Ogame old-design - redesign realtime switcher

  • Ogame old-design - redesign realtime switcher

    -Please check this out - (subscritpion #43 - user anonymous1)
    "It seems to me that there are two majority groups here.
    1. The players that are happy just the way it is
    2. The players who want new features.
    Why couldn't you have an option to change the graphics? Like a skin? Everyone could choose what they wanted."

    I was tkinking about something like this before. It could be a big compromise. Not only for old-designs lovers, but either for those who are playing on slow connection internet / on phones.
    With small modification to old desing (structure only, not visage) both version can work on same database as one. You can switch from one to second by option in game preferences.

    So, there will be space for creation newer visage (not 3D!) for Ogame with Flash or in HTML5.
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-
  • we have been told that the return to the old appearance is not possible anymore

    all i can think of is to have the possibility to switch between a minimalist appearance and a full colored, animated interface, depending of your system capabilities, network performance and visual comfort.

    For me, personally, too many colors are disturbing but i can live with the interface as it is now, some may want to change and as far as i know, there are already some available skins for the RD ( have a look at fanart&tools section).
  • Valent: "all i can think of is to have the possibility to switch between a minimalist appearance and a full colored, animated interface, depending of your system capabilities, network performance and visual comfort."
    Yes, exactly. As we know from games (low details > full details). This will satisfy both groups on Ogame players (except of GF :)) and would attract more people to play this game.
    "For me, personally, too many colors are disturbing but i can live with the interface as it is now, some may want to change and as far as i know, there are already some available skins for the RD ( have a look at fanart&tools section)."
    This is good, simple but sofisticated to bring some feelings to the player. It brings some dimension/life to the existing galaxy view. And exactly same thing, what about im trying to talk here and in my recension.
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-