When (and how) will tutorials be implemented?

    • When (and how) will tutorials be implemented?

      Hello all,

      You may think "kendiraton, again? blah blah blah". Please refrain from closing this thread... I'm not here to complain (for once :P ). I only have a question...

      Origin has been working a lot on writing and translating tutorials. And from what I have seen, they are pretty good (at least in the languages I can read, i.e. french and english).

      Now, I'm coming to the point.

      The current IG tutorial is a very basic one, only for very new players. When will we have a better/more complete one (all the elements are here, on Origin board)? How will it be implemented, and when?
      - links from the game to the forum?
      - ingame (like the current tutorials)?
      - is it something we can expect to have soon, or do we have to wait first (how long?) for the implementation of the new versions (i.e. weak players protection, unifusion)?

      Thanks in advance for your answers

      PS. Not sure if it's the right place to post. Please move the post where it is more adequate if I made a mistake.