Special Uni Feature : Astrophysics Upgrade

    • Special Uni Feature : Astrophysics Upgrade

      Special Uni Feature : Astrophysics Upgrade
      I'd love to see this idea ogame wide, but I know better than to ask!

      Instead I think this would be really fun and interesting for one of the "specials" in a new Universes forthcoming. Instead of gaining the ability to make a colony every other level of astrophsics, why not make it EVERY level of astrophysics you get a new colony slot?

      For example: Level 1 = 1 colony; Level 2 = 2 colonies; Level 3 = 3 colonies; Etc, Etc.

      I think Miners would get a charge out of more possible planets to mine on.

      I think Fleeters of old would enjoy having ability to mobile fleet again

      And fleeters might have more possible targets as a lot of people would end up on average having 12-14 planets pretty easily.

      A lot of the complaining about small fields would be quelled as well.

      I can't see a problem from a playing standpoint to at least try it for one of the special Uni's.

      Chat it up, gang!

      Was suggested a while back on the .us boards, thought i would put it up here and see if it would be an option
    • Even though I really like that idea I don't see the point.
      Ok - the game gets a little more complex since you got to maintain and organise up to 19-23 Planets. And I would love it!
      But where's the point? You would produce up to 100% more Ress due to doubled planets, and you could raid a pretty much bigger area cause you could colonize at least two planets per galaxy.
      But I miss the big change in gameplay that would make the game more challenging. Its just the same, but with bigger numbers. Similar to x-times-speed. (By the way: I love X-times Speed ^^).

      Don't get me wrong: I would love this idea, but its just not enough. We need more features like this to be worth opening a seperated universe.
    • I'd know a few players reaching 22 planets with that implementation...

      It's way too much facilitism if you ask me. Colonies are supposed to be hard to unlock, hence astrophysics... so I disagree BUT it's just my opinion.
    • nice idea but if you talk about this you should think about having more systems in a galaxy or more galaxy...

      note: electra.de (4x speed, ~12k players?) needed a 11. galaxy because it was not possible to colonize planets
    • marshen wrote:

      nice idea but if you talk about this you should think about having more systems in a galaxy or more galaxy...

      note: electra.de (4x speed, ~12k players?) needed a 11. galaxy because it was not possible to colonize planets
      Completely agree with this post.

      But it's not only for speed unis that it would be difficult to colonize planets: even with a normal speed uni with the current version, it's quite difficult to colonize a new planet (even the first one) which is where you would like it to be.
      With this suggestion, all available and interesting slots (from 4-12) would be filled when top players reach astrophysics 6 or 7, so it would be almost impossible to find an empty slot for players coming a little too late, or players not playing a lot...

      My demonstration:
      - nb of "useful" planets = 9 G * 499 Systems * 9 planets (only 9 useful planets per system) = 40.5k planets
      - Assumption (subject to validation of course, however it's only for the purpose of the demonstration): 500 users with astrophysics level 7 (8 planets), 1000 with level 6, 1500 with level 5, 2000 with level 4 (and don't forget 10000 with level 0), would give : 500*8 + 1000*7 + 1500*6 + 2000*5 + 10000*1 = 40k occupied planets.

      That would mean that 2/3 of the players cannot colonize anything... That means 10k players will give up (and this will be 10k unhappy players, especially if they have bought some DM).

      So, if you think about something close to this suggestion, you have to double the number of planets (or at least add 50 or 60% more), either by increasing the number of galaxies, or the galaxy size or the system size, as already wrote Marshen.
    • @kendiraton the following is a post in the replies on our boards.

      CoReTeX wrote:

      judging by the fact that new unis here have approx 3k to max 4k players, and the normal universe with 9 galaxies has 4491 systems with 15 possible planets....

      that gives us 67.365 theoretical possible planets minus about 10 for basic accs ( legor, comagf, admin + Staff accs ) so lets just say 67.350.

      divided by 4000 players ( yeah i'm being optimistic here ) we have an average of 16,8 planets per player... lets just say 17 as some players most likely wont do that much.

      so with that number being there, i see absolutely no point in disagreeing with that idea. if astro 15 gives me 16 total planets, instead of 9... why not. the later galaxies are empty anyway, and if everyone can easily get 10-15 planets, they get filed either way, just because people run out of space in the lower galaxies. which means you can have targets everywhere + you get more ress from mines...

      i'd vote for it, right away. that'd give this game a lot more fun, just because there are more neighbours to farm / more mines to get ress from.

      on the downside, incase you also have 15 moons then, you end up fleetsaving a lot of crap every day... but meh :D comp tech 16 required just to fleetsave in that uni ? :D
    • @Arazern, I would say your boards are down under (just kidding - after I saw your "location" in your profile ^^)

      @Kamil, you say there is no point? I disagree! And I say why... I'm factual (no offense, Francolino)

      Arazern & Kamil, you are right, but only for some (old) universes. But there are still some universes with more than 3 or 4k players (even if there are some with less than 800).
      One example: andromeda.fr, which started in August 2009 (exactly 2 years ago +/- some days), has more than 9k players
      x.xxx.xxx (Place xxx sur 9.154)

      When the universe starts, you have 12-15k players; it take some time for these 12-15k to become 3-4k or less. And during the drop, most of the players wouldn't be able to colonize if astrophysics give 1 colony per level (see my previous post - and don't tell me that it would be OK for 12k if not for 15k)...

      So you have the following possibilities (5 that I have in mind, but there must be others - Arazern, please help me!):
      1. you limit the number of players to 3-4k (instead of 12-15k) at the start of any universe, then you can use 9*499*9 (and not 9*499*15) planets, and it will be more than enough. (I don't think GF will like it: only 3-4k players who might buy DM?)
      2. you wait some time (months? years?) for 10k players to leave (really leave - think about all those inactives with bought DM), and then only you allow the colonization of the first colony (it is a nice feature, isn't it? As stupid as any GF's new version when they don't ask communities' advice - i.e. all the time)
      3. you increase the total number of planets (more galaxies, more systems/G, etc.) - see my previous post (and marshen's)
      4. you keep 1 new planet every 2 levels of astrophysics like in the current version
      5. you multiply the cost for each astrophysics level by 3 (instead of 1.75 - quite surprisingly, 1.75*1.75 is just above 3). This would reduce the expedition capabilities (and the DM which comes with it), so I don't think it would a good suggestion for GF.
    • 4. you keep 1 new planet every 2 levels of astrophysics like in the current version

      Seems that some people didn't realize that this idea is only for a special universe - this change making the universe special.

      No one wants to change Astrophysics to 1 colony per level in every universe...

      kendiraton wrote:

      5. you multiply the cost for each astrophysics level by 3 (instead of 1.75 - quite surprisingly, 1.75*1.75 is just above 3). This would reduce the expedition capabilities (and the DM which comes with it), so I don't think it would a good suggestion for GF.

      Making the whole idea stupidly ridiculous.

      @kendiraton: Sense - you don't make any.
    • kendiraton wrote:

      @Kamil, you say there is no point? I disagree! And I say why... I'm factual (no offense, Francolino)

      i meant there is no point adding more to what Arazern posted in my opinion ;)
      i actually love the idea of a special universe with this astro feature.

      and RiV is right ;)
      this isnt a suggestion to change astro completely in all universes across all ogame, this is a SPECIAL FEATURE FOR A SPECIAL UNIVERSE, and thats what will make the actual universe special ;)
    • kendiraton wrote:

      @Arazern, I would say your boards are down under (just kidding - after I saw your "location" in your profile ^^)

      @Kamil, you say there is no point? I disagree! And I say why... I'm factual (no offense, Francolino)

      Arazern & Kamil, you are right, but only for some (old) universes. But there are still some universes with more than 3 or 4k players (even if there are some with less than 800).
      One example: andromeda.fr, which started in August 2009 (exactly 2 years ago +/- some days), has more than 9k players
      x.xxx.xxx (Place xxx sur 9.154)

      When the universe starts, you have 12-15k players; it take some time for these 12-15k to become 3-4k or less. And during the drop, most of the players wouldn't be able to colonize if astrophysics give 1 colony per level (see my previous post - and don't tell me that it would be OK for 12k if not for 15k)...

      So you have the following possibilities (5 that I have in mind, but there must be others - Arazern, please help me!):
      1. you limit the number of players to 3-4k (instead of 12-15k) at the start of any universe, then you can use 9*499*9 (and not 9*499*15) planets, and it will be more than enough. (I don't think GF will like it: only 3-4k players who might buy DM?)
      2. you wait some time (months? years?) for 10k players to leave (really leave - think about all those inactives with bought DM), and then only you allow the colonization of the first colony (it is a nice feature, isn't it? As stupid as any GF's new version when they don't ask communities' advice - i.e. all the time)
      3. you increase the total number of planets (more galaxies, more systems/G, etc.) - see my previous post (and marshen's)
      4. you keep 1 new planet every 2 levels of astrophysics like in the current version
      5. you multiply the cost for each astrophysics level by 3 (instead of 1.75 - quite surprisingly, 1.75*1.75 is just above 3). This would reduce the expedition capabilities (and the DM which comes with it), so I don't think it would a good suggestion for GF.

      Answering the 5 points
      1. Why do you rule out those slots when you have nothing left you must colonise whats left? This would actually make these slots be used now with 16 planets, lets just say half are going to be what you consider useful. The other half lets count what you need 2* for robo, 4 for nanite, 8 shipyard, 4 silo, storages 21, mines 85 and terra 6 you would need a starting number of 105 which rules out only slots 14 and 15 as being useful, which you could still use them as a massive deut planet only.

      2. Seeing how this is a one off uni there would be no reason to increase to 12 galaxies, would be good.

      3. See point 2.

      4. Not sure why this would be an option as its not changing anything, remember this is not to change all unis over this is just to be considered for one special uni.

      5. See point 4.

      Hope this answers a few questions.
    • kendiraton wrote:

      My demonstration:
      - nb of "useful" planets = 9 G * 499 Systems * 9 planets (only 9 useful planets per system) = 40.5k planets
      - Assumption (subject to validation of course, however it's only for the purpose of the demonstration): 500 users with astrophysics level 7 (8 planets), 1000 with level 6, 1500 with level 5, 2000 with level 4 (and don't forget 10000 with level 0), would give : 500*8 + 1000*7 + 1500*6 + 2000*5 + 10000*1 = 40k occupied planets.
      You have wrong numbers.
      What u should knokw about .us:
      -max 3k players (i think the last 2 had around 1,5k) at the beginning (with such a special uni we could get 5k)
      -after 1-2 month only 1,5k left (lets say max 3k)
      -after 6 month only 500 players passed 5k points (lets say 1k)
      =>we have for every person 8 planets at the beginning and later up to 40

      kendiraton wrote:

      Arazern & Kamil, you are right, but only for some (old) universes. But there are still some universes with more than 3 or 4k players (even if there are some with less than 800).
      One example: andromeda.fr, which started in August 2009 (exactly 2 years ago +/- some days), has more than 9k players
      x.xxx.xxx (Place xxx sur 9.154)

      When the universe starts, you have 12-15k players; it take some time for these 12-15k to become 3-4k or less. And during the drop, most of the players wouldn't be able to colonize if astrophysics give 1 colony per level (see my previous post - and don't tell me that it would be OK for 12k if not for 15k)...
      we have never reached more than 4k i think...and that was long long ago (2 years???)

      As long as only .us players will start we have more than enough space. Even if 4k players from other countrys join we have still 8-9k players.
      A 9 gala uni has enough space for us. And if it is full then we do it like electra.de and we add a new galaxy...where is the problem????

      PS: GF will earn more money as many ppl want to be good at this univers.
    • UNoWin wrote:

      Taro wrote:

      well not really. Only bots can farm from 20 moons, more to say its hard to have 20 moons.
      You have access to a bigger area. Thus you have potentially more planets you could reach and this makes your catchment area bigger.

      You haven't thought of one thing yet: if you have 20 planets you also need at least 20 fleetslots to save all your fleets (assuming there's at least a deutfleet on each planet) ;)