Q/A: Merging universes - Part 2

    • Q/A: Merging universes - Part 2

      Summary and translation by NeOsid. Removed some special information for Ogame.de only.

      attack lock:

      during the copy/paste there is an attack lock (24h/d).
      due to our users desires the attack lock was extended from 2am-7pm to 24h/d.
      this attack lock is a security issue, it is part of our final merge concept to secure the accounts and to prevent bugs.
      users can only start fleets with friendly orders (deployment, transport, harvest etc.)
      at 2am every day all active fleets will be recalled (not rebeamed) and all relocations will be canceled.


      all users can copy their account at an empty testserver.
      at the moment users can do what they want without any negative effects.
      users may destroy their fleets or spend their available dm for some officers.

      at the final merging our allready mentioned principe will be kept.
      users will copy their accounts at already existing (target)universes.

      how long will the test take?

      the test will take a few weeks. if there are some critical bugs it might take longer.

      are there any new information about which universes will be exodus/target universes?

      not yet.

      do we get some information about how the merging script works?

      detailed information will follow.
      at the moment the script tries to keep all planets as close as possible to their origin coordinates.
      but if a user has all planets in just one system it will be hardly possible to keep them in just one system.

      what happens to users who do not want to merge?

      after the merging period the account will be deleted. existing dark matter will be payed out in coupons.

      what happens to our testserver?

      the server will be deleted afterwards.

      are there any other rules at the testserver?

      sharing, multiaccounting, pushing and bashing will not be punished.

      other facts:

      -ongoing research will not be canceled
      -alliances will remain after the move. it is possible to see which target universe your allymates have chosen.