User's guide through Origin

    • User's guide through Origin


      I think about this user guide (and another part for OGame team member) since .... a long time. I'm sure, i found someone to write it.

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      <Kamil>there are lots of players that are afraid of giving feedback and post :/
      <Kamil>it is always the case :/
      <Francolino>Problem of user / team member
      <Francolino>ah sorry you know this thread :)
      <Kamil>in .org board i post alot in the general and help section
      <Francolino>sure i know this .. but it's really hard to improve all
      <Kamil>and ppl always contact me through PM
      <Francolino>me too
      <Kamil>they never post on threads :/
      <Francolino>well ... ANY help from all my team member is welcome
      <Kamil>2 of them told me after i asked them why dont they open threads or ask in a already open thread their question, they told me, maybe the mods will remove their question cause it is stupid or noobish etc.. :/
      <Francolino>what i have in mind : now we have a good team / board overview
      <Francolino>Board & Team
      <Kamil>or they will get warned :/
      <Francolino>Next step is to create a short, but good guide through origin
      <Francolino>one for users .. one for ogame team member
      <Kamil>seems there is alot of work to do
      <Francolino>to explain what they are allowed to do ..
      <Francolino>yes ....
      <Francolino>such a guide is work for days
      <Francolino>and later you see only 20 sentences
      <Francolino>Well .. seems you spend many thought on those things ;-)
      <Francolino>maybe it's a task for you :P
      <Kamil>hehehe :P
      <Kamil>well, i like to help and work with other ;)
      <Francolino>Accepted ?
      <Kamil>yeah, why not
      <Francolino>this guide is really important, but within this qry i know you understand this all
      <Kamil>i need to know what exactly what we are allowed to do
      <Kamil>and what users are allowed to do etc...
      <Francolino>and at first you understand it should help the users to be NOT so afraif
      <Kamil>so i can write a full guide about it
      <Francolino>Overview & Rules
      <Francolino>Origin has only ONE rule for all work here :
      <Francolino>Be pleasant and support OGame and this Origin board and team.
      <Francolino>REALLY .. i created origin to help users, teams and ogame
      <Francolino>so .. any other rule is senseless
      <Francolino>you are really free to write what you like
      <Francolino>and .. where they can start threads / reply
      <Francolino>they are allowed to do
      <Kamil>so, i should write a guide for users first about the origin board and what each section is about and where they can reply etc...
      <Francolino>I give warnings ONLY when they insult
      <Kamil>what they are allowed to do, what they arent allowed
      <Francolino>Cause of :
      <Francolino><Kamil>2 of them told me after i asked them why dont they open threads or ask in a already open thread their question, they told me, maybe the mods will remove their question cause it is stupid or noobish etc.. :/
      <Francolino>i know you do it right
      <Francolino>you got the real basic problem
      <Kamil>players should post their question no matter how noobish it is
      <Kamil>cause pointing out at these small problems
      <Francolino>once again, only i decided about rules here in Origin :)
      <Kamil>can give a really clear view on how to improve guides
      <Francolino>and i dislike rules :PP
      <Kamil>there is no emegency ban system in origin ? :P
      <Francolino>yes, now ..
      <Kamil>i see there is no warnings or bans until now :P
      <Francolino>but only cause of those french mate "Kendiration"
      <Francolino>every orange colored team member is able to ban in emergency ..
      <Francolino>this is enough
      <Kamil>yeah, no need for more :P
      <Francolino>Ok .. Board & Team
      <Francolino>here are some basic information about any area
      <Kamil>putting lots of restrictions in the origion board will chase users away
      <Francolino>we have some more overviews etc .. but they are all out of date
      <Francolino>and they are totaly senseless
      <Kamil>well, you still need some order :P
      <Francolino>Rules and bans are only a "bad" replacement for a good moderation
      <Kamil>but not like normal board
      <Francolino>Of course, it's easier for me here in origin
      <Francolino>we have NOT the task to support the users of a game
      <Francolino>i mean not directly
      <Francolino>this makes all easier
      <Kamil>well, as long as there is not so strict rules, and things stay in order
      <Francolino>yes .)
      <Kamil>than no need for more rules, or warnings or anything
      <Francolino>when someone goes crazy . i talk with him via PM or irc
      <Kamil>no need to go for warning immidiatly and then ban
      <Kamil>cause it will drive him crazy even more than before :P
      <Francolino>that's the problem
      <Kamil>i know someone that is a friend of mine, that has already made about 23 board accounts
      <Francolino>and this is why i dislike those systems
      <Francolino>they DONT help the users
      <Kamil>and causes huge poroblems :P
      <Kamil>he always drives mods and players crazy with his threads and leads to huge dibates and warnings between members :P
      <Francolino>i stop flamer and trolls with talkings
      <Kamil>each time
      <Francolino>sure . they LOVE to annoy
      <Kamil>i know i used to annoy mods once before :P
      <Francolino>theres only one solution .. ignore such people
      <Kamil>i used to flame for fun and to get warnings :P
      <Francolino>no reply, no other reply
      <Francolino>sure .)
      <Kamil>i still do actually :P
      <Francolino>many many users love this game with team member
      <Francolino>but well, i understand this game .. *G*
      <Kamil>i love seeing a thread related to me somehow so i post troll flame and get a warning :P
      <Francolino>hehe many others , too
      <Kamil>no board account is healthy with no warning :P
      <Francolino>fine :) you understand why a warning system is at last senseless
      <Kamil>yeah, i do :P and i enjoy abusing this system for fun :P
      <Francolino>first a mod should talk with them .. and help him
      <Francolino>well, i have nothing against
      <Francolino>for this is the onliest sense of warning systems, too
      <Francolino>abuse them
      <Francolino>Any limit / rule calls those mates, who loves to walk on this border
      <Kamil>i sometimes keep my posts on the edge of a warning :P
      <Francolino>It's awfull for them to annoy without limit :P
      <Francolino>sure :)
      <Kamil>they cant warn me coz i didnt break the rules, but maybe another word and i would have :P
      <Francolino>I see only one sensefull way : No border .)
      <Kamil>exactly ;)
      <Francolino>well.. for such people .. i feel free to break the rules
      <Francolino>i warn them on my own
      <Francolino>causes a lot of discussions with them and later the "leading" People
      <Kamil>usually a small conversation with them solves the problem
      <Francolino>but it works
      <Francolino>after then, they respect me
      <Francolino>i have never again such trouble
      <Francolino>yes, thats it
      <Kamil>but those things will never be removed from big board such as .de .org etc...
      <Francolino>But well, nearly NO team member understand this
      <Francolino>No, at first the team member NEED rules for themself
      <Kamil>they will always be there, and ppl that love crossing boundries and stay on the edge of the limits will always find a way to have fun :P
      <Francolino>most of them are not able to work without rules
      <Kamil>why ?
      <Francolino>why ? don't ask me
      <Francolino>but you know why
      <Kamil>they dont know how to make a small conversation to calm down someone that is flaming or trolling ?
      <Kamil>i am not a mod and i do it al the times :P
      <Francolino>and they need a border to decide : Warning or not
      <Francolino>If you wanna do this task (writing a guide for users through origin)
      <Kamil>i have 3 jobs in the .org board : help ppl in the general and help section and mainly new comers, troll and flame and abuse the system to the limit where i cant be warned :P and in case of huuuggee problems calm ppl down in pms and keep them normal ( evern tho it isnt my job, but i enjoy it :P )
      <Francolino>i help you of course
      <Kamil>i would love to write a guide :D
      <Francolino>ok .. best is you start a thread here :
      <Francolino>to request help and comments from others
      <Francolino>basic, i like to work visible for all
      <Kamil>i will write a small basic form of the guide
      <Francolino>it's stupid to work always in hidden places or qry
      <Francolino>yes, brainstorming first
      <Kamil>post and see the replies and how ppl think about it
      <Francolino>than i see if you see the right way .)
      <Francolino>hehe as before, you know all .)
      <Francolino>do you have something against, that i post this log ?
      <Francolino>i want to start this thread and add this lock :)=
      <Francolino>for me, here are many many sensefull things for team member
      <Francolino>hehe i can replace your nick with XXXX
      <Kamil>i have no problem :D
      <Kamil>put my nake i have no propblem at all
      <Francolino>ok, welcome
    • ok, i have a few suggestion about the user guide through the origin board:
      just brainstorming now and collecting ideas to work on a full guide at the end ;)

      1. Introduction of the origin board:
      * Its work
      * Purpose
      * Goals meant to be achieved through the Origin Board

      2. Putting a simple text for users to read:
      Simple text that encourages ppl to post in the areas and give feedback/opinions and ideas even if it is with small questions and no matter how noobish they are, coz those noobish questions ( mainly from new comers, shed the light on how to improve the guides and tutorials to help them understand these things easier and faster )

      3. Description of each section in the Origin Board ( sections that users can see and use ) and what/how to post in it:
      - General Area ( Area for general game discussions, questions... about OGame and Origin Board... + that their feedback and opinion and ideas are welcomed )
      - Bugs & Errors Area ( Area to report any bugs incountered while playing OGame, and saying that reporting the Bugs and Errors is essentiel for a better GAIMING EXPERIENCE and for better future updates to counter those Bugs and Errors... )
      - Suggestions Area ( Area to give Suggestion to be implemented in the Game and getting an official feedback and then getting them sorted out: " Accepted, Implemented, Maybe or Rejected " )
      - FAQ Area ( not sure about this area, so i would like to get some feedback and options to write about it, maybe if the1337g33k can help out with this one and mainly cause there ahve been few suggestions about changing the name and description of this particular area, but mainly it is about guides tutorials and updating guides and stuff and that the feedback and ideas are always welcomed and needed for better improvements)
      - Wiki Area ( i know almost nothing about this area also small explanationa nd options etc... would be nice )
      - Fan Art Area ( Area top help out with anything related to art: signatures/avatars/alliance logos/ personal logos etc... if you need help/you want to help or have few suggestion about artistic stuff going on, you can post there )
      - Tools, Scripts & Skins ( it is a place where users can discuss USER made tools/scripts/skins, and give their feedback about them and even post the tools that they created... )
      - Localization Area ( Representetives/users/others translate existent guides/tools/scripts etc... to a native language )

      4. Rules of Origin Board
      Simply there is one GENERAL RULE to follow:
      <Quoted From Francolino> Be pleasant and support OGame and this Origin board and team.
      We are here not to judge you or your comments or your ideas, we are here for feedback/opinions/ideas and helping each other/the communities and OGame.
      Respect others and others will repect you.
      We are not a normal board where there are killing restrictions, we are here to help, and we dont want to apply too much rules.
      We arent a fans of the normally used warning/ban systems used across all boards, we like to solve things quietly and with a small conersation without going for warnings and bans.
      But Insults/trolling and flamming are still not allowed, and can result in a warning incase after all methods of calming down and avoiding warnings are used.
      The Terms and Conditions should always be respected as well.
      and incase of extreme ( and by that i do mean extreme ) cases where things got really out of control, an emergency ban can be applied to the specific account and wait for extra informations afterward.

      this is my brainstorm for now :P
      my head is pawnding lol but i hope this sums up everything to write a User guide.
      any feedback/opinions/extras/minises/ideas are welcomed: Just quote the area to edit, and put the edit in Red/Yellow etc... ( different color than the one used :P )

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Kamil ().

    • [19:12] <+marshen> i dislike cyan as text color
      [19:17] <+marshen> 1. k, 2. yeah well done, 3. tool requests are also welcomed (thats not the right word isnt it?), loca area also that anybody can request a translation, 4. should be rewritten
      [19:18] <+marshen> "since its a guide" if it is a guide you should check spelling as well :)
    • since i am not getting too much feedback :P
      i will start with the guide anyway step by step :)

      The origin board is board where players all over the world from different communities, share their best ideas, opinions, report bugs for a better communication between ogame players and for better communication with GameForge.

      The origin board is meant to be a link between all communities to share ideas and interests about ogame, and to give a better communication between them and GameForge. The origin board has a main purpose: " Gather the Best ideas all over the communities and submit them for an official feedback".

      i didnt like both to be honest lol
      but maybe if you guys agree on one, i could develop it more and make it little better :)
    • to me it sounds fine, there is no need to longer text .
      I see origin as a free platform for players and team alike to express wishes and comments to gameforge in the global wish to enhance the gaming experience in ogame , to help the global community with guides, tools and new features proposals .
      Ogame.origin is also a place for feedback on recent changes on the game . All interested players are welcomed to express their opinions as long the language used is polite and not flaming all critics must be constructive and observations should be rational not emotional.

      a proposed moto :

      we all want to make ogame a better place, lets work together on it
    • A new intro i wrote with the help of Francolino and Valent:

      The origin board is free platform for all ogame users and staff to express their opinion and Suggestions to GameForge, with a common goal of improving the game experience for each of Ogame players, through Guides, Tools & Scripts, Art, Reporting Bugs and much more...
      Also, a Localization Area is available for translating Threads, Guides, Tools...
      It is meant to create a better communication stage between all communities and a better discussions on General topics for better point of views from all communities.
      Ogame.origin is also a place for feedback on recent changes on the game . All interested players are welcomed to express their opinions, as long the language used is polite and not flaming. All critics must be constructive and observations should be rational not emotional.

      any critics, opinions, something ?? :P

      EDITED after a small discussion with Francolino on IRC ( Adding words, Corrections, Linking Words to proper boards ).
      Edit2: added link to suggestion as requested: asterix2.
      EDIT3: word correction and grammar: asterix2.
      EDIT4: Double word: SlowMotion

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Kamil ().

    • marshen wrote:


      create a new clean thread for the information given here.

      i cant create a thread for each thing i post.
      if i want to post the intro i cant open a thread for it, this is the thread where we discuss everything, until all parts are finished, then i can open a final thread with all content.
    • Kamil wrote:

      A new intro i wrote with the help of Francolino and Valent:

      The origin board is free platform for all ogame users and staff to express their opinion and suggestions to GameForge, with a common goal of improving the game experience for each of Ogame players, through Guides, Tools & Scripts, Art, Reporting Bugs and much more...
      Also, a Localization Area is available for for translating Threads, Guides, Tools...
      It is meant to create a better communication stage between all communities and a better discussions on General topics for better point of views from all communities.
      Ogame.origin is also a place for feedback on recent changes on the game . All interested players are welcomed to express their opinions, as long the language used is polite and not flaming. All critics must be constructive and observations should be rational not emotional.

      any critics, opinions, something ?? :P

      EDITED after a small discussion with Francolino on IRC ( Adding words, Corrections, Linking Words to proper boards )
      I like it. Maybe you can put a link on "suggestions" in the first sentence.

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Thank you ^^

      suggestion with an "s" Kamil ^ I think it's better (as you think probably also ;))

      Kamil: DONE

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Kamil ().

    • 2.
      Any registered user on the origin board is welcomed to post and give their opinion about any suggestions or discussions being made in the proper sections.
      Your feedback is always welcomed and always taken into consideration. Dont hesitate to ask any questions or open any discussion or suggestion, as it helps us to make the game experience more pleasant for everyone, and it helps us developing better and clearer guides.
      Negative and Positive feedback and opinions from users are welcomed equally, whether it is from new or old/experienced players, both kinds of feedback/opinions are needed so we can clearly highlight both pros and contras of the idea suggested.

      plz opinions on this :)

      EDIT1: After small discussion on IRC.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Kamil ().

    • I think the point with the feedback is very important and could make the Origin Board more attractive. When users know that they get fast and "good" feedback they would be encouraged to post here. IMHO this should be one of the main parts of this guide/summary. Suggestions need feedbacks and here "they" can get it. :)

      Edit: After some discussion in the IRC I see that it isn't easy to figure it out - but we'll find some solution. :)
    • 3.
      Origin board Sections and Team details:
      The origin board is divided into different section " each section for a different purpose ", and has a Team consisting of volunteers all over the world divided in a strict and clear Team Structure, to help with keeping the Origin running smooth and to help you out with your needs on the Origin Board.
      You can find all details about both " Board Sections and Team Members Structure " Here
    • Final Version of the Guide ( Finished one :(

      Introduction for the Origin Board:

      The origin board is free platform for all ogame users and staff to express their opinion and Suggestions to GameForge, with a common goal of improving the game experience for each of Ogame players, through Guides, Tools & Scripts, Fan Art, Reporting Bugs and much more...
      Also, a Localization Area is available for translating Threads, Guides, Tools...
      The Origin Board is meant to create a better communication platform between all communities, and a better discussions on General topics for better point of views from all communities.
      Ogame.origin is also a place for feedback on recent changes on the game . All interested players are welcomed to express their opinions, as long the language used is polite and not flaming. All critics must be constructive and observations should be rational not emotional.

      Posting/Suggesting and giving your opinion:

      Any registered user on the origin board is welcomed to post and give their opinion about any suggestions or discussions being made in the proper sections.
      Your feedback is always welcomed and always taken into consideration. Dont hesitate to ask any questions or open any discussion or suggestion, as it helps us to make the game experience more pleasant for everyone, and it helps us developing better and clearer guides.
      Negative and Positive feedback and opinions from users are welcomed equally, whether it is from new or old/experienced players, both kinds of feedback/opinions are needed, so we can clearly highlight both pros and contras of the idea suggested.

      Sections and Team Structure in Origin Board:

      The origin board is divided into different section " each section for a different purpose ", and has a Team consisting of volunteers all over the world, divided in a strict and clear Team Structure, to help with keeping the Origin running smooth and to help you out with your needs on the Origin Board.
      You can find all details about both " Board Sections and Team Members Structure " Board & Team "

      Rules in Origin Board:
      Simply there is one GENERAL RULE to follow:
      <Quoted From Francolino> Be pleasant and support OGame and this Origin board and team.
      We are here not to judge you or your comments or your ideas, we are here for feedback/opinions/ideas and helping each other, the communities and OGame.
      Respect others and others will respect you.
      We arent a fan of the normally used warning/ban systems used across all boards, we like to solve things quietly and with conversations, without the usage of warnings and bans.
      Insults,trolling and flaming are still not allowed, and can result in a warning in case all methods of calming and avoiding warnings were used, and the said player continues in his bad behavior towards others and towards the Origin Board.
      The Terms and Conditions should always be respected as well, and an emergency ban can always be used in case of an out of control situations.
      For more details about this, visit the following link: Overview & Rules

      EDIT1: Changing a word to make things clearer ( Valent )
      EDIT2: Checking for twice mentioned ideas/grammar/punctuations/adjusting phrases.

      i think this should be it, if anyone wants to add anything, plz tell me so i can EDIT it :)
