Version management

    • Version management

      - Using a textfield for free changes (e.g for tools etc) -
      --- FAQs etc follows the OGame version -- Tools etc have their own numbering of course
      --- Leave the checkbox to force the setting of all translations with lower version to "Update needed"

      - No dependence between FAQ / Loca / Wiki version ... each for itself

      - The Version for Loca should stay in the Loca box
      - A FAQ maybe don't need a version cause of this
    • Added in /ots/items/index.php

      $loca_states = array("Not started", "In progress", "OK, Upate!", "OK", "Checked"); = state for loca_state
      $loca_states_nat = array("Not started", "In progress", "Need Upate!", "Finished", "Checked"); = states for Localization - national
      $wiki_states = array("Not started", "In progress", "OK, Upate!", "OK", "Checked"); = state for wiki_state
      $wiki_states_nat = array("Not started", "In progress", "Need Upate!", "Finished", "Checked"); = states for Wiki - national

      All done
    • function get_icon_state( $name="", $state=0, $states="", $item_id=0 ) {

      if (OTS_READONLY === false) {
      <td class="lstDataC">
      <a href="<?php echo OTS_URL; ?>index.php?module=<?php echo $ots_module; ?>&action=edit&id=<?php echo $row['item_id']; ?>">
      <img name="gui_state" src="images/icons/flag_<?php echo $row['faq_state']; ?>.png" alt="<?php echo $faq_states[$row['faq_state']]; ?>" title="<?php echo $faq_states[$row['faq_state']]; ?>" width="16" height="16">
      } else {
      <td class="lstDataC"><img name="gui_state" src="images/icons/flag_<?php echo $row['faq_state']; ?>.png" alt="<?php echo $faq_states[$row['faq_state']]; ?>" title="<?php echo $faq_states[$row['faq_state']]; ?>" width="16" height="16"></td>