Phalanx Sensor and Relocation

    • Phalanx Sensor and Relocation

      Hi there. Im representative of community and present this idea:

      As far as you know when u relocate planet with moon, you can use Gates only after 24h. This is necessary measure to prevent abusing relocation. But during early stages of the game its easy to abuse relocation with Planax Sensor.

      Let me show you an example(well this was real sitution, which repeated several times):

      Player 1 observes neighbour galaxies before fleet save and sees that he can safely fleet save without being catched. Player 2 knows that and after player 1 goes to sleep with his fleet being saved, player 2 relocates his moon in the same system with planet of Player 1 and easily lanxs&hits Player 2.

      My idea is to place 24h timer on using Phalanx after initial relocation(same as gates) to prevent abuse
    • I guess it makes perfect sense.
      No more surprise attacks cause someone relocated a planet with a moon.
      If jumpgate has a 24h waiting period, so should the phalanx sensor.
      In fact, the whole moon should be "inoperative" for the 1st 24hours except for fleeting purposes (recycle, transfer and transport). Any offensive movement coming from that moon should be blocked.

      +1 (already +3 if he keep count)
    • i am with making both planet and moon frozen, no ipms, no buildings being queued,no ships/defense in shipyard, nothing able to be built no mines production as well, no jg no phalanx as well etc... Both planet and moon should be fully paralysed and frozen no functions allowed for 24hours after the initial relocation ;)

      so ofc +1
    • I am a complete inaccessibility moon and the planets. I wrote about this at a national forum;)
      But, IMHO, this innovation is related with the ability to interrupt the transfer process at any time. What will happen to the planet and the moon? They will be inaccessibility at the time of cooling or fully available ...
    • For once (yes Francolino, look at this post!), I completely agree with the suggestion. By the way, freeze should be 1 week or 1 month and not 24 hours, but it's another subject...

      8arlock wrote:

      I am a complete inaccessibility moon and the planets. I wrote about this at a national forum;)
      But, IMHO, this innovation is related with the ability to interrupt the transfer process at any time. What will happen to the planet and the moon? They will be inaccessibility at the time of cooling or fully available ...
      You can interrupt the transfer by moving your fleet from the planet/moon to be transferred just before the transfer is active....

      IMHO, there shouldn't be any possibility of cancelling this operation: if you are crazy/rich enough to spend 240k DM for a move, you can reverse the operation by using another 240k DM...
    • In the german community some users remarks that it isn't necessary to block the phalanx. The arguments are:

      1. The relocation itselfs needs 24h to be completed, so this would only help if Player2 saves longer than 24h
      2. If Player2 saves longer than 24h it doen't make any difference whether Player1 have to wait 24h or not. He simply can phalanx after 24h with the same results.

      Hope you understand what I mean. Just ask if something isn't clear.
    • HelpLess wrote:

      In the german community some users remarks that it isn't necessary to block the phalanx. The arguments are:

      1. The relocation itselfs needs 24h to be completed, so this would only help if Player2 saves longer than 24h
      2. If Player2 saves longer than 24h it doen't make any difference whether Player1 have to wait 24h or not. He simply can phalanx after 24h with the same results.

      Hope you understand what I mean. Just ask if something isn't clear.

      player2 doesnt have to save for more than 24 hours for the relocation and phalanx to be abused on him ;)
      if player1 watches player 2 and knows he harvest each day for few hours thinking he is safe coz no moons are near, player1 could get the relocation timed exactly to hit there in the time frame of the harvest mission, get the phalanx running and he can see the harvest mission.
      then he either tells someone really close with fleet to hit, or he can send his own fleet to hit xgal or from a far away distance etc... or even deploy his fleet to that moon and launch from there if he has enough time.
      thats why when a planet/moon is relocated, all functions on them should be stoped, from mines, to ships/defense being queued, jumgate, lanx etc... to stop the excessive abuse and to give the other person a chance to escape and save himself ;)
    • I just would minimize it to All possibilities to damage or harm other players are deactivated for 24h

      That would be
      • Phalanx
      • Gate


      After 5 Min thinking
      No, deactivate everything like Kamil said. Because in the high end phase you could produce enough fleet through mine production in 24h.

      • Phalanx
      • Gate
      • Ship/Deff Queue

      But Mineproduction still could be active, because you cant build any ships/deff anyhow.
    • agree, maybe those things should be deactivated :
      Jump Gate

      this would be a better chance for the defender, and prevents excessive abuse of the relocation mainly in the start of universes ;)
    • well, there is a tactic that is amazingly efficient to build something after the relocation immediately :P
      incase you forgot, you can put resources on that planet and get it moved immediately with the planet ;)
      a nanite 8 with ship 15 as the one i have, can be so fast in building even rips can be built fast enough to make MDs
      in a speed universe, it is even worst :P mainly in 4x+ universes, a rip needs like few minutes for it to be ready, so the resources will be moved instantly with the planet and build the rips and thne easy MD, lanx, and send fleet from far away ;)

      there are lots of abusive tactics with the relocation, thats why a frozen state for everything ( except mines maybe ) should be stopped :)
    • So to summarize this...
      After relocation following things are deactivated for 24 hours:
      • Sensor Phalanx
      • Jump Gate
      • Ship/Defence Production
      • Interplanetary Missiles

      After relocation following things are not deactivated for 24 hours:
      • Buildings
      • Research
      • Mine Production

      Because of the deactivated ship production, there is no need to block moon destruction.

      If anything is missing in the list, copy/paste it and add your bullets to it ;)