Pinned Discussions in native languages

    • Discussions in native languages

      Hello to everybody,

      Until now every OGame community can maintain any thread in this FAQ area and discuss in their native language - We change the Prefix to your TLD. Please write me first a PM or post your wish in the thread. With this change we want to improve the help from any OGame com. Creating guides is hard enough - and doing this in a second language is causes to many errors and problems. I post the news about this change the next days, until than you can submit comments or complains here.

      Regards, Francolino
    • Do you mean that I can post here guides (like for slowdown with a probe) in french and discuss my suggestion with the french team... and then if we agree on it, translate it in english in order to be submitted to Origin community for possible comments or changes?
      I hope I understood what you meant.
      Thanks in advance for your reply :)
    • The Truth wrote:

      Do you mean that I can post here guides (like for slowdown with a probe) in french and discuss my suggestion with the french team... and then if we agree on it, translate it in english in order to be submitted to Origin community for possible comments or changes?
      I hope I understood what you meant.
      Thanks in advance for your reply :)

      Completly correct.
      And in case that there are two discussions about the same topic - no matter because of the Prefix. For example i see no problem to have Tactic 10: Slowdown by ACS ( no TLD means english of course ) and [FR] Tactic 10: Slowdown by ACS .

      Regards, Francolino
    • Francolino wrote:

      Hello to everybody,

      Until now every OGame community can maintain any thread in this FAQ area and discuss in their native language - We change the Prefix to your TLD. Please write me first a PM or post your wish in the thread. With this change we want to improve the help from any OGame com. Creating guides is hard enough - and doing this in a second language is causes to many errors and problems. I post the news about this change the next days, until than you can submit comments or complains here.

      Regards, Francolino
