In game market

    • In game market

      Every online game needs a working in game market. This game should be not exception. Existing way by Merchant (bought through Dark Matter = mostly for your money), or via game admin PM (or you broke the rules) is flustrating and limiting. It is bad move from Ogame developer side, as they can acquire much more money from quest system.

      What does mean "In game market
      "? It is system, where players (pls.) can bought and sell theirs goods, they produced in game. So, they can get the resources they need, from someone who wants to sell it.

      How should it work? Only resources can be bought, not a ships. Four Space station markets (next only SSM) (499 systems - for each 100 system one SSM) will be in each galaxie. The nearest SSM you will choose, the faster you can receive your goods. You can see list of any of these SSM and you can choose from which you will buy something. But if you will buy something from very distant SSM, it will take time equally to its distance. Every SSM will have limit for place a buy/sell order (for example 50 for each sell or buy). For this purpose will be every SSM upgradable via pls. donations (Ikariam - shared isle resources). Pl., which has donated resources, will be enlisted - anyone can see how many they spared for upgrade. Each upgrade level will raise the buy/sell limit (this can be rewarded with a achievement). SSM will have own delivering ships, which will be untouchable by pls., so nothing cannt be stolen. (Maybe we can discuss about this in future - like the market ships will have very strong defense fleet as support and only those very very very strong pls. will be able to atack them and stole their goods.)

      How to avoid its misusage?
      There will be something like fair-play safety script. You can buy/sell your goods in moveable course 3:2:1 (metal:crystal:deuterium). Moveable in each part only by 0,2 - 1 point. For example metal for deuterium will be sold in course from minimum of 2,2 : 1 or maximum of 3 : 1 and so on. So no "bad" pls. will use it to support unfairly someone else (multiaccount, newbie pls. support). You will get only if you pay - fairly.

      +new game element "merchant",
      as you can be only miner or fleeter (or variation between it)
      +more freedom, as till now you have only paid option or Admin PM option for trade
      +game economy and pls. devoloping will drasticaly raised
      +game popularity


      Some adds here:
      Crimson King: Yes i mean this and couple of other authors, when i put the word "market" to the search column.
      Rule n. 5 (Pushing):
      It is not allowed for any account to obtain unfair profit out of a lower ranked account in a matter of resources.
      Pushing is, but not only limited to, these examples: resources sent from a lower ranked account to a higher ranked one with nothing tangible in return a player crashing his fleet into a higher ranked one for the higher ranked one to keep the Debris Field, and thus profiting from it. Trades must be completed within 48 hours.
      For all exceptions (like ACS splits, bounties, recycling help...) a GameOperator needs to be informed via TicketSystem:
      So, if i couldnt make it in 48 hours (instalment trading), i will break a rule. If i want exception, i must inform a GO.

      "What are the limits per level of the building? Why should a uni pay as a community to upgrade the building?"
      Limits per level could be something like this : 1st level - 50 (buy/sell) orders, 2st level - 75 orders, 3st level - 100 orders, ... Equaly to amount of playersm playing on that uni, of course.
      "Why should a uni pay as a community to upgrade the building?"
      Like i wrote, i have seen this in Ikariam. People can see, how many resources have someone spend on this purpose, where entire community will profit from it. Of course, the upgrade can be paid only from one player. But together, it is something like noble action and can unite players. In fact this can only bring more communication to them, either some fun and chalenge (like "our SSM is the most upgraded one, your is only small") and should be rewarded equally.

      "Is the cost to upgrade all buildings or just a specific one?"
      All one SSM will be an original, so each one can be upgraded. For example one will be on level 4, one on level 2, other on level 7 and so on) . All players, if they wants to raise the limit of buy/sell orders, must do something for it. Together. The more players can place an order near theirs planet, the bigger chance they will not be forced buy from distant SSM, so it will spare them some time (and time could be important).
      I think, it really matters to bring some element to game, where players could do something together without a knife on theirs neck (aliance attack..).

      "How does this guarantee more trading between players if players can still sell certain res for the minimum allowed in the uni when others can get better rates from the Merchant?"
      :) This is like, when someone will illegalize alcohol or smoking. There will be smuggling for sure. But if it will be legalized, everytime afore your eyes, everytime if you want to drink or smoke, the smuggling will be minimized.
      Merchant is not for free ;) As logical conclusion, the popularity of SSM wil be 99% and 1% for Merchant.

      Crimson King:
      We can do the limits per day as a optimum criteria with anytime option of deletion your own proposal. By adding a sell order, your offered resources will be taken and conserved in SSM. Spaming with sell orders or making the SSM as your store will be then only stupidity (because anyone can buy it anytime). Apparent spaming via buy order will be violation of game rules.

      The buy/sell order limits are only for SSM upgrade solution, so the players can cooperate to achieve bigger SSM and get theirs resources faster. It is described in "how it should work"

      "Just because the community upgrade thing works in Ikariam.." Of course, players should tell me if it is good idea or not. I liked that option in Ikariam, so i have recommended to trade system - as something new what can be used for cooperation ;)

      Simple context trade system can work too. Advantage of this action will be less work for GF. But why not to design something, what will do more among the players? Cooperation, communication,...
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • why not just add the "board-market" into the game where you can create your topics and write what you want to buy or sell.
      basically just implement the market on the board into the game.

      a lot of players dont know anything about the board market or even if they know, they're to lazy to create a seperat account extra just to post some topics into the market section of the board.

      as for extern markets: i just know of the german "Das OGame Handelsnetzwerk", which is an extern website where you can post deals etc.

      I dont think there's a need for some special (complicated) [SSM] space station market.
    • that site has as much proposals as the board... ZERO!

      ingame market would be awesome. have seen something like that on quite a few browser games. would be nice to have it here too. but i would dislike regulations of the exchange rate you can trade because that would destroy strategic trading.

      ps: i heard from game operators which banned people for trading 3:2:1. kinda unusual. but the got their accounts back ;)
    • i didnt understand the idea quite well, but from what i understood, is
      all the universe participates in building this thing with their resources as a whole like on an island in ikariam, so for me, thats a BIG NO ( if its the case )
      limiting trade rates is also a BIG NO for me
      also, if you are talking about the building like ikariam than there is a limit to how much resources you can trade at once depending on the building's level, so also a NO for me, i trade in way higher amounts than you think ( sometimes up to 350kk even sometimes more ) so limiting trading amounts isnt a really good idea :)

      if i got this wrong, plz correct me, coz i didnt really understand everything in the post.

    • if you can send e.g. 1kkk Met and request 10kkk Deut, you have a very good save technic.

      You dont have to save your res by fleet or building or research save.

      Just sen your Res to this station, and no (big) fleet is needed.

      The fleeter will leave the universe as there is nothing to hunt, because the fleets are no longer needed, and the minimum Def on planet saves all which is not saved yet.

      If you need your res, you just cancel your bid and finished.

      So I am against tis idea, sorry.
    • The market place on the boards allow reactions of players, and help the community to survive.

      An universe is, first of all, a community, and if a war platform directly ingame can build history and reactions for the community, an ingame market will have the reverse effects.

      In some other games, you trade ingame your ressources, and two days ago you don't remember the name of the player you trade with. Its not my conception of what a ogame community must be :(
    • other idea:
      iFrames :P
      link the board market (and only access to the board market! dunno how you want to get that working with wbb...) into the game...
      basically the same board then can be accessed through the game and as normal, through the board.
      it may will help to get a bit more activity on the market boards
    • Mmmm, but the game is managed by game operators, board by board administrators :(

      So that feature need that your user account ingame can be linked to your board profile. What if you haven't ? What if the board encounters some troubles ? What if this section is not correctly linked ?

      What would be perfect is that the link "forum" will send us to the "life of my universe" board topic, and not the portal; but for that, the board has to be able to redirect a special url to the correct board ;)
    • Gentlemans, thank you for all your subscritpions. So, i will answer step by step ..

      Toxicterror: Board market will limit players willigness to trade. It is all about player comfort and developer should take this on mind. I dont support any easy-to-get aspect, but here it should be a certainty. I know about board market, but for me it is most non-effective way to trade.

      marshen: Rules.. thats will be my next objective.

      Kamil: Okay, for me i like that Ikariam idea of upgradable (isle) mines, where you must invest great amount of resources to get more miners there. Best way how to do it, are players donations. Just this, nothing else.
      No amount limits, but orders amount limits. How much orders can you place per day. Those limits are only for safety, or someone can give 30 orders like 1metal for 1crystall. Do you understand ? Other limit will be in courses for what you can buy/sell.

      SlowMotion: Sorry guys, dont have clue what is kkk :D . I know mega (milion) kilo (thousand). That resoruces saves - yes that is possibility and i was thinking about it. It will be risky to leave those res. on market, because anyone anytime can buy them. Yes, only if you want save res. from attacker, than you can use this as bug. Maybe we can add some other limit like the order cannot be canceled 12 Hours or so...

      ***Insertion: Guys, board and game itself, are always two different things. This is not a way how to popularize the board, but the game. If the game will be popular, more people could be interested for board - but still the board is /sorry to say/ not so important. If you want to get more attention for board, first move should be connect it with game. Because now you need one account for game and one for board. So this is fault of someone else as the players.
      I think, for that did GF disable password remember in IE9 and Firefox 5 and above :) If you want use it, you must go through theirs MMO page :) .. clever, clever move ;)
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • well, for me, i wont be willing to pay anything with my rivals ;) since its like ikariam, i will be forced to pay with my rivals to get the market bigger etc... and wasting precious resources on something i wont really like using.
      also, i do sometimes 10-15 trades per day, i usually specify a day or 2 in a week to make all the trades with my traders so i wont keep wasting fleet slots, and i end up with 10-15 trades, i cant be forced with a limited trading number per day.
      the market is a bad thing for fleeters and especially large fleeters.
      there are many things that cant really be nice to ppl ingame, mainly the one that forces them to make a sacrifice of resources with their rivals to make the market bigger for large trades of 400kkk etc.. ( kkk = mega = millions ... ), which instead of getting ppl to interact more, might get them to retreat and cause problems instead of help.

      if i miss understood again, plz correst me :)
    • Kamil: If you can only tell how it is bad and impossible, you will not help anyone. So i am asking you, how it can be good ? We can start from you, what it should look like to fulfill your needs ?
      Because sorry, the in-game market is good idea in fact. Only what can be bad, is my idea how to build it. So feel free to give us some your ideas how to build it.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • marshen wrote:

      ingame market would be awesome. have seen something like that on quite a few browser games. would be nice to have it here too.

      It is interesting of course. Player trades often, so it's much better to give them a place inside the game. For combat reports and HoF threads an external place is better, cause others want to see them and reply.
    • you are right sir edward, i am complaining and not giving back anything in return, so, you are right, and i apologize for that :)

      about the idea, i love something like a trade market, but there are some things you cant not consider:
      • Paying resources for a building WITH your rivals: thats a pretty hard thing to do, sometimes rivalry even in an internet browser game becomes more and more aggressive up until hate, and trust me it happens alot in ogame to the point where players hate each other and not consider it a simple GAME rivalry, so sharing resources in something with my rivals aint good
        Solution: create your own market on a planet of yours, or an ally market where you can put your resources there to trade with others that seek trading with your ally ( cause allies are who control the diplomacy so unless this trader likes ur ally, he wont bother looking to trade with it, and he wont chose the ally trade market ;) )
      • limiting how much trades you can make per day, also isnt really practical ;)
        solution, either create a high limit of maybe 20-30 or so, or remove this part of the market since it will be bit hard.
      • absolutely no limits on the trading amount.
      • no limitation on trade rates

      i like having a trading market, and its a great idea to have ingame, but i also hate limitation that come with it ( same as astro, i love having many planets above the original 8 colonies that we used to have, just hate the fact i need to pay resources and wait long time: same principal )

    • Kamil: Thanks ;)
      • Yes, i had this experiences when i play Ikariam some couple years back (not playing it around 4 years). But i liked the idea with common mine, which can be upgraded via all residents on that isle.. Aggression is normal behaviour (sorry to say) when the game contains competition. Again sorry to say, we are mens, it is our personality to get all by power. All respect for those, who are above.. Okay, we can leave this suplement for now. - Solved
      • Hm, we needs some limits or crazy players will spam the trade just for fun. Either we must remodel the rule system or give there a limits. Raising the buy/sell order limits per day would be not a problem ;) - Solved
      • This can be misused, if someone will sell 1 000 000 crystal for 1 metal (it can be interpreted as rule 5. pushing - unfair resources acquirement). Like it is way to get resources to new created account/player planet. The limits are our only safety. - Not solved
      • Like the sentecne above. If there would be no courses (from 3:2:1 to 2,2:1,2:0,2) it will be misused for sure. - Not solved
      It can work without any rules or limits, but we will not risk a chaos (because it is like water, it will find its way), but incuriosity to play (as you can easy get all resources someone is mining 1year). This can and will lead, to game stagnation and death.

      Taro: Yes, there was a in-game market :)
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
      • This can be misused, if someone will sell 1 000 000 crystal for 1 metal (it can be interpreted as rule 5. pushing - unfair resources acquirement). Like it is way to get resources to new created account/player planet. The limits are our only safety. - Not solved
      • Like the sentence above. If there would be no courses (from 3:2:1 to 2,2:1,2:0,2) it will be misused for sure. - Not solved

      well, actually, ppl do pushing, ingame market shouldnt stop them from doing so ;) the market has a job of putting demand and offers, not watch for pushing rule and who applies it, so auto forced rates are not needed only the seller puts a rate he wants for his resources or the buyer puts the rates at which he is buying.
      in this part, and what if someone wants to pay alot more coz he is the higher ranked ? you forced him with a minimum rate and a maximum rate :/
      also, i found a new glitch in it, what if a person puts his trade in the market, what if he doesnt want to trade with that particular player, and this player has sent his resources and took the trade ? ( not practical )
    • Kamil: You know, thats would be the most ideal way (no limits). I wish it could be so :) But i am not a player, which want to lie to get something extra. In major, these rules/limits are exactly for those players.
      As i said before, legalize something forbiden (some aspects of trading in ogame) can lower the crime (breaking of ogame rules). But only reduce.
      "in this part, and what if someone wants to pay alot more coz he is the higher ranked ? you forced him with a minimum rate and a maximum rate :/"
      Well, in-game market will be not a part of rule system. Either, in-game market will have its own rule system, as i wrote before in beginning of this thread. So no pushing can be done - therefore those courses limits and trade orders per day.
      "also, i found a new glitch in it, what if a person puts his trade in the market, what if he doesnt want to trade with that particular player, and this player has sent his resources and took the trade ? ( not practical )"
      I dont fully understand what you mean. The trade will be not for one to one person. You will put there your trade order and anyone will see it, also anyone can take it (the faster one will win).. Or?
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • sirEdward wrote:

      You will put there your trade order and anyone will see it, also anyone can take it (the faster one will win).. Or?

      thats what i am trying to say ;)
      this shouldnt be like that ;)
      sometimes a said player doesnt want to trade with a player or ally, and one of the members in the ally, was fast and took the trade and traded, and the seller doesnt want to sell him, but he has no option since the market obliged him through the system that everyone can see the offer and the fastest win ;)

      there are lots of glitches in the trading market idea, if it worked in ikariam, doesnt mean it can work here, i like to have the trade market as following:
      it is a place that needs no resources to upgrade, no trade limits, no nothing, just a ingame place where you put what you have at what rate you want, and ppl can see you and contact you to do the trade, just like the trading section on the board, but located ingame as well ;)

      and the market shouldnt have the job of preventing breaking rules, its a place to put offers and demands, if someone makes a rule violation like pushing, he should be punished through a ban, the market shouldnt prevent that, as its not the job of the market ;)