Your Nick's Stories

    • Your Nick's Stories

      ^^ I was wandering ... not really wandering but When first I came to Origin I found new nicks (interesting ones :P )
      I remember I received a PM asking me why did I call myself The Truth, is that because I always tell the truth or i am just a big liar that can assumes what he does ( :phatgrin: )
      Well It's just an idea how about you tell us your nick's story, why did you choose it? ^^
      But first i'm gonna tell you mine:

      So like 6 years ago (maybe five) I was a young teen, enjoying his life ( I still do :rofl: )... It was during the summer vacation, I went to a sunny beach with my parents.. and there I met two guys a Spanish guy and an Italian one ^^.. The first is called Alejandro, the second Alessandro ( :rofl: Krama will love this part) well at that time I was speaking fluently arabic (of course), spanish and english (got the basis but needed some practise^^ as you will see)
      So I met with this guys and we spent three weeks together, speaking only in english ... The two guys were fond of Naruto (the well-known japanese manga ) they looked so eager talking about it... I wasn't following Naruto at that time so I was always listening to them during their Naruto's speech...
      One time they wanted to know my opinion about a battle.. Cauz' I didn't have any idea about the topic, I was going to tell them: 'The Truth is that I don't know at all Naruto." Instead I said: " The Verity is ..."
      They didn't understand what I said (just to precise that our english level wasn't that good ^^) I tried to explain to them what verity is..
      Afterwards, they shouted: " Ah you mean The Truth." (vérité=the truth in french :phatgrin: ) Since that day they spent the folowwing weeks calling me the truth ^^

      I just took the nick once then kept it until now ( I can say that it isn't not my real nickname but i use it commonly^^)
      P.S: Sorry for the long post... it's hard to remember these teen's memories :werderw: )
    • The Truth wrote:

      Instead I said: " The Verity is ..."
      I like this kind of story ^
      Verity is so british in that case lollll

      For me "asterix" is just a random but in fact a good random for a french personn who is called to talk on an international board, isn't it ?
      Just a secret for you : I'm a woman and I took this nick the first time I used the french board, just to have a look instead of my husband who was begining playing Ogame and I have conserved this nick when I played by myself a few time later.

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • It just came out of nowhere to be honest but the origin of it comes from a certain skill for warrior in diablo 2, mixed with my favourite evil transformer also influenced by sailor pluto and some mythology xD

      It is generally complicated, I came up with it joining over 11 years ago lol ... 8|
    • I like it :D


      Hmm.. well I had a few ingame names, but all were quite dreadful....

      Then one day, I was talking to a friend about being unable to think of a good name - in those days I was a huge metal fan (not the type for air conditioning either), and also was a miner / trader. So my friend said: "What about Heavy Metal Trader"? Has stuck with me since through thick and thin :D

      Good thread btw.
      Know a trader? How about... HEAVY METAL TRADER?

      After 10 years, clearly the best:

      HoFs: NONE
      HOF'd: by Leon (LINK)

      The Cons Vs. IG - LOST
      ASGARD vs. OGN - LOST
      HMT vs. The Outsider (player) - LOST
      HMT vs. Ali The King (player) - LOST
    • I call myself Jedi because the Force is with me..mostly. my first nick at Ogame was King Jedi , I change this after everyone just call me Jedi.
      King Jedi...this name had a few meanings for me. K and J was the first letters of the name of my father. So I wanted a Nick with these letters. My Friends in RL call me often King Dingeling and I like Star Wars...that's the story.