Origin: Start of the suggestion area [need update]

    • Origin: Start of the suggestion area [need update]

      Start of the suggestion team

      The OGame Origin project originally started out as a place where team members from different communities could share and combine the suggestions their users made about improving the game and adding new features. Although the project now has grown to be a lot more, the suggestion area still is this the main purpose. This text should serve as a short explanation on how this project is supposed to work and hopefully also as a little motivation for you to participate.

      What is the purpose of the suggestion area?
      Up to today every OGame community has their own subforum where they collect and handle their users suggestions. Furthermore each community has developed their own system on how to deal with those ideas, how to select the useful ones and of course how to forward them to the Gameforge AG and perhaps get some feedback.

      This situation leads to quite a number of problems. A lot of ideas are selected and forwarded by more then one community, unnecessarily increasing the workload of the team members and the community managers. Some ideas are highly promoted by some communities but nobody knows how the others think about it. The good ideas are spread over several boards, preventing the Gameforge AG from getting a good overview. There are a few more issues, but I think you get the point.

      In order to optimize and quicken this process, the OGame Origin project was started. It is supposed to be a platform where all the communities can combine their effort to optimize the process. To do so each team can post the best suggestions of their communities here so that the other communities and the Gameforge AG can read, consider and evaluate them. This will help decrease the workload for all of us and help select and develop those ideas that most the users and as well the Gameforge AG would like to see implemented. The gain for your community is also quite obvious: faster feedback, interesting suggestions from other communities and the possibility to see what other communities think about your ideas.

      Who should become a member of the suggestion team?
      First of all the suggestion area is only for team members with signed DPA. Other then that it is of course recommended that those team members that deal with the users suggestions in your local community also join the suggestion team here to participate in this international project. Furthermore those people should of course be able to work in a team and have enough time and dedication to become a productive member of this group. Since a decent knowledge of the English language is required it may be recommendable to select the two or three most suited members of your team members to act as spokespersons for your community. To become a member of the suggestions group, just contact me or one of the team members.

      What kind of suggestions are requested right now?
      As WeTeHa stated in the community meeting (Link), the project management decided to use the redesign as a reason to rethink all possible suggestions, even those rejected in the past. Because of this, all suggestions are welcome to be posted here right now. Of course this excludes joke ideas, abolition of payment features and anything else that would only waste our and your time. Also please make sure that idea has not already been posted by somebody else.

      How should we select suggestions from our communities?
      The way you handle the suggestions in your community is entirely your choice. You could for example hold a community vote on which ideas your players like most, select the ones that have been discussed the most intensively or just forward the ones you think have the greatest chance for success. Since previously rejected ideas are now accepted again as well, you may want to consider WeTeHas suggestion to reset your local suggestion boards (Link).

      How are we going to get feedback to our suggestions?
      The exact way of how the suggestions will be commented is not yet decided. But since the Origin project is directed by our community manager WeTeHa, the feedback will definitely faster and more detailed then in most communities in the past. The most probable way is that WeTeHa will periodically talk to the project management about new suggestions posted here and give feedback right away.

      Greetings, Francolino

      Thanks to Alex deLarge for this good text


      - Here you'll find all translations : [Origin] Start of the suggestion team