Why not closing the Suggestion Area?

    • Why not closing the Suggestion Area?

      As you all realize, the Suggestion Area is dead.
      GF is working on its side to offer us many improvements (?) (i.e. new protection for beginners, and universe fusion - if it comes sometime). Until these versions are developed, tested (even if tests only prove that it might work in a non-real environment) and delivered to the community, no suggestion will be taken into account. GF does what they want (i.e. what is in the mind of game designers), and don't care about what we propose (or sometimes, only what makes no sense to the gameplay, when it gives a little more chance to the noobs to stay one week or one month longer, meaning that they can spend one week or one month more for DM).

      So my proposition is quite simple: close the suggestion area, and only keep on OO what seems to be useful (i.e. wiki + new tutorials + new tools/scripts, etc.).

      What do you think about that?
    • To me, the key problem is the fact there's no direct link established between this board and the design team. They should have at least one person responsible for going through the suggestions, giving brief comments on Gameforge's behalf and closing threads if necessary. Of course we don't expect novel-like replies, yet, the everlasting silence is some sort of reaction itself, like: "Sorry, folks, we don't care".

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Smoke Nightvogue ().

    • The responsible in linking the Origin's ideas to the GF is Weteha, but I think that in this period GF only takes care to merging universes.
      anyway, closing this area it's a bad idea: Origin is born to give suggestions to the GF.
      So we only have to wait after the merging of universes.
    • this place is a great opportunity for all players to actually have some influence on the game. why should anyone want to discontinue?

      even if you don't here from wth or someone else on your suggestions be sure that they will read them. this wouldn't happen if you post it on your national board in your native language.
    • I concur thinking that actually ogame developers are working now in some stuff (merging of universes, noob protection, fixing errors) and that they are not actually considering other developments of ogame, so the sugestions mentioned here have actually a very low value.

      But, you have to think globally. I think developers used to check the german forum to think about ogame developments, and now they check the german forum and Origins, which is a step forward.

      The suggestion area of each comunity (french, spanish, italian, and so on) I think that with origins they have no use at all, and everybody that wants to make a sugestion should post it here, in origins.
    • DirdamLaer wrote:

      The suggestion area of each comunity (french, spanish, italian, and so on) I think that with origins they have no use at all, and everybody that wants to make a sugestion should post it here, in origins.

      I disagree. Over at .org at least there's always less-than-workable or even outright joke suggestions. By having it separate area GF doesn't have to sift through all of the spam themselves to find the gems. That and localization makes it easier for players to post and get feedback in a language they prefer before it's forwarded.

      And just because they aren't implementing suggestions now doesn't mean that they won't in the future.
      Mod @ OGame.org - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions

      The post was edited 2 times, last by kwinse: typo ._. ().

    • GameForge and WTH do look at and pay attention to this forum, but at the moment they have a large set of ideas/suggestions to work on and are currently developing. There's only so much they can do at any one time. When the current improvements have been implemented then they'll look at what else they can do. But this doesn't mean that any new suggestions are ignored and pointless, anything new that interests GF will most likely be added to the next to-do pile.
    • Kebab wrote:

      And you're so negative and pessimistic ;)

      Maybe the negative an pessimistic look is the TRUE one. Maybe, this game is not what it used to be and any new change is making it worse (in my comunity we are losing players AND accounts every month even with the new ones being opened earlier and earlier.

      It simple maths: Less players/accounts AND more universes = You are doing it wrong.

      The reality is sad. Your blindness in all this situation is horrible: If you are doing it on porpouse its BAD but if not it's even WORSE.
    • Less players/accounts AND more universes = You are doing it wrong.
      Less players/accounts and Merge universes = You are doing it right.

      But please this discussion is about whether this suggestion area is useful to keep open or not so please stay on that topic
    • Kebab wrote:

      And you're so negative and pessimistic ;)
      I WAS positive and optimistic (some years ago), like you are currently.
      Now I'm... pragmatic, and realistic. Give me only one example where GF has done something good for the game (in the last 4-5 years or so). I hope you get a good night sleep!
    • Sorry marshen, but I don't agree with you.

      - Astrophysics, especially on the old universes, was not particularly well done (it was OK for the new ones - no change of rules in the middle of the game).
      - The redisign, and all the "features" which accompanied it, is really not something that GF can be proud of...

      Now, you may have another opinion...
    • that was exactly what i expected from you. a really subjective point of view.

      ogame had to go with the time. and everybody (except the botters who had no scripts anymore) is used to it now.

      you're here only to talk good things bad. think ahead and extend your point of view. think about why ogame changed! maybe because it had to compete with other games? maybe because it had to be attractive for several more years? maybe it had to reach a brider audience?

      and don't forget that the gameforge is a company which has to pay their employees. a game that nobody plays because no new gamers stay and old ones leave won't be successful.
    • cristuning84 wrote:

      The responsible in linking the Origin's ideas to the GF is Weteha, but I think that in this period GF only takes care to merging universes.
      Ok but it's not a reason to tell us absolutly nothing concerning suggestions, unifusion ... on this board created to communicate with the GF for plus than 6 months !
      anyway, closing this area it's a bad idea: Origin is born to give suggestions to the GF.
      So we only have to wait after the merging of universes.
      I agree ^^

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • marshen wrote:

      that was exactly what i expected from you. a really subjective point of view.

      ogame had to go with the time. and everybody (except the botters who had no scripts anymore) is used to it now.

      you're here only to talk good things bad. think ahead and extend your point of view. think about why ogame changed! maybe because it had to compete with other games? maybe because it had to be attractive for several more years? maybe it had to reach a brider audience?

      and don't forget that the gameforge is a company which has to pay their employees. a game that nobody plays because no new gamers stay and old ones leave won't be successful.
      Your point of view is as subjective as mine. The only thing which is true (without any doubt) is that we don't agree!

      If you want to know my real feeling on why OGame changed, I prefer to continue the discussion on PM and not pollute this thread. And it's not only for basic financial reasons, trust me.

      Anyway, if I was a GF employee, I wouldn't be happy, even with a good paycheck... because making custumers unhappy, even if my bosses are, wouldn't encourage me to work...

      @Asterix: I love your optimism! One advice, though: try not to bee too optimistic, or your will be soooooooo disappointed shortly!
    • To concentrate on the starting post...

      Originally the origin project just should be a restart of our old and already given "international ideas planet". It was thought just for the collection and discussion of new suggestions and now we have that a huge project which can help the community of every ogame country. So for sure we could improve the suggestion area (Francolino already had some suggestions for it) but in general this ares *is* useful.

      Yes we have some more or less strict plans but we also can implement some "small" new feature and changes within our planned updates. So it really helps us a lot to have tons of nice suggestions which we could develop if we have some time for it. :)
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P