New Ship Model : The Titan (Long Post)

  • New Ship Model : The Titan (Long Post)

    I describe this ship as a Battle Platform/Mothership, very very large in comparison to destroyers/bombers/battleships. But at the same time, this ship is not created for the purpose of fleet crashing. Every ship type can be used in offensive situations So I envisioned a new kind of ship type which would create interests in Old Universes and in the New Universes.

    Overview :

    The Titan, a ship constructed with conventional weaponry on a massive scale, it has all weapon type equipped to its hull. The ship is super massive and has no cargo space, the Titan is built directly on the surface and is not meant to roam the galaxies instead its purpose is to defend colonies in times of war. It remains stationed directly on the surface of the planet and uses planetary energy power as defenses do.

    It has however had success against massive planetary fortresses, with the proper support this ship can attack an enemies defenses directly by flying into low orbit and using its mass array of firepower.

    The gameplay of this Ship.

    Two types of mobility.

    The first type is between friendly colonies, This ship would be able to match Large Transport Speed while on a stationary mission, as well going to an ally colony. (Role Play, in emergency situations the Titan can use all available colonial power to aquire a rapid lift-off and increased speed to defend a nearby colonie)

    (The Titan model was built to defend nearby colonies, since it requires an abundance of deuterium to operate this ship. It uses the planetary energy grid in order to obtain energy necessary for hasty flights. Flying between two friendly planets increases the speed by 100%)

    Sent on a hostile mission, this ship loses 50% of its speed. Roughly the same speed as recyclers. (Adjustments have been made to the energy storage units, and this ship can conduct extended flights but only with support ships refueling the Titan mid space) which causes

    The Titan in Combat!

    The Titan has a unique niche. It is very different then a regular ship for the following reasons. It has two main functions, Defense and Offense.

    Defense ; Since the Titan is gigantic and requires planetary energy, it does not orbit the planet. It lands and docks on the surface (Acting like a Defensive Unit) its giant array of weaponry gives it rapid fire against all ship types.

    Laser Technology = Rapid Fire Against Light/Heavy Fighters, Small/Large Cargo ship Ratio of 3 to 1.
    Ion Technology = RF Against Cruisers / Battle Ships /Battle Cruisers 3:2:1
    Plasma = RF against Bombers / Destroyeurs 1:1

    This would give the titan a defensive use, without being considered a ship which technically is very bad defense since it is recyclable (Potentially profitable to destroy) This would act as a extra force and gigantic defensive structure.

    This would allow players who do not want a giant fleet, to be able to have a mobile bunker per say you can keep titans guarding a small fleet, and that would an interesting level of comfort/illusion to play with.

    But as a defensive unit, it cannot share defensive properties of auto repairing upon being attacked. Because off course it would be able to avoid being demolished (Unfair defenses that can’t be worn down) so this is how I pictured its defensive nature.

    Upon being destroyed the Titan wreck would remain on the surface, uncultivable by the enemy. If the colony can build a titan, this wreck is cannibalized and reduces the material cost of the titan being produced by 50%. So what this would mean is, losing a titan is not an entire loss since you are given a (refund) on the next one being built.

    In the event that they are destroyed, they would then disappear from the colony which would still allow for cargo hits as oppose to large defenses which do not allow cargo hits after main raid.

    On the Offense, it would be considered a fleet ship and would generate debris field if destroyed.

    It would have the reverse Rapid Fire,
    Laser = Missile, Light Laser Rapid Fire
    Ion = Heavy Laser, Ion Cannon,
    Plasma = Cannon Gauss, Plasma Cannon.

    This ship would have a Mother Ship feel, unable to fly alone. And well served at protecting your fleet against large defenses.
    Also, I considered this being matched with Death stars. But since Deathstars already accomplish defeating defenses this would not be very likely. Also, Titans Consume alot of fuel and would radically cost alot of deuterium to fly plenty of these.

    I almost wanted to make this ship terrible in offensive just used randomly if the occasion calls and you have built Titans for Defensive / Fun.

    Building a Titan :

    Theory Pricing and Tech Requirements.

    1.400.000 Metal

    1.400.000 Crystal

    600.000 Deut

    Model #1 Explanation.
    I like the concept of equal crystal metal, if you look at the defensive unit "Cost" building most of them would cost a bit more metal then crystal. But with ships always costing crystal and the Role play behind it crystal is used for infrastructure, this ship would have alot of advanced technology involved.

    1.000.000 Metal

    1.000.000 Crystal

    200.000 Deut

    #2 Slightly Cheaper which could make the Rapid fire ratio lower.

    Technologies :
    Computer Tech 14
    Energy tech 14
    Laser, Ion, Plasma technologies all increase its Rapid Fire Potential.

    Engine propulsion used Hyperspace.

    I wanted this ship to be a High End Empire tool. Because of its Cost and Role, it really has no use in early universes.
    Its really something you would like to use for Bunkering.

    My personal Thoughts on this type of concept, its potential role, and its use by players.

    The first factor why I like this concept. Is the Space Ship popular culture. A Titan Model ship is very common and well-known.
    Alot of Shows, games have this Titan Idea going all over.

    Why I like this in OGame. It offers a heavy defensive structure to solidify your Planet if you Like Bunkering Up with a mobility factor. It would be the all time best Lunar Defense.

    On the Offense it offers a role of large sized Bomber. I mean Bombers, Titans, Destroyeurs would be a Very heavy deut burning
    potent fleet.