Refuse Transport "Unwanted"

  • Refuse Transport "Unwanted"

    Sometimes inadvertently we receive unwanted transports by a player of minor punctuation(by mistake or just to annoy), this causes that we have send a ticket to GO, then wait for confirmation and then return those resources to the player to avoid being banned.

    This can be solved if there is an option to refuse transport, I mean that transports rejected, they reached their destination, with the only difference is that resources are not unloaded at the destination planet, I mean (again :P ) that the transport will take place normally, but the resources will not be accepted.

    To implement this it can add a checkbox in the options menu, if the checkbox is checked, transports of other players will be rejected, if the checkbox is unchecked, transport will be made as normal.

    The other option would be a sort of list, where you can add players that can send your planets resources, transport of the players that are not is the list, will be rejected.

    • Avoids the annoying process of sending a ticket, wait for confirmation of the GO and send resources to another player occupying a space fleet.
    • Facilitate the work to GOs.
    • Prevent foul play, because there are players who do this just to annoy.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Cuyovicko ().

  • Why make it so complicated?
    Just add another button in the event list where you can confirm to refuse the resources being unloaded.

    More functional-type of explanation:
    After clicking a button in the eventlist, a flag is set, which will prevent from unloading the resources at the time the transport arrives.
    It doesn't matter when you click that button, it logically just has to be before the transporting ships actually arrive at your planet.

    Each friendly transport has his own button which will work like described above.
  • Toxicterror wrote:

    Why make it so complicated?
    is not very complicated, just is a checkbox or a list (in case you do not like the checkbox :D )

    I like users to contribute their ideas ^^ .

    Toxicterror wrote:

    Just add another button in the event list where you can confirm to refuse the resources being unloaded.
    ok, understood your idea, but what happens if you're offline (off), how refuse transports?

    Remember that the idea is also aimed at players who play dirty and sent transports on purpose to waste your time sent tickets to GO making that he work more.

    obviously if these players want to bother you, they will do when you're offline, while the main proposal covers all day ;) .
  • The reason why I dont like the idea of a checkbox in the options is following:
    What if you want to trade with someone. You accidentally got the refuse settings on... What next?

    Other (rare) scenario:
    You're trading with someone and almost the same time, someone unwanted delivers some resources. How will you handle that? One needs to arrive, the otherone not.

    With my solution you'd have the possibility to choose which fleet is allowed to "land" and which not.

    HelpLess wrote:

    Isn't that a bit to complicated for a few of unwanted transports? Did you receive many unwanted transports? I never received such a transport.

    IMHO: To much programming effort for only a few of such transports.

    Not that much programming effort considering there are features much more complex, achieving much less.
    But I see what you want to point out ;)
  • Why so much burocracy? If you receive an unwanted transport, just send the recs back. Period. Why contact the GOs? If you receive them, you have enough to send back. Unless you have no cargo capacity atm nor in the next 48hours (period of time during which its considered a trade). And noone ever sends that many recs to you when they are weaker players (if they are stronger, it's their fault, not pushing... they'd better pay attention). So I can't really see any reason for this. Plus, mistakes are parte of ogame. What would be next? Refuse an ACS defense? Refuse an incoming spy/attack?
  • ZmeryDwagon wrote:

    Why so much burocracy? If you receive an unwanted transport, just send the recs back. Period. Why contact the GOs? If you receive them, you have enough to send back. Unless you have no cargo capacity atm nor in the next 48hours (period of time during which its considered a trade). And noone ever sends that many recs to you when they are weaker players (if they are stronger, it's their fault, not pushing... they'd better pay attention). So I can't really see any reason for this. Plus, mistakes are parte of ogame.
    I agree with you ZmeryDwagon.
    I had this kind of problem 2 days ago.
    I sent back the ressources to the player who made the mistake and that's all ^

    Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
    et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
  • I thought this board is to discuss ideas and things, not to make fun of other ideas!
    So lets try an stay objectiv and argue with facts not emotions!

    Anyhow: I neither think that this thing really is a "must need" for ogame.
    Nevertheless I like to discuss a bit and maybe we even find something more interesting.
  • Toxicterror wrote:

    I thought this board is to discuss ideas and things, not to make fun of other ideas!

    thats true.

    anyhow this idea is nice but there are many ideas that are more important than this. how often does it happen that someone wants to get you banned by pushing? and i dont think that your game operator wont help you in this case :)
  • Cuyovicko wrote:

    Remember that the idea is also aimed at players who play dirty and sent transports on purpose to waste your time sent tickets to GO making that he work more.

    obviously if these players want to bother you, they will do when you're offline, while the main proposal covers all day ;) .

    If it's sent to bother you, i think you can make him banned for push attempt ;)

    And forgetting to uncheck the box when you do an exchange would happened more often than unwanted transport :D

    ** OgameTech **
  • iguypouf wrote:

    This option can be used to propose a confortable way to ghost res : you send transport to the moon of a friend, your friend refuses and you get your res back.

    Where's the problem ? You get back your own resources, nothing else. In case you mean a "faked trade" - a GO can see, if the res are delivered or not.
  • Francolino wrote:

    iguypouf wrote:

    This option can be used to propose a confortable way to ghost res : you send transport to the moon of a friend, your friend refuses and you get your res back.

    Where's the problem ? You get back your own resources, nothing else. In case you mean a "faked trade" - a GO can see, if the res are delivered or not.

    I mean that this change is normally made for solve what ? 10 cases by year by server regarding bad transports ?

    But, in place of it, will be used for another purpose : ghost the fleet.

    For example, if you see on a phalanx a transport fly of 200 or 300 carriers, you will never attack it; because, normally, they are empty...
  • indeed that could be a side effect...
    but in some cases you can check if it has been unloaded or not... here a few ways that sometimes work:
    - that option to refuse has to be de/activated... -> activity -> *
    - scan before and a few secs after the ships arrive and see if there has been a unload
    - send own ships that transport something and see if it gets refused