Colonization Fleetsave

    • Colonization Fleetsave

      Hey, I'm new to the Origin Board.

      Just wondering if we could discuss the colonization fleetsave technique, and the serious impact it has had on the game.

      Apparently, GameForge want to make people invincible by giving them an untraceable fleetsave, therefore keeping players interested in the game.

    • first off,welcome to the Origin board :)
      all new members are welcomed :)
      second, thanks for the heads up about my ACS guide ( it is adjusted lol ) it was meant to say that 5 players with the owner of the planet included lol

      third, i agree with you about the colonization fleetsave that has made many fleets invincible
      i do profit from it sometimes through using it on my deut fleets instead of xgal deploy, but mostly i am agaisnt keeping it ;)
      deploy system was changed, than why not change the colonization back to its original status ?
    • With the eternal inactives with DM and without any defense it's the same.
      With all debris field that are (was?) in old uni without any planet, it's also the same.

      And these technique have a big fail : The moon break ;)
      who dare to fleet save like that when you know someone want you fleet ? (i won't according to the number of destruction attempt against my moons I had ^^)

      edit : Taro, before it was forbiden when you had all your planets ;)

      ** OgameTech **
    • You're welcome, Kamil. :)

      Taro wrote:

      Whats the actual difference?
      Even before it was uncatchable. Instead of 1 slot u had to use 2-3 slots and thats it.

      The difference is that there's no indication of a fleet arriving at an empty slot.

      @ vulca - who's going to pop all your moons? If you lose 20 - 30 deathstars trying to destroy moons, will the profit of the fleet crash cover the losses of the deathstars? Probably not.
    • Requiem wrote:

      @ vulca - who's going to pop all your moons? Would the losses of 20-30 deathstars cover the profit of the fleet crash? I think not.

      It's possible
      Or curent top hof maker tried to break 4 (5?) of my 9 moons... without any clue about where I fleetsave and with which mission.
      That must be because of the lake of target in old universes :D

      Anyway I agree with you, but there is not only the colo mission who can do that ;)

      ** OgameTech **
    • Yeah, but the only way to catch a colo FS is moon destruction... and that requires multiple relocations and many deathstars lost.

      In the end, it's not even worth it. May as well delete your own fleet and start mining. Especially in an old universe, where only possible fleet activity is hunting other fleets.
    • I agree with the thead starter, there´s no reason you should be able to fleetsave perfectly safe with absolutely no effort at all.

      Inactives without def is not remotely the same thing, there are ways to both figure out the player is fleetsaving to that exact spot as well as catching a fleet doing so.

      Fleetsaving with colo in OD wasn´t quite the same either, at least you could see where the defender was fleetsaving, even though it was next to impossible to catch when 2 fleets were sent.

      MD to catch a colo mission doesn´t really strike me as dangerous to the defender in a normal speed uni. Either you need at least 8h from neighboring systems or you need to attack from the same system. Neither should be possible against a reasonable fleeter.

      Eitherway the colo fs is obviously a bug, so why should we keep this bug when all other bugs that were actually good for the game have been removed?
    • I think they should update the colonisation fleetsave to this
      i started a thread in draco

      If you place a mobile where the defender is fleetsaving (colonisation fleetsave) you can the mission on your overview as friendly

      My point is in logic ogame is balanced, so why then is it that a mission heading to a planet (not debriss feild) is not lanxable, see able or makes activity?
      yet it is heading and hits the planet

      In addtion i belive that once an inactive goes past 35 days or inactivity, unless it has ships and defemses thena invisible debriss feild should not be made

      This way then both prey and hunters have to work hard to keep safe and grow :)…ion-fleetsave/#post405407