update tools/website since v2.1.2

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    • benneb wrote:

      a lot of tools/website are not updated with this version

      thats because there are still bugs.

      sometimes the time is 90 seconds less, sometimes 89 secs and most of the time its 88 secs.

      raicheron made an evaluation when this happens which i could use to fix the formula BUT why should I use something to calculate inaccurate values?

      these bugs have been there since the early beginning of the patch and I reported them as soon as possible to WTH but they haven't fixed them until now. He only told that "We look into it" but yeah... nothing changed.

      So my website has the old values and the exact old values. No rounding failures at all. I don't change it because it was and is exact. So if you want the real time than substract 88, 89 or 90 seconds...