Install GM-Scripts on Safari Browser

    • Install GM-Scripts on Safari Browser

      One of the most popular features on FireFox is Greasemonkey: this addon allows you to use a lot of usefull scripts.
      This is also possible on Safari browser from Apple on Mac computers.
      How? Not so difficult.

      1- SIMBL Download-Installation.
      You can download SIMBL from here.
      Then install it following the instructions (you'll have to click "Next" everytime).

      2- Download GreaseKit (link).

      3- Close Safari browser.

      4- To install GreaseKit, drag GreaseKit.bundle file into [b]~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins[/b].
      If the SIMBL/Plugins/ folder doesn't exist, you've to create it. Then drop GreaseKit.bundle inside.

      5- Open Safari.
      Now you should see a GreaseKit link in the Safari Menu, like this:

      6- Install GreaseMonkey Scripts.
      You only have to go to and look for the script that you prefer. When you find it, click on the "Install this script" button.

      7- A Safari dialog will appear asking you to confirm the installation. Click Install.

      8- After few seconds, you'll see in your GreaseKit menu the new installed script.

      9- How can I know if a GM-Script will work on Safari? You must try it. In general, almost all GM-scripts should run without any problem in Safari... but maybe some of them need some modification or don't work. Test it!... and if your favorite script works... enjoy it!!!

      PD: "How to" adapted from…monkey-scripts-in-safari/ from Ross McKillop post :)
    • Well seems like PM didn't get any attention.

      So howdy everyone !

      I was wondering if anybody get any success in having this working on MAC 0S X - 10.7 - Lion ?

      Seems like Greaskit still can be installed on Safari, but once the script opened, we can't get any pop-up to save it.

      Any ideas ?