Update 2.0 - Prototype for Merging Universes

    • Update 2.0 - Prototype for Merging Universes

      Dear Community,

      Today we will start with the last arrangements for the test run "Fusion of the Universes". In doing so we will firstly update universe 6 (.de) to the new version 2.0. If it succeeds, the rest of the universes will follow next week.

      Our test run will take place in a somewhat modified form on a test server. At first, thereby we will give the players of the universes 6, 30, 31, 33 & 34 (all .de) the opportunity to copy their account on an empty test server. Thus, the account on the own universe does not disappear, you only have the chance to test the fusion by copying the account. Latish, the players of the universes 32, 35, 36, 37 & 38 (all .de) will have the chance to copy their account to the sightly filled universe and so to participate in the operating test.

      Our test run will start in the course of the coming week, there more information about the procedure will come, of course. But basically, the test server will be limited in time and the acquisition of DM will be disabled. Furthermore registrations on the test server will not be possible.

      But the test will have impacts on the accordant universes. There each day from 2 am till 7 pm an attacking ban will be declared in course of the "exodus-phase" , besides active fleets will be recalled at 2 am. That is a part of the later real fusion, which is unfortunately important to protect the accounts. Because of that we will skimp that phase, of course.

      That system should give us the opportunity to test the fusion preferably realistic and find last errors, resp. to debug. The players of the concerned universes have the chance to participate in the operating test, but they do not have to. The copied account does not have any influences on the virtual account. So in the test universe you can do with it anything you want.

      Best regards,
      Your OGame Team
    • Today all communities were updated to version 2.0.

      However with the update came a time bug, instead of server time the community's local time will be displayed. This will be fixed and returned to the original behaviour at some point.

      Your OGame Team.
    • Start of unifusion test in OGame.de


      Well, now the unifuion test in Ogame.de starts - See the original posting from WeTeHa Beginn des Fusionstests.

      Here is a short translation of this news post :

      Dear Ogamers,

      A few minutes ago the last preparations were completed and the test of merging universes has begun. The players in the German universes 6, 30, 31, 33 & 34 may choose to copy their account to universe 555, which will be done at 3 am. After the copying of the account you may login at OGame.de but stay in vacation mode for another 24h. You may choose to move until Friday.

      If you choose to help test the merging then your account in your original universe will be put in vacation at 2 am and will be reactivated at 4 am . The reactivation will be automatic, so if you put your account into vacation mode yourself be aware that your vacation mode will be removed. Nevertheless this only concerns you if you chose to copy your account.

      We decided to impose a complete attack block due to your feedback. It will start tonight and will last till Friday. At night your fleets won’t be recalled but transferred immediately to the planet they started at.

      You won’t be able to buy Dark Matter but may use your already existing DM without it having any influence on your “real” account.

      Please note that there are no rules in Universe 555. Only things like insults are forbidden.

      Thanks to Shini for translation,

      Your OGame Origin Team.
    • Dear Community,

      first of all, thank you very much indeed for your aid with the first public tests of our fusion of the universes. That way we could gain plenty experiences and knowledge and of course we also detected some bugs.

      During the next two weeks we will do more refinements and fix the last errors. For example like that we could repair the ACS a few minutes ago and thus to give you the chance to use it again. Subsequent to that last test phase the universe will be closed and erased from the system. Big Goodbye Hits should be flown before 04-22 as possible.

      In the course of this day we will credit all accounts, which exist there, for 3,000,000 Dark Matter, so that you can let off steam in Universe 555.

      Sincerely yours

      your OGame.de-team

      Original : News about testserver by WeTeHa
      Translation by Withania, thanks.

      Regards, Francolino
    • The test of universe merge has finished a few weeks ago. All was good and no major problems were encountered.
      In present Gameforge staff is working to change the way servers and software are internally communicating . Additional time is required for this but we can say that the preparations for the universe merge are on the right path.
      We'll keep you informed as soon as we'll have news on this.