where will the friend's planet position be?

    • where will the friend's planet position be?

      with the new version, you can invite friends with a link.
      It's written that his/her planet will be placed next to mine.
      but which one of my planets? I tell you that it's not the mother planet, because I invited a friend of mine and his planet has been placed 22 systems far from my planet in G1, but my mother planet is in G4.

      So the question is: how can I know where friends' planets will be placed?
    • So the best way to keep friends close to you is to invite them at the beginning when you have one planet ;)

      IMHO it's a good thing that your friends are in other solar systems because otherwise you could block your solar systems with your friends planets.
      Answering your question - in my opinion you can't know.
    • I've not had time to test it properly but as far as I remember it's something along the lines of:
      follow the normal positioning technique for new users of Gal 1/2/3/...9 then compare this to your list of planets.
      so close to one of your Gal 1 planets is the most favourable and likely position