H: Preso io :)
Non esiste player, non importa che sia primo o 5.000 in classifica, che possa stare 24h davanti al PC a controllare che nessuno rubi le sue risorse o distrugga la sua flotta – tutti devono andare a lavorare, scuola, oppure dormire qualche ora. Durante questi periodi, l'account sarà vulnerabile a possibili attacchi senza alcuna protezione, e proprio per questo il fleetsave è diventato uno degli aspetti più importanti di OGame. Fare fleetsave, significa avere le navi in volo (verso un proprio pianeta o luna per lo più) quando non si può controllare il gioco, perché le flotte non possono essere attaccate mentre sono in volo. Ma distruggere le flotte è una mossa molto redditizia, quindi ricorda di attuare il fleetsave scrupolosamente ma molto più importante sarà farlo in modo corretto. Per questa ragione abbiamo creato questa guida che possa aiutarti in questa situazione - in modo che tu non debba imparare dai tuoi errori o dalle fatalità.
Devo veramente attuare il fleetsave tutti i giorni?
Non dovresti vedere il fleetsave come qualcosa di negativo, ma essa va pianificato con cognizione, in modo che da non rimanere un giorno senza flotta, che faticosamente hai costruito. Certo, può a volte capitare di essere di fretta oppure di essere stretti col tempo - ma è proprio allora gli errori capitano con più facilità, ed a beneficiarne saranno i tuoi nemici. Presta molta attenzione a questo, sopratutto se hai la sensazione che qualcuno sia interessato alle tue navi - ad esempio se compare una nuova colonia di un player più forte nel tuo sistema, oppure se sei spiato spesso. Devi anche stare attento di non incappare in abitudini quotidiane. A volte è necessario cambiare l'orario ed il posto dove mandare le navi, perché se effettui il fleetsave sempre alla stessa maniera, sarai un facile bersaglio per i nemici che potranno scoprire con semplicità i tuoi orari anche grazie a questa regolarità, e la tua flotta finirà nelle loro riciclatrici. Sopratutto questo genere di intercettazioni è il pericolo maggiore del quel ti devi preoccupare nell'attuare il fleetsave – ma
Non esiste player, non importa che sia primo o 5.000 in classifica, che possa stare 24h davanti al PC a controllare che nessuno rubi le sue risorse o distrugga la sua flotta – tutti devono andare a lavorare, scuola, oppure dormire qualche ora. Durante questi periodi, l'account sarà vulnerabile a possibili attacchi senza alcuna protezione, e proprio per questo il fleetsave è diventato uno degli aspetti più importanti di OGame. Fare fleetsave, significa avere le navi in volo (verso un proprio pianeta o luna per lo più) quando non si può controllare il gioco, perché le flotte non possono essere attaccate mentre sono in volo. Ma distruggere le flotte è una mossa molto redditizia, quindi ricorda di attuare il fleetsave scrupolosamente ma molto più importante sarà farlo in modo corretto. Per questa ragione abbiamo creato questa guida che possa aiutarti in questa situazione - in modo che tu non debba imparare dai tuoi errori o dalle fatalità.
Devo veramente attuare il fleetsave tutti i giorni?
Non dovresti vedere il fleetsave come qualcosa di negativo, ma essa va pianificato con cognizione, in modo che da non rimanere un giorno senza flotta, che faticosamente hai costruito. Certo, può a volte capitare di essere di fretta oppure di essere stretti col tempo - ma è proprio allora gli errori capitano con più facilità, ed a beneficiarne saranno i tuoi nemici. Presta molta attenzione a questo, sopratutto se hai la sensazione che qualcuno sia interessato alle tue navi - ad esempio se compare una nuova colonia di un player più forte nel tuo sistema, oppure se sei spiato spesso. Devi anche stare attento di non incappare in abitudini quotidiane. A volte è necessario cambiare l'orario ed il posto dove mandare le navi, perché se effettui il fleetsave sempre alla stessa maniera, sarai un facile bersaglio per i nemici che potranno scoprire con semplicità i tuoi orari anche grazie a questa regolarità, e la tua flotta finirà nelle loro riciclatrici. Sopratutto questo genere di intercettazioni è il pericolo maggiore del quel ti devi preoccupare nell'attuare il fleetsave – ma
– but that also can be minimized with this tutorial. For more detailed information and tactics regarding fleetsaving have a look at our more advanced Fleetsa
Besides the right saving method, also the control is a useful element to avoid fleet loss. That means precisely, that after you have sent your fleet, you have to look on the overview, if the fleet really comes back to the designated time. Nothing is more infuriating than a fleet loss by a typing error with the coordinates, by the wrong speed or by the wrong mission. Furthermore, especially if you feel like being watched, it is advisable to stay in the account for a while. Most of the players defer the saving on the end of the playing time (logically), thus the enemy can value the possible time of dispatch without spying.
[edit] What is the best way to save on a planet ?
At the beginning of a universe, when you do not have a moon yet, the choice of saving possibilities is limited. But also later, for example if you deploy a fleet on a raid-colony without any moon, you have to go back to these methods. There it is important to know, what kind of safety each method provides.
[edit] Planet – Debris Field:
This is a very simple method, which is very dangerous, and which should only be used at the beginning of a universe, when nobody has a moon or a sensor phalanx. In this case, just send your fleet with at least one recycler to a close debris field and adjust the flying time, so that the fleet returns when you can be online again. By doing that you ensure that nobody can kill your fleet while you are away. But as soon as somebody has a phalanx in the immediate vicinity, this method to save is pure suicide, because the fleet can be intercepted easily.
[edit] Planet – attack:
If you do not have any recyclers at the beginning of a universe, or if you are ready to dare for a few more resources, you also can save via attacking a player. But you should only fly on inactive players or such, who are in an inferior position, because else you can get a nasty surprise very fast – nobody wants to log in after the saving action and notice that the fleet was killed during the attack. This option is more insecure as the saving to a debris field, because the fleet can not only be intercepted on the return path with the sensor phalanx (see Moon for more), but also by an ACS defend (see ACS) on the attacked planet.
[edit] Planet – planet – deployment:
Unlike saving to a debris field or via attack, this method will also be secure in some degree even if there are players with moons near you. The requirements for that are two planets, which are relatively close together. That is why you should not disperse your colonies in all galaxies at the beginning. Now you just send your fleet via deployment to the other planet, so that you are online when it arrives there. If an enemy tries to intercept the fleet, you just can call it back and let the attack run into emptiness. Alternatively, you can also call back your fleet anytime, so that it disappears from the adversarial phalanx – however, also take care that the fleet arrives back to the origin planet when you are online again. The problem of this alternative is, that if you use it regularly, the time of return can be calculated. That can cause a loss of your fleet via intercepting, but this time and cost consuming method (phalanx deuterium) will only be used for big fleets.
[edit] The best saving methods with moon
The minute you have one or more moons, you can take the topic saving easier. Because moons cannot be scanned by a sensor phalanx, that means the fleet movement on a moon is not obvious to adversarial players. Thereby some comfortable, but secure options of saving your fleet are given.
[edit] Moon – debris field:
Since moons cannot be scanned by sensor phalanx, you can save more securely on a debris field. But, although only fewer players will bother, this method is still far from absolute safety. Seasoned fleet hunters will look after the debris field, on which you send your fleet, and can start an interception by observing the harvest time.
That is the reason why some players use so-called shadow waves – they first send one or more single recyclers to a debris field and let follow their fleet shortly afterwards – so the enemy cannot know, which part of the fleet he has to intercept. If the distance between the single fleets is more short ( less than 20 seconds ), one shadow wave suffices more often than not, because the attacker is not able to uncover the debris field meanwhile and to find out the arrival time of the main fleet. It is advisable to send more recyclers instead of one. Because, if there is a really valuable fleet, maybe the attacker bothers to shoot a debris field with more crystal as fits into a normal shadow wave (one recycler). Than the attacker will see when exactly the debris field will change, and he will, according to this, wait until the big debris field entirely disappears. Generally that means that the main fleet just reached. But if you send more equal recycler fragments to the debris field, the attacker will need even more information, because he will not be able to infer only to the harvest.
The most secure method is never letting the fleet arrive at the debris field. If the ships are recalled while they are flying, nothing will be changed at the debris field, even if the enemy observes very much.
Please note: Invisible debris fields will be deleted every week at night from Sunday to Monday (at ca. 1:30 am) and they cannot be approached until there is a new debris field (just destroying a probe via attack there). They will not be deleted if a fleet flies to or from this debris field at the time. Especially if you have the option to save on a debris field, which you cannot uncover, you shall save it by flying on it at the deleting time, because they give you an extra protection against a loss of fleet via intercepting. Debris fields, which give you such advantage, are those of players, who are in the vacation mode or those on empty positions, which are still there if there was a planet. But also debris fields on planets of inactive players, on which there are no ships or defensive structures, will make saving much easier.
[edit] Moon – colonization:
Just send your whole fleet as well as a colony ship with all the resources to an unsettled position. If you are not able to colonize more planets, the colony ship will just return with the fleet and the resources. Other players are not able to notice the failed try to colonize, which makes this method very secure. But please note: if there is one free colony, the colony ship will subdue the planet and before it will return, the fleet will dump all resources.
[edit] Moon – moon – ACS defend:
Here it is necessary, that you have a player of good repute in your vicinity. For saving you have to fly to his moon with the order “hold”. It is important, that the time of holding is 0, so the fleet could not be intercepted on the other moon. The only thing, what can be dangerous is a moon destroying or a betrayal by your holding target.
Moon – moon:
Everyone, who is lucky enough to have two moons close to each other, can use the most secure save method and sleep calmly. Just send the fleet from one moon to the other; nobody can calculate the arrival and no phalanx can localize it. But it is possible that a player destroys one or both moons, and intercepts your fleet – but it is associated with immense effort and risk, that is why it will be tried only if there is a lucrative target. And even in this case, when both moons are destroyed, you still can avoid an interception by calling back the fleet. Thereby it disappears from the phalanx and flies relatively secure back to the planet.
What if I am intercepted never the less ?
If it happens, that your fleet is intercepted and destroyed, do not take it too seriously. OGame is after all just a game and it should not be a reason to attack other people verbal or to flame them. Better ask the player about what you have done wrong, and avoid this fault in the future, because like that every player has learned and advanced himself – also the enemy, who was just now destroying your ships. To quicken the rebuilding of your fleet, of course you can try to harvest the debris field of your destroyed fleet, whether the attacker did not yet.