OSimulate - Next Gen Ogame Battle Simulator

    • OSimulate - Next Gen Ogame Battle Simulator


      • Up to 1000 simulations to get an unbelievable results accuracy
      • Fuel and times embedded calculator
      • Gain is calculated taking into account fuel costs
      • Spy report parser
      • Combined attacks / defense (ACS)
      • Multilingual
      • Fast simulation engine
      • Pure web 2.0 (no refresh at all!)
      • Multibrowser thanks to JQuery and JQuery UI
      • 25 skins available
      • W3C validation
      • Completely AD free

      And much more!

      The complete changelog is available here .

      Thread on ogame.org
      Thread on ogame.it

      The current version in 3.1, It's updated frequently and new features are being added on each release!

      If you have any suggestions/bugs/feedbacks, don't hesitate to post on forum!
    • just my 2 cent

      _HeDo wrote:

      • Up to 1000 simulations to get an unbelievable results accuracy
      • Fuel and times embedded calculator
      • Gain is calculated taking into account fuel costs

      nothing happened when clicking simulate button

      _HeDo wrote:

      • Multilingual
      • Spy report parser

      there are only two languages

      _HeDo wrote:

      • Fast simulation engine
      • Multibrowser thanks to JQuery and JQuery UI

      fast simulation and jquery are contrary

      _HeDo wrote:

      • Pure web 2.0 (no refresh at all!)

      no refresh and no user feedback. you have to work on this and on your user interface. it is without any structure and kinda unreadable.

      so keep your work. there is much potencial in your project.
    • marshen wrote:

      nothing happened when clicking simulate button
      i tried it right now and it works, maybe you should fill it with ships :P
      there are only two languages
      so it is multilingual :)
      I'm sorry about it, i'll provide other translations as soon as possible!

      fast simulation and jquery are contrary
      the simulation engine isn't made in javascript/jquery, instead, It's a WCF service hosted on my dedicated server.

      no refresh and no user feedback. you have to work on this and on your user interface. it is without any structure and kinda unreadable.
      I created a forum on that purpose! Maybe on next release i'll add a "Report bug / Feedback" button directly on simulator interface, but that's it.
      What parts of my UI are unreadable? how would you arrange it taking into account how many informations it displays?

      so keep your work. there is much potencial in your project.
      thanks, I'll do my best :)
    • fast simulation and jquery are contrary

      as for the user feedback - just a little link at the bottom will be enough.

      Do you think it's a good idea having Planet defence not at the same place as defender fleet? (it's shifted to right instead of being in the bottom)
      On the one hand I don't have to scroll the page.
      On the other hand it's more difficult to see the simulation results in a single view. Personally, for me it's not as convenient as the classical style.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Tarja ().

    • use borders to group things. move thing that do the same together. the free space between the description of the input fields irritates.
      use some a color and variaties of this color.

      Fehler: sim.defaultCookie is undefined
      Quelldatei: static.osimulate.com/js/main.min.js
      Zeile: 86
      Fehler: b is null
      Quelldatei: static.osimulate.com/js/main.min.js
      Zeile: 86
      Fehler: b is null
      Quelldatei: static.osimulate.com/js/main.min.js
      Zeile: 68

      nothing happens with techs 13 both attacker &defender, 1000 rips each and some other ships. english language.
    • Tarja wrote:

      fast simulation and jquery are contrary

      as for the user feedback - just a little link at the bottom will be enough.

      Do you think it's a good idea having Planet defence not at the same place as defender fleet? (it's shifted to right instead of being in the bottom)
      On the one hand I don't have to scroll the page.
      On the other hand it's more difficult to see the simulation results in a single view. Personally, for me it's not as convenient as the classical style.
      My simulator is different than traditional ones, It's designed for widescreen displays. I chose to place planet on the right to reduce page height.

      marshen wrote:

      use borders to group things. move thing that do the same together. the free space between the description of the input fields irritates.
      use some a color and variaties of this color.

      Fehler: sim.defaultCookie is undefined
      Quelldatei: static.osimulate.com/js/main.min.js
      Zeile: 86
      Fehler: b is null
      Quelldatei: static.osimulate.com/js/main.min.js
      Zeile: 86
      Fehler: b is null
      Quelldatei: static.osimulate.com/js/main.min.js
      Zeile: 68

      nothing happens with techs 13 both attacker &defender, 1000 rips each and some other ships. english language.

      I found the bug, it's my fault :) It will be fixed in v3.2 that is scheduled by the end of the week.
      In v3.2 I'll implement the missile simulator, the next attack wave feature and the istant feedback button.

      thanks for your feedbacks, feel free to tell me more :)
    • No offense this tool might be great but it is just not working for me after like 1000 times reloading i'm still most times not able to get a Scan parsed. (Lang.: GER) I have no idea why it so often is not working there is nothing blocked and no errors on the console.
      So nice tool if it would work for me i probl. would abandon my offline version speedsim. Until that time comes i will stick with speedsim.

      Imho it would be much more sophisticated if it were a simple offline tool. Also it would be possible to simulate super large battles.
    • Hello HeDo .)

      Another wish for better usage (with Antigame):

      - Read the URL parameter 'enemy_type=1' to select planet (1) or moon (3)
      - Add a checkbox with this ID behind the enemy coords input box.

      Antigame submits / reads this value with the next update 2.22.0