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  • There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Ogame ?

    As far I'm concerned , this update won't be a good thing for me , and for the gameplay.

    What's the interest to apply this update ?

    Making Money ?

    Such a shame to see so bad seller !

    People playing mining facilities won't be animore interested in this game ,
    without any big battle, do you think a little minute that they would stay oO

    For sure they play for fun, but, they play to see big battles , to help some big players to build better fleets ... and to enjoy themselves by watching the bigger empires ... collapsing.

    In my opinion, they will see the biggest empires collapsing , but not as they ever wanted , it will be by massive deletings ...

    Finaly, gameforge is killing Ogame,
    It's just that simple.

    No interest for fleet players, no interest for miners .... who would enjoy by playing on MONEY universes ? oO

    And don't make laugth of your players,
    as it was made for redesign , this update will be applied on all ogame servers,
    It's just a question of time .... a little time.... tiny time ?

  • Francolino wrote:

    Please calm down with your words and sentences - No one is interested to read all your * . It's your decision if you want to discuss or not.

    The problem is, thsi nis not a discussion.

    GF brings a new project, tons of changes, and that's it. Like it, don't like, we don't care, this is it.
    Do you call that a discussion ?
    Since the beginning of this thread, not one single time you said "I see, I understand, I'll talk to the dev about it". No. It's just "This is the way it is."

    Where is the discussion here ?
  • Not Factual enough? I gave Percentages, clear examples of why this is terrible.

    You can't just play the arguing game Or the Hey, Calm down Card.

    Maybe you haven't realized yet. Your Stance on this Change is ANGERING!
    Maybe if you learned sympathy and empathy as a young child you could have understood when you try to Add Laws in a structured world that totally change the balance of the game. MAYBE YOU WOULD MADE PEOPLE UPSET? NO?

    And before you Continue. Let's See your War-Riders Information. I would love to see if you even play Ogame at all.

    Most of the Upset people here, are full time mostly everyday players. Are You a Full-time Participant in Ogame Francolino?
  • When you listen to us, I will calm down.
    YOU (and here, I mean both you and GF) are senseless (I prefer "nonsense", it's closer to reality).

    You want to talk in a "factual" way? Let's do it!

    We show facts against your implementations, your test universes, etc... You say "it's not done this way, and it won't change".
    We tell you that we are 90-95% against a new feature. You answer "I don't care" (not to say "f**** you!")

    And you want me to calm down? NO WAY!
  • Im pretty sure,

    He has nothing to say.
    He knows that he can't win an argument with us. So he is just going to ignore us calling him out.

    Why? Because thats what Ignorant people do. When they cannot argue their point of view because all logic has defeated their Non-sense they Ignore and Mentally Block our attempts to debate using Accurate emotional reactions/Mathematical Data presented by the overall Active/Loyal Ogame community.

    So far all I have seen from him Is Excuses and very dumb ones.

    No decent argument except, stop using * .... :whistling:
  • Francolino,

    I told you in PM/IRC that you (GF) were not listening to the community.
    Cheetah is playing HIS game, not listening to any of us (and in german).
    You can think what you want, but I think some ethics could be applied here. And it's not the way you are going forward... Too bad!

    You don't want to have more *** after a F and before a K? So make some changes on your (no personal offense here!) side!

    First and last warning : Be pleasant in this board, and please no extortion attempt.
    by Francolino
  • kendiraton wrote:

    First and last warning : Be pleasant in this board, and please no extortion attempt.
    by Francolino
    That's dictatorial statement. And over-reacting.

    If you want me to kiss you on the mouth (a real french kiss), just ask me. I will not!

    You don't accept any criticism, even if it's for the sake of OGame... That's what I'm complaining about.
    Francolino, try to understand that I don't have anything against you. I'm only trying to keep OGame a real strategical game and not something where any moron/noob can have a chance to win against players who think for the future...
  • Francolino wrote:

    spa856 wrote:

    And improve only the noob protection to 300.000 points?

    Auto fleet no chances, confirmed?

    To use a limit like 300k or better 500k or 1m points is a sensefull suggestion and noticed.

    Auto fleet escape needs (in my opinion) a lot of improvements, at first defense need to be included.
    And only forget that someone imagine a such suking thing ?