" International Ideas Planet Team " New name discussion

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    • " International Ideas Planet Team " New name discussion

      "Ideas Planet" is a bit of a confusion for users across communities.
      "Planet" part of the name is meant to mean "place" for those ideas etc... but some users and even staff members dont understand it correctly in the intended meaning, and think of it as: "what has planets to do with Ogame if it is UNIVERSE based not planet based game ( i thought of it like that when i first joined origin but then with time i realized what it really meant, and i know many others from staff and users think of it like this )
      so, i opened a small discussion ( after the approval of Francolino ) to seek a new better, yet simple name for the Team for Users and Staff to understand and not get confused about it.

      Plz put your Name suggestion with a small explanation to Why this name was chosen and Why should it be used as the name for the Team.
      Thank You,
    • Kamil wrote:

      ( after the approval of Francolino )

      No one needs an "approval" to start a discussion about everything ;-)

      To make it simple :

      National teams called "Suggestions team" (or "Ideas team")
      So i suggest "Int. Suggestions team" or "Origin Suggestions team" or (cause we are here in Origin team and board) "Suggestions team"
    • Francolino wrote:

      To make it simple :

      National teams called "Suggestions team" (or "Ideas team")
      So i suggest "Int. Suggestions team" or "Origin Suggestions team" or (cause we are here in Origin team and board) "Suggestions team"

      no further suggestions needed :phatgrin:

      But that would mean, we'd have to change it on every board of every country!
      But to not confuse everything even more i'd keep the "origin" for this board because (at least for the german board) the localized boards just name themselfs "ideas planet"!

      • Origin Suggestions Team
      • German Suggestions Team
      • UK Suggestions Team
      • Spanish Suggestions Team
      • ... and so on
    • For me the best would be :
      OO-ST : Ogame Origin-Suggestions Team

      OO is used on our board.fr for everything regarding this forum and ST is better than IP which is too similar to IP address for a personn who is reading something on our local board concerning suggestions.

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Francolino wrote:

      Kamil wrote:

      ( after the approval of Francolino )

      No one needs an "approval" to start a discussion about everything ;)

      To make it simple :

      National teams called "Suggestions team" (or "Ideas team")
      So i suggest "Int. Suggestions team" or "Origin Suggestions team" or (cause we are here in Origin team and board) "Suggestions team"

      asterix2 wrote:

      For me the best would be :
      OO-ST : Ogame Origin-Suggestions Team

      OO is used on our board.fr for everything regarding this forum and ST is better than IP which is too similar to IP address for a personn who is reading something on our local board concerning suggestions.
      One of this names is a good one.
      I think about the last one.