Pinned Introducing of team member

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    • Hey :D
      My real name is Kamil ( same as my board name and most ingame ogame nicknames )
      i am from lebanon
      i am 17 years old ( 18 in 6 january next year ), i am a student in the economical division, next year will be my senior year, then i go to university to study computer graphics and interactive media :)
      i am not bad at all with computer related things and always like to learn about new programs... and always like to discover new things in the technology world :P

      i am not in any team in any board currently, since i am not 18 and my parents refused at first to sign a DPA so didnt even bother applying to a Mod position in .org
      but i will surely apply in the next session of recruitment.
      i know and write english pretty well, i also know french and my main language arabic ( but i am terrible in arabic typing, my keyboard doesnt even contain the arabic letters :P )

      ohhh, and i have a 2 year old golden retriever you can see him in my profile pic :)

      any further questions, plz ask :)
    • I'm ZmeryDwagon, or just Zmery
      I'm from Portugal, 24 years old, named João. But my ogame Comm is BR. Used to be trial-Mod like 4 years ago, and was also trial GO in a few time ago, but I'm only working as now. My areas there are 3 universes and, obviously, the "game" section: Q&A, General Discussion, Bugs & Complains and... Suggestions. Back when I was GMOD there (before I left - I just got back there like a month ago) I was also one of the 2 admins of VT - Vanguard Team. We were a sort of "IP wannabes". Some of them were'nt even within the team nor had DPAs (some still don't since VT is still there) but that was a team dedicated to dissecate ideas the users posted. Despite I always thought that was not really worth it (only recently did we noticed GF approaching the users and wanting to know what they want and what they think the game needs to move forward), I always saw it as a good mental challenge. Seeking flaws in apparently good ideas and trying to improve them to make them, well, better ideas (not neccessarily perfect ofc) is very puzzling and fun.
      And now I was given (forced ) the opportunity to try and do the same thing in a place it can actually make some difference. GF like I said is way more willing now than in the past, so I'm expecting good things. Not too high, not too low, just the right amount of expectation

      I'm soooo sorry that i forced you :P - Francolino
    • Me, me, me... :P
      (feels left out)

      I'm Kebab, 20 years old.
      I'm from the UK, and I'm a student doing a degree in Chemistry.

      For OGame:
      been with the game for too many years (though not as long as some.. :D)
      ex-player, ex-mod and ex-GO on .org,
      currently mod for H&Q and B&C and lazy SGO .us,
      Board Supporter & Supporter Bugs & Errors for Origin.

      So if you have any questions or need anything relating to Origin feel free to poke me here or IRC :)
    • My turn 8o

      I'm Chernobyl << .. 20 yrs old ..
      im from the UK .. i work in Security Industry ..

      I play Andromeda and Universe 7 ( us. ) but currently in vm ! ..
      i am also mod on ( suggestions section and few other ( uni's )

      i am supporter for suggestions & Ideas Planet ..

      thats about it xD

      Waiting for francolino next :P
    • LOL Barlock ^

      And if I tell you something about me, you'll be very surprised ^^ Francolino also ^^

      First, I'm a french woman, 64 years old (yes, that's possible, even here ^^) and I took pleasure playing this game cause to my "petit-fils" and his father (my son).
      It was in 2007 and at this moment every pupil was knowing Ogame ^
      My husband plays too, my son also but my "petit-fils" stopped : he prefers new games ^.

      For me, the most important thing in this game is the relationship and I attach a very big importance to the alliances.
      I'm the administrator of an alliance which counts more than 50 active players in 2 IG alliances (mother+wing).
      And don't think it's a family story ! not at all ! I didn't know the players who are playing with me.
      Something strange I'm not sure the GF knows : the Ogame players have all kinds of ages ! it's an enormous advantage for Ogame to keep its players.
      For example, in my alliance, the 2 best players (fleeters top 2 and top 6) are 37 and 47 years old !

      My first concern coming here, last august, was the unifusion and i'm glad to see that it's coming soon.
      I'm not a specialist of the game but I know a lot of players playing as : fleeters, miners, agressive miners ... and I talk a lot with them.
      On the french board I'm well known as the OO's defender ^^ and sometimes as the GF's defender ^^ and, often, it's difficult to defend ;)

      Otherwise I'm retired and my job was a job in astronomy at Paris-Observatory, payed by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS = Max Plank Institute in Germany I think) where I was a specialist of very large astronomical databases.

      Voili, voilou ^ as I say in France :)

      If there are questions please ask ^

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Hello,

      My name is UNoWin, sometimes also known as Cane or Tyr. I'm from germany and i'm 21 years old. At the moment I mainly study economics (but I also have some other projekts going on). I think i'm the first guy here who is no board moderator (and never was and probably never will be ;) ). Of course I got many different hobbys besides playing online games at 2 a.m. ... but I love games and especially game mechanics. In my spare time i designed a complete browsergame - but then realised that I wasn't capable of coding it ... so I decided to give some of my ideas to out to OGame, that this game can get more innovative :). I'm pretty happy to be here and I hope to enjoy the time here!

    • Gentlemens, Lady ;)

      My name is Eduard, maybe i am old maybe i am not. But what can i tell is, that i'm from Slovakia with interests like IT, science, psychology mostly - interpersonal psychology.

      Only what i did, is my recension and it strated with it. It was because in our country Ogame is dying with slowly horrible death. I realise, GF is not paying attention to its players.
      As i playing some other web based games, i can see what is good, what is not. I have no problem to tell anything to anyone, so i did tell my feeling on our SK forum after some years of playing this game.
      I have seen this wrong way politics of GF which are wasting this game potential to awful limits.

      As i have a prety kingdom in Ogame, i dont want to leave this game. If it is possible, i will try to make Ogame better. And so i doing it, with my experiences and with my ideas.

      Check my work on alliance visage, if you want (see attached txt file)
      Btw nice to meet you all ;)
      • alliance.txt

        (47.52 kB, downloaded 376 times, last: )
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-