing game interface. IRC for example implemented to the aliance menu with scripts like automatic creation of name and channel..
I will add more and more options, when the community will support this idea (i will add to this post each positive idea from anyone who will come with something good).
10/10/11 added new idea (6)
20/10/11 added new idea (7)
13/04/12 added new ideas (8,9,10,11,12)
I think, anybody would welcome new options and richer content of alli. manager. Therefore, i come with some ideas to improve this game part. As new element for game where any alli. leader can play with the rewarding of the member or just to see how far is the member in gameplay.
1. New privileges option to see part of inner section, where one can put the informations about fleets, colony positions and other things which you can only show to someone you can trust in 100% (no newbie members)
2. Option for alli. leaders to see automatically how much of every ships have each member in the alliance and where he has colonies.
3. Option for alli. leaders to penalize its members (through giving a mark on his name in inner section or marking the newbie member, who cheated into alli. only to get informations about them - this player can be marked as "s" spy, so anyone could be aware of him for time of one month)
4. Possibility of declaring wars within the alliance menu (This information should be vissible in the alliance page, and may be notify with automatic alliance messages (Alliance X has declared you WAR, it will start at XX:XX:XX; Your alliance has declared War to XX...) -DirdamLaer idea-
5. Beeing able of writing a goodbye message when you kick-out a member (you are out because you are inactive many days, or something like that) -DirdamLaer idea-
6. BBC editor for editing inner and outer area, with preview option
7. Option for alliance - to place own recruitment buoy with popup text (like: Alliance Xy is recruiting new members..) to the galaxy view aka new symbol icon (between icon of Moon and debris field icon).
Can be attached to one member of that alliance (buoy symbol will be placed by each of his colony) or to alliance name (to each member planet of the alliance)
8. Aliance board - a place, where aliance member can read news/comments/motto of the day/and other stuff from other members.
Of course, there should be aded a privilege to use the board within the ranks privileges.
9. Aliance spying network - inner section database, where after you fill-in specific player name, you will see his/hers planets within sight reach of your aliance member. Also anyone from ali. members, which will come to contact (galaxy view) with that player, will be used as updater of planet positions for selected player of interest. Sugestion based on galaxy tool.
10. Aliance memebership tax - there could be tax, based on transfer of specific amount of resources (metall/crystal/deuterium) to the founder of aliance or specific rank in aliance. IT can be misused, but in the other side can have a significant use potential.
11. Inner trade system within the aliance alias Aliance Auctioneer - Place where aliance members can trade their resources without asking Game Operator.
12. Aliance realtime chat system. This is a must, if a developer want to occupy player mind with something different as the game itsel (good marketing move for boring games). As it can be a significant slowdown for the game or security issue, existing systems can be used and platforme crossed with existing game interface. IRC for example implemented to the aliance menu with scripts like automatic creation of name and channel..
I will add more and more options, when the community will support this idea (i will add to this post each positive idea from anyone who will come with something good).
10/10/11 added new idea (6)
20/10/11 added new idea (7)
13/04/12 added new ideas (8,9,10,11,12)
The post was edited 14 times, last by sirEdward ().