OGame Redesign SpioHelper

    • OGame Redesign SpioHelper


      Extended Spy-Report-Settings by OGame-Settings
      Edit by Valent | Removed Imageshack Ad


      • Sortable columns
      • Relevant data from original Spy-Report in a short overview-table
      • Buttons like, "Delete" and "Share" from OGame and "Attack" from Antigame also in that overview-table
      • Click on coordinates -> jump to original spy-report
      • Activity shown direktly next to the playername (other color)
      • Title-tooltip player-mouseover: max. count of planets (calculated from astrophysics)
      • Title-tooltip prey-mouseover: count small/large cargo ship
      • Title-tooltip debris-mouseover: count recycler

      Edit: Antigame no longer required ... SpioHelper ist now standalone
      Edit: Now the SpioHelper should work in every universe on every server in every country!!!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Eleria ().

    • sure?

      cool, so maybe after preview and setting state to "tolerated" i'll make the script standalone
      and for performance i'll work on a solution to use the tablesorter from jquery, which is already implemented by ogame

      after that, i make the script multilanguage ... but takes some days ^^
    • wouldn't it be better not to use jquery at all? you're using the find methods of jquery all the time and even if jquery caches the references you always need to parse the string parameter of the jquery method which in my opinion will use a lot of lines of code (=time).

      and you should start code in english. this helps everyone to understand what you are doing so that they may help you or you help them if they want to learn what you've done or maybe use some of your code for their ideas. you don't need to do so but it would be fine and would help the tools community (maybe ^^).
    • havent read your source in detail but you should be able to get all information from the dom tree if you search for the right classes and/or elements which would be the same that jquery does so this may not increase your performance. more important seems for me not to search an element from the root node if you have found the parent node of all other nodes you want to check.
      so maybe you want to get the reference of the element with the class "note" which contains the whole message instead of searching from window.

      btw you can increase your performance if you exchange all .innerHTML with dom node creation.

      ps: consider this post only as ideas. i haven't seen your code in detail and i wanted only to give you some general oportunities which may not be reasonable for your problem.
    • why not just calling 'generate()' instead of refreshing?
      that was my first solution, but i notieced that, the table only will be rendered if klicked on messages a second time after loading techtree

      did you try it, to say that's the right way?
      or did you guess it?
    • and personally, I'd rather use DOMNodeInserted event listener instead of ajaxSuccess here
      do you have an example of such a domnode inserted event listener?

      mhhh, well i'm looking some ideas up, maybe i get a flash of thought ^^
    • Source Code

      1. function observer() {
      2. document.getElementById('section2').addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', generate, false);
      3. generate();
      4. }

      thanks for the tip, i think that's the solution

      for testing, new version is updated on userscripts
    • Thx

      Maybe someone want to check again if necessary ;)

      I've put the age of the spy report into the table (no countdown ... just simle text depending on ogameclock and every reload of message-page with spy-reports)
      look at screenshot:
      edit by Valent- image removed

      that's the only thing which changed