Changing Slot Usage of Espionage Probes

  • Changing Slot Usage of Espionage Probes

    Original Idea on
    Slotverbrauch von Spios

    Short & without details:
    Changing the way probes work, so they dont use any fleet slots.

    Possible impacts on the game:
    • Less time to invest for searching "victims"
    • Possbile unknown impact on the admiral officer
    • Probe spam à la extreme
    • Alot more fake activity stars in the galaxy

    Suggestions from other users:
    • Link the amount of probes that can be sent to a variable (eg. espionage/computer technology)
    • Have a fixed amount of espionage missions at the time
    • Only allow a fixed amount of missions per minute/hour or per planet

    Often Asked:
    No, only missions that only exist out of probes and are on espionage mission wont use any fleet slots

    I may also tell you guys, that the most of the responses in the original thread were positive :)
  • So... probes wont take up a fleetslot on an esp mission, they will take up an espionage slot?

    can we still send battleships with a probe on an espionage mission and hope for counterespionage? hehe, no, im sure it would be quite simple to make sure this isn't abused.

    i get frustrated sending out probes and having to wait... if a fleetslot is just a mission that can be monitored by your computers, shouldnt it be less demanding on the processors to monitor a wee espionage mission? maybe an espionage mission could take up one half of a fleetslot.

    i like the idea +1!
  • maybe espionage technology should give you extra slots for spy missions only? so for example computer technology 17 and espionage technology 15 will give you 18 fleet slots + 16 extra slots for spy missions => total of 34 slots for spy missions.

    don't think it's good to have a unlimited amount of spy missions. so this would give you a limit, that you will still hit. but you can spy much much more in a shorter time then now.