laser, ion and plasma

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  • laser, ion and plasma


    My suggestion is that when you get you laser, ion and plasma tegnologies to level, that you can build every ship and defence that uses them, there is no idea to develope them further.

    So if every level of those tegnologies would add like 10- 50% more firepower to ships and defences that uses them, there would be a reason to develope those.

    The %-would be count from the main value of the ships or defences firepower (like lightlaser main value is 100 laser tegnology to level 1 would add 10% =110)
    if the main value is increased the weapon tegnolocy levels effect even more.

    In defence the firepower % could go like this:

    every level of laser: light laser + 20% heavy laser +10%

    every level of ion: ioncanon +30%

    every level of plasma: plasmacanon +10%

    In ships the firepower % would be different than defence, because I think that smaller ships (ligh/heavy fighter) uses laser type weapons so they get like +20% of every level of laser, but the bigger ones like destroyer uses all types of weapons so they would get +10% from all 3-tegnologies. The bombers bombs could get like +20% of destruction power from every level of plasma. I´m not sure what weapons other ships uses, but the same idea whit them.

    There could be a new tegnology called the rocket tegnolgy so the rocketlauncher and gauscannon would have their own tegnology

    I`m sorry if this idea is already listet and sorry my bad english (from finland :) )
  • greats to finland.

    mikzu27 what you suggested would simplify the game which is always good but it also limits the progression you can make in the game. One additional problem is that the balancing would be changed on may aspects. Balancing is one of the hardest things in designing a game.
    Have you thought about the defense of the ships? If you could advance the attack power of ships you need something to balance their defense stats. Shall a light fighter with high techs destroy the first battlecruiser of a new player? Don't think that this would be fair and possible reason for player losses.

  • Should laser, ion and plasma tegnologies bring bonuses to def and attack stats? 13
      Yes, these tech should give some bonuses, but the idea needs futher development. (7) 54%
      No, it is good as it is now. (4) 31%
      Yes, definitely there should be some bonuses after research. (2) 15%
    Gentlemans, you both have the truth. All players know, that those three technologies (and not only these three) are fon one use only, what is only a disadvantage. Searching for how to repair this "GF mistake" with another suggestion is, i think, not a very clever idea. As we can do it till end of world, core "mistake" should be repaired in first priority. Rebalancing the game environment would be then the second step.
    Acceptable kompromise could be something like this:
    Bonuses from each level of these three techs can be only small like 2% - 3%. Of course, all def. and attack stats must be rewrited - as the balance of the game must be fulfilled.
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-
  • I agree that there shouldn't be any redundant technologies, but it's also true that if these three techs enhance weapons then it widens the gap between strong and weak even more. I would object just on the grounds that I've grown accustomed to eyeballing an enemy's fleet, defenses, and 3 combat researches to figure out what I need to attack him with, and whether or not its worth having antigame send the data to dragosim... with 6 research variables instead of 3, I don't think I could ever have the same confidence in my educated guesses.

    What about this:

    Ion tech increases Metal Mine output by 2% per level
    Laser tech increases Crystal Mine output by 2% per level
    Plasma tech increases Deuterium Synthesizer output by 2% per level
    Energy tech increases Energy Output (Solar Plant, Fusion Reactor, Solar Satellites) by 2% per level

    Percentages adjustable, of course... this makes the game more dynamic on the mining side of things.
  • At the moment the energy tech almost increases the fusion plant.

    This ist one of the big advantages of the fusion plant in relation to solar plant or satelites.

    If with this idea the energy output of the solar plant and satelites is also increased, the balance is completely against the fusion plant.

    => Only two energy sources would be used :

    * solar plant
    + indestructable
    - cost place on planet
    - cost per energy increases with level

    * satelites
    + no place lost on planet
    + same cost per energy
    - needs to be protected (def)

    So the only chance to hold all three sources in game would be that the increase of energy for the fusion plant is additional to the current formula.
  • "The energy production of the fusion plant is calculated like that:
    30 * [Level Fusion Plant] * (1,05 + [Level Energy Technology] * 0,01) ^ [Level Fusion Plant]"

    You know, somebody mentioned in another thread that someone who had been playing for four years thought that all jump gates were inactivated at once, and i had a hard time believing that... but I've been playing OGame for 6 years and I didn't know that!

    Yes, the benefit to fusion plant would have to be more than to solsat or solplant... maybe it could be like this:

    Fusion: 8%
    Solar Planet: 4%
    Solar Satellite: 2%
  • hmm, maybe solsats should be encouraged more because of the risk involved in their construction... but still not as much as fusion because fusion sucks... how about this:

    Fusion: 8%
    Sat: 5%
    Plant: 2%


    and maybe lower cost increase factor of energy tech... already really really high considering the cost of terraformers...
  • do you think your 1k sats will die quicker with 300 more players in your universe? even if they are in bigger danger why didnt you build more defense before the fusion?

    i think we all have heard this question for quite a while now and i think that the general consensus is that satellites are strong enough as they are and that making them even stronger would lessen fleeters options.

    so if your idea would be implemented there should be no high increase.

    ps: have you thought about the existing formulas and how they work? maybe sats wouldn't receive any bonus due to rounding... just a spontanous idea.
  • Energy output of solar satellite on my coldest planet is 25 right now, and I have Energy Tech 12...

    Level 0 Energy tech: 25
    Level 1: 25*1.05=26
    Level 2: 25*1.1=28
    Level 3: 25*1.15=29
    Level 4: 25*1.2=31
    Level 12: 25*1.6=40

    Number of sats required to produce 1.000 energy w/ Level 0 Energy tech: 40
    Number of sats required to produce 1.000 energy w/ Level 12 Energy tech: 25

    my warmest planet, output is 35

    Level 0 Energy Tech: 35
    Level 1: 35*1.05= 37
    Level 2: 35*1.1=39
    Level 3: 35*1.15=40
    Level 4: 35*1.2=42
    Level 12: 35*1.6=56

    Number of sats required to produce 1.000 energy w/ Level 0 Energy tech: 29
    Number of sats required to produce 1.000 energy w/ Level 12 Energy tech: 16

    Looks like you might be right, 5% is too great an increase, unless we downgrade the initial output of solsats - and solar plants - so that by the time players bring their energy tech up to 12 they receive only slightly more energy than now
  • a reasonable level would bei 18. costs only 150million res. with this level you would double the energy production.
    that means that you have instead 1000 satellites only 500 satellites and there you see my concern. this will make satellites highly unattractive to attack.

    so i'm more convinced that this idea doesnt work out so good now.