Tactic 05c: Fleet interception guide

    • Tactic 05c: Fleet interception guide

      • Fleet interception guide

      • Please use this thread for questions, suggestions, improvements, etc.

      • Written by <author>
        - <link to the original>

      • The template for all translations:
        - <Link to the template for all translations>

      What needs to be done:
      • -

      • added - XXth Month 2010 - Name of the editor.
    • <Francolino>interception guide / tactic means .. how to manage the fleets to kill the fleet surely and get the resources
      <Francolino>you can call it interception timing as well
      <Kebab>hmm I can't think of a better word/phrase for this atm
      <Francolino>for me, a special guide / tactic is sensefull for this
      <Kebab>yeah i agree that a special guide is needed as it's not covered elsewhere,
      <Francolino>fleet interception guide" or "Interception guide"
      <Francolino>well, anywhere a hint about it
      <Kebab>Fleet interception guide i think is better
      <Francolino>a fleeter need to know how to etc
      <Kebab>hmm in the blind Phalanx guide it says: "A guide on what are blind phalanxes, how to pull them off. Return hits, recalled deployments and df/activity watch hits" - isn't df and activity watch hits what would be covered in the interception guide?
      <Francolino>yes, a part of it
      <Francolino>but as i sayd, this one is more for "how to do it"
      <Francolino>how to manage the fleets to make sure that they are 2 or 3 seconds behind
      <Francolino>detecting a fleet and time is one part of successfull fleeting
      <Francolino>the other is, how to kill them ;-)
      <Kebab>ok :)
      <Francolino>so .. blind phalanx guide is how to find them and the time
      <Francolino>interception guide is how to kill it exactly