Kopernik system

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    • Kopernik system


      I would to present U a work of one of players in polish Ogame. He created a site called "Kopernik System"

      Kopernik system
      • Info : - Kopernik system is a tool which allow coordination between players in the same alliance in OG (ACS, Trade, etc)
        - To log on the system, players need to registred first on the system, after that in the system they need to ad their planets ID's and Alliance ID.
        - The system gather informations about players and alliances from OG and those informations are used on the system.
        - There is a system of verification on the system which allow players to confirm that they are member of their Alliance.
        - The system is safe, the system registration is a part and players can save their own password apart from OG, although the nick name should be the same as in the game because of validing information from ogame througth the system for alliance purposes.
        - The system only read datas from the game
      • Author : Kopernik26
      • Website : ogame.kopernik.idl.pl/
      • Download : -
      • Screenshout video :ogame.kopernik.idl.pl/instrukcja.html
      • Languages : Polish

      I tested it myself and it works fine. For me it can be tolerated, I guaranty myself that the site is safe in all meanings. The system allows players in alliance to communicate together in purpose to plan operations in ACS on attack or defense.
    • The website is now in english also. Please check out if it can be tolerated

      available account for testing from the owner of the site:

      Uni: Gemini
      Login: test_gracz1
      Pass: test_gracz1

      Player2 + Administrator Imperium
      Uni: Gemini
      Login: test_gracz1
      Pass: test_gracz1

      Uni: Gemini
      Login: test_gracz1
      Pass: test_gracz1