Fix Colonizing Missions?

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    • Fix Colonizing Missions?

      I wonder if this was an intentional change to the game, or simply a change in coding that allowed this type of fleet activity to exist.

      For a long time in playing ogame, without a free colonie from your maximum. You could not send your ships to colonize.

      That made alot of sense to me, i compared it too if there is no debris you cannot send in 'Exploitation' (Sorry im ogame.frer :P)

      After coming back to brand new Universe Io on starting day 1 etc. I noticed alot of funky things, first of all expeditions totally being bugged.
      6 hour expé came back in 1 hour and a half .

      Later on, I hear word that you can send a fleet to colonize, and no colony be created and the fleet simply returns.
      I am not sure if this was always around but certainely the idea instantly poped into my Head.
      Well If i can send my ships from my Moon to colonize I dont have to worry about Somewhere to Ghost from in the same Solar System.

      Now off course, this is TOTALLY new to me, kind of bizzare. I wasn't too sure if this was a BUG? Or Was it a Change to the game?

      I really think, if this can changed/undone. Ogame would really be better overall. The fun thing about Commiting all your income towards fleet for me!
      Was I always had the knowledge that if I invest time, predict and calculate. I could take down a fleet of choice! And overall, that keeps ogame and also you on your toes about your Fleet.

      My favorite all time Player From Universe 42 Named Lo Prince Kreol.

      He was an asbolute master of this and had HoF streaks for weeks. I think he totalled 100-150 or something in 1 year.

      My Suggestion.
      Simply, Revert the Original gameplay that without a Free Colony available. You cannot send a colonizing mission.

      Reasoning :

      Ogame is a war game, a heavy logic based game, role Playing in its own way.

      This way of using a fleet is 100% undetectable. (Not Logical for a War game... No cat and mouse game) More like click click click (peace of mind)
      For the superior fleet (wait, wait, wait, sigh, boring (logs onto sc2))

      I mean, at this point why not simply create a new fleet mission and call it 'Fleet Saving' With 1-24 Hours at cost of flying on your CDR.

      I was in a War and this change was being used by our enemys. We started off the war with the notion that we will chek CDR everyday and with luck we will catch one fleet off guard and smoke it for lunch (We were top 1 ally)

      But then we learned that you can not detect this way of Fleet saving... How DULL! We now had nearly zero tactics available to calculate and win the war?
      We had a giant advantage in fleet, 5 of us could take down 1v1 all of there fleets with ease.

      With that Extremely depressing news... Our team slowly crumbled, weeks went by... and off course, hardly any real action. Until One of us Left a Gift for the War Effort -70k Points. LOL! Few more weeks, a second. -100k Points ! LOOL! As for me, with only 1 moon I had no real motivation to hunt extremely careful players because afterall we were the most Threatening Around With the top fleets.

      So we Lost the war, the team entirely broke up. And Looking back, I really think. This new function in Ogame is what killed it for us.
      We had momentum, the motivation, the skill (top players aint lucky just geekin out in early universes).

      But our main tactic was Erased from the Drawing Board, about 1 week into the War.
      BUMMER? I said, BORING!

      Recently I have debated going to War again! With 7 moons on my 8 planets. The most powerfull fleet on my Universe. Very developed mines and infrastructure.
      And a job to supply Anti-Matter.
      It would be fun to have the ability to really dive back into conflict mode.
      But without secrecy, you have little chance of catching your target off guard.

      But with all my dislikes about this one team. I feel bored knowing that Fleet Crashing is almost impossible against the person that has Aggrivated you in PMs or on the Board. There is no longer any way of tracking fleets behind moons expect Moon Breaking!..... BORING....!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Hopefully this is something that can be looked at. And Hopefully alot of people have feedback as to what it means too them!

      Because for me! I am a HUGE raideur, I'm sitting on the highest Battle Cruiser count in my Universe at close to four thousand.

      I really remeber liking the idea that I could be very active, build up a huge fleet, and like I said.
      I could monitor someone and see tangible evidence of there fleet.

      Now that thought is gone, and I miss it!

      I feel like all I can do is wait for luck to be on my side for 'Gift Wrapped' Crashed.

      Raiding a Moon is usually the most fun part of being a top raideur.

      Another Interesting thing I noticed.
      Universe Jupiter is 70% ruins in fights no Group Combat. A very very Unique universe and also looking very very fun!
      I have an account but I made a support mooner account to get mooned on my Top Account.

      The Best Player on that Universe, he is a 100% Raideur. He had the largest fleet and would display Realllllly Nice Fights.
      In all his Hall of Fame threads. He would explcitly explain how he came about crashing this fleet.

      And he used the technique of raiding someone who is fleet saving on a debris field! Crashing a few probes, watching the recycleurs swap up that 1k crystal and note the exact time. With Pro Jedi Mind tricks timed his Attack to arrive and Create a Massive Debrit Field!
      Not everyone knew ...Instead you can simply have 1 colony ship and send it to position 14 and you would accomplish the same thing without having a fleet 3 seconds on your moon after your safe return. Avoiding The Whole, Being Fleet Crashed because you are not leaving any traces.

      So quickly people caught on. Look. Use this Technique, The Mister Top Fleet will be powerless to ruin your puny army for breakfast.

      And about 2 months later, with just a few more posting of Epic Fights. (Off course no more Debrit Returns)
      He gave it up and decided Ogame is actually Bad now. and Retiring is more fun then to have 1.5M points in fleet on a really young Universe.

      If this change was not around, and people constantly had to securely hide a fleet. That really amazingly dedicated player would have most likely chosen to keep on Crashing People and have fun doing it!

      Too be Honest, Even if you Chek Debris Field. With Jump Gates you can dodge a 4 second delayed attack.
      My friend recently was in that dilemma. Faced with 25 000 ships 4 seconds after his return (From his own Ruins sent with some Deathstars at 10%)
      He dodged the raid warping his fleet into his Jump Gate.

      And also, there are many ways to actually Fleet save unoticable. But Regardless, Stationary Missions are almost safe from everything.
      The catch is you need your own planet Nearby otherwise you are burning Deuterium.
      You can send with recycleurs and recall before you actually towndown and can no longer recall.
      You can send on a planet without capabilities of creating a debris field.
      Tactics that a player using alot of logic would use to maintain that undetectability.
      With the Colony Mission, you bypass all these 'I need to watch out standard way of fleet saving'
      and you actually progress to the next level, and become undetectable because your destination Is FAKE!

      All of the ways to fleet save effectively require vigilance and do leave room for error and Timing Exept for Colonising.
      you have nothing to think about, nothing to worry about. Simply launch at the percentage of choice for timing purposes.

      This suggestion would really only give advantage to the dedicated player Both in Defense and in Offense.
      After all, the player investing time is soppose to be the dominant force (Because he is managing his resources like a business man would Investing constantly)
    • Hello!

      I'm back to UP!


      Recently, Sending your Fleet to colonize (all Ships with all resources) Has been allowed in a recent 'Patch' I imagine.

      The purpose of this, is to Fleet save instead of on a debris field but to a unused colony in your own solar system.

      Previously, If you had Maxed out Colonies, you could not 'ATTEMPT' to send a colonizing Mission You would get the same (X) Message saying you cannot colonize, exactly the same as if you send your ships to a non existant debrit field. You get an (X) Error message and it stops you there.

      My Questions.
      * And Reasonings of Questions.

      1. Was this Change Intentional?.

      1.* Seemingly, this has greatly impacted Methods of Fleet saving. It not allows for essentially, a Fail-safe Fleet saving tactic anyone can be familiar with.

      2. How does this Impact the Game?

      2.* For me and most of my friends, this change is actually a bad thing. Tracking potential Targets is that much harder.
      Previously, you could look for missing debris fields near your potential Target. And based off his last acitivity you could get a good Picture of your target's Fleet saving Tactics (As most people fleet save when they are AFK for a long duration)

      3. What would changing this do?

      3.* I really think that changing this. Will simply put the game back to where it was. This 'Method'/'Bug' is not something that has always been around.
      It is New, and has changed alot of peoples point of view on Ogame.

      I really think, if a player is motivated enough You should be able to Succesfully avoid being Destroyed, and likewise with motivation you should be able to Destroy your target.
      Colonizing Fleet Saving, Only makes the game more passive.
    • The possibility to start a colonization was the whole time available.

      But with RD the "shadow"-planets (which are generated and deleted on next night) were removed.
      So the fleeter has yet no chance to detect a colonization which has failed.

      I suppose it is better to stay with the current solution or re-implement the shadow planets or another information for the fleeters.
    • What I mean by it was not always Available.

      In 2005 and after, when there was no grouped combats. Not even any Battle Cruisers.
      I'm almost certain you could not colonie ship fleet save.

      Perhaps it has been around for a long time. But I looked everywhere and haven't seen anything about this specific change in official Patch Notes.