Announcement Overview & How to translate

  • Overview & How to translate

    • Please use the English templates Area in the Origin Localized Forum to have an overview of all the available english templates ready for translations. We collect and store all original versions. It's much easier to check and update them here than in all national boards.
    • Every user can translate now, but please read the following instructions carefully to keep uniformity.
    • All content is free!
      - Everything written on the Origin Board is open to everyone worldwide! Results of this international cooperation are translated into all languages that GameForge provides and are available to the communities, so YOU are allowed to hand them down to your community.
      - Feel free to copy and paste it or link it at your national board! If you need help to post it correctly in your board, you should simply ask your national mods for help.

    Choose a translation
    • OMT allows you to get a global overview of all the translation tasks on Origin. Move the mouse over the icon for better understand.
    • Prefixes shows you what the translation is used for

      1. [UPDATE]
        - Update of an existing task. Translate the listed communities in every case.
        - Updates are important, so translate them as soon as possible.
      2. [Origin]
        - This is for the Origin board only.
        - Translate them without asking, we need them in every case.
      3. [FAQ]
        - Separated FAQs, tutorials, Guides and How-To's for your national board.
        - Translate them if you think this translation is needed or sensefull for your community. If in doubt ask your national team members.
        - Please add all original BBcodes to your translation.
        - Feel free to copy those translations to your local board.
      4. [Tutorial] - [Guide] - [Tactic] - [Info] - [Wiki]
        - These are parts of the Ogame Wiki / Tutorial.
        - See OGame Wiki – Overview for more information.
        - Translate them without asking, we need them in every case.
        - Please translate only the text without any BBcode etc.
        We prefer a mixed posting with original and translated text. English part - translated part - next english part - next translated part. This is very easy to check.

    Start a translation
    1. Each template available in English templates Area includes all updates needed – Wiki & Guides Responsibles will maintain them updated in orde to be ready for translation as soon as possible. In the Guides Area you can find all the discussion around eac english template update and the Change log for each one, just for better understanding of what's changed.
    2. Create a new thread in your Localized Board.
    3. Use a topic in this format : "[Prefix] Original english topic - Translated topic in your language”.
    4. You can translate now where you want, discuss with your mates and edit the thread whenever you want. Everyone has unlimited edit access on his own postings.
    5. Important!
      Please, follow this instruction strictly!!! Only then all others know that you are on this translation.

    Finish a translation

    • For User and Staff
      Post in the same thread created on your Loca Board an advice about. Be sure that a Team Loca member or your Representative will check your work.
    • For Team Loca or Representative who check translations
      - Check the translation, split the original post and edit the first one with the correct translation (if necessary)
      - Post in Translations Finished - Checked & Ready to inform Wiki & OMT Supporters about the finished translation (they will update and upload both, Wiki & OMT for you, or you can do it by your own; for details about how to do it poke Hyadre or any Board Supporter/Admin).
    • Important!
      - Please, follow this instruction strictly!!! Only then all others know that you are on this translation.

    Request a translation or update
    • Everyone can request a translation or update task!
      - Just poke Danimanza or any Board Supporter/Admin about how and where (usually at the Task Area).