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  • MetaUniverse

    There should be a only one uni per country.

    What does mean "MetaUniverse"? I am strictly against tens of unis in each country (included special unis), because this only limits players amount in other unis. Therefore i brought this idea for discussion. MetaUniverse is one huge uni (server if you like) in each country, with a limit of 50k+ players. The investment will surely bring them results, otherwise a technology called cloud computing can be used to spare money.

    How should it work? These MetaUniverse
    would look like a normal uni, but in each galaxie would be a different/special functions, like we know from special unis. One would be faster, second with different physical properties (planetary defense to the debris) and so on. It is easy to imagine, only harder to create in case of functionality. But nothing what can be solved. Galaxies in this metauniverse would be not function-combinable - you can´t do research faster if you have home planet in normal galaxie and colony in galaxie alike to faster special uni. All will be determined, in which galaxie you have started. So, you can choose where to start, which function do you like (special unis equivalent). But in other side, you can attack a player in other galaxie, or colonize a planet in other galaxie - just with the properties of your home planet galaxie..

    +no players splited on dozens of unis, all players together
    +more strategy oportunitys for players
    +each country with one uni
    +game popularity


    -great rewrites to the game must be done to achieve this complexivity
    -starting investments
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-
  • A MetaUniverse with different setting for each Galaxy? So - for example - You start in Galaxy 1 - with "normal" settings - and end in Galaxy 2 - with double speed and 50% defense to debris? Also 50k Players are too much... This would need really big efforts (planing, balancing, programming and so on..) just for one universe (for each language ofc.), which never get full (IMHO)...

    Sorry, buts too much. ;)
  • With a universe which contains different speeds per galaxy it can happen, that player A (single speed) is attacked by a player B (4xspeed). This player will have no chance to def.
    Also ingame trades are not fair, because player A (single speed) will never get res as fast as player B (4xspeed).

    So each universe must have ONE speed.

    Also in case of DiTf or AKS. How would you take care of this problems ?

    Player A (0% DiTf) is attacked by player B (50% DiTf). Will the Def go into the Debris ? And if yes, how many of the Def will be self-rebuild ? (50% in Debris + 70% rebuild => 120% of Res are in Universe. Nice option to push ;)

    Or Player A (with AKS) is attacking player B (without AKS). Player A is able to bring player C in the AKS, but Player B cannot use AKS-Def ?

    So this parameters can also not differ within one universe.
  • Do you want one uni per country ? 13
      No, i'm totally against it! (11) 85%
      Yes, it should be so! (1) 8%
      The idea is good, but it should be done otherwise. (1) 8%
    Gentlemens, yes i can imagine it.

    Most used galaxy in each uni (i think, as it is in our country) is the first galaxy with you home planet. Other galaxys are only weakly occupied, so it is waste of space and potentional. I know this idea is "hard to create", BUT..
    As i mentioned, the advantage of one big universe in each country, where all players are together, is at least for reconsideration.

    In attachment is a small sketch, how it can work:
    Primary database contains players data, account data, planets placement, home planet (you can choose to which galaxie you want to go in start), reserach status, fleet status - so it is only static data. In other side, we have here "separate process database" which is something with data about your galaxy behaviour (equivalent to special uni), as support for primary database, it attach dynamic data to it, so it can work together with maximum latency. Each galaxy has his own Arithmetical comparator, which do the necessary calculation as we know from existing ogame version (Time for fleets arrive, attacks,..). In others side we have her Auxilliary Arithmetical comparator, which is doing these calculations between each galaxy. This comparator contains the "Restrictor policy server", which as mentioned before corrects the times, or limits your fleets speed if you cross through each galaxy with different specs. "Time sync. server" will manage the in-game time, so nothing will do unnecessary lags.
    I dont know how the uni-merging tool from GF look like, but it can help this case (maybe import whole uni specs into "galaxy" - therefore that term "separate process database")

    "With a universe which contains different speeds per galaxy it can happen, that player A (single speed) is attacked by a player B (4xspeed). This player will have no chance to def."
    No, if your fleet would cross the border of other galaxy it will limited to its specs.
    "Also ingame trades are not fair, because player A (single speed) will never get res as fast as player B (4xspeed)."
    Yes, this is not fair. But it is realistic, as in normal life the faster one is profiting from the slower one. This can be solved with addition of limits in each galaxy, so it will be not profitable for anyone to do non fair trade.
    "A MetaUniverse with different setting for each Galaxy? So - for example - You start in Galaxy 1 - with "normal" settings - and end in Galaxy 2 - with double speed and 50% defense to debris? Also 50k Players are too much... "
    No, you can choose in which galaxy you want to start. For newbie it will be the normal one (galaxy 1). That 50K players limit was only layout, but it should be not surely under 15K players.
    • metauniverse.jpg

      149.67 kB, 1,201×629, viewed 200 times
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-
  • I voted no, but it is a really interesting idea, we should play around with it for sure! :)

    Problems: how many galaxies would you have? With all players from one country in one uni, you might need more than 9! Also, you would need more than 9 just to handle the variations... consider the many permutations...

    Speed: 1x, 2x, 4x
    ACS: On/Off
    Defense into Debris Field: 0%, 30%, 50%
    Fleet into Debris Field: 30%, 70%
    Defense Rebuilt: 30%, 50%

    There's 72 permutations right there... maybe you wouldn't need all of them to be included but the more feature variation, the more galaxies you would need to add -OR- the more feature combination permutations you would need to cut.

    Anyways, you would certainly need much more than 9 unis to accommodate all the players from a country, leaving planets spread very very far apart... and when the uni depopulates, as it naturally would, you have very few players, VERY far apart from one another. The death of a massive uni would take place much faster.

    Aside from that though, your diagram makes sense, it could be done (with a big investment, yes - and speaking of investments, you want people to invest their time setting up an account on a system much more prone to instability - especially if you introduce cloud computing!), but the fundamental problems already pointed out - like having galaxies run at different speeds and the trade imbalances that could come out of that - could not be overcome without a huge mess of patchwork that would discourage players from understanding the game, and getting involved in it.

    The aspect of your idea that I like is that it complicates the geography of OGame - we all know what size/temperature variations can come out of colonizing a planet in slot 1 or 7 or 15, and how the planet artwork can vary based on slot position and oddness/evenness of the solar system, but what if different galaxies - and different regions of galaxies - were different from one another in some way? Perhaps more metal/crystal could be produced in some areas, perhaps some galaxies would be 'denser' with smaller distances between planets, maybe some galaxies would be populated by bots with various behaviours, some regions could be well known to yield consistently better expedition results, and so on. There's a lot of potential here, a lot of ways to generate unique characteristics for different regions in a universe that would motivate players to develop appropriate strategies that 'suit the land' so to speak. You could even have one galaxy in hyperspace, with each solar system in that galaxy equidistant from the same numbered solar system of every other galaxy (let's say 50 systems distant)... you've certainly opened up a can of worms in allowing for galaxy variation within a single universe!

    But, I realize that the thrust of your idea has to do with creating a single enormous universe, and I honestly can't contort my mind in any way that sees that working out. I think that we might be seeing this kind of massively populated universe, filled with many many powerful accounts and skilled players, be created with the upcoming mergers. But still, in the case of the mergers, one country won't have all it's eggs in one basket.
  • The problem with initial suggestion is that the author tries to mix incompatible things, such as different uni speeds and increased drops. A MetaUniverse, in fact, must always be based on standard game speed, no matter the number of galaxies involved. My own guess is that it shouldn't get past 15, as the key problem with old realms is the lack of new population, which isn't possible to attract if starting accounts are to be grown from scratch.

    And yes, I've seen a lot of fleeters including Mocoloco sharing ideas about it. An advanced Country Ladder system would be a good step towards this enhanced fusion, especially, if it gets combined with this. 8)

    P.S. The idea is good, but it should be done otherwise.