Tactic 03b: Defense fire power analysis

    • Tactic 03b: Defense fire power analysis

      • Complete fleet fire power analysis

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    • Defences Fire Power Analysis

      Rocket launcher
      (formerly: Missile Launcher)

      This will be your basic fodder. Priceless in large numbers (1000+) they can become annoying at the mid-game when people are concentrating on BS rather than cruisers (which have a RF against these) Effective at the very start of a universe against blind raiders, effective in large numbers as fodder.

      Pros - Very cheap.
      Cons - It is weak.

      Minimum Firepower to kill in 1 shot: 80
      (16 SC/LC, 2 LF, 1 HF, 1 CR, 1 BS, 2 COL, 1 Bmb, 1 Des, 1 BC)

      Maximum Firepower 1 unit can sustain in 1 shot: 220
      (44 SC/LC, 5 LF, 2 HF, 1 CR, 1 BS, 5 COL, 1 Bmb, 1 Des, 1 BC)

      Max Damage Absorption by shields in 6 rounds of battle: 120
      Max Damage Absorption by Unit in 6 rounds of battle: 320
      Max Damage Caused by Unit in 6 rounds of combat: 480

      Light Laser

      Your second basic fodder. People seem to build larger numbers of these than Rocket launchers, the reason being they use up a small amount of crystal, allowing for a more effective use of resources rather than just metal for rocket launchers. Destroyers have rapid fire v these as well as bombers.

      Pros - Very cheap (alternative) fodder (slightly more balanced cost than rocket launcher)
      Cons - Not much stronger than an rocket launcher.

      Minimum Firepower to kill in 1 shot: 85
      (17 SC/LC, 2 LF, 1 HF, 1 CR, 1 BS, 2 COL, 1 Bmb, 1 Des, 1 BC)

      Maximum Firepower 1 unit can sustain in 1 shot: 225
      (45 SC/LC, 5 LF, 2 HF, 1 CR, 1 BS, 5 COL, 1 Bmb, 1 Des, 1 BC)

      Max Damage Absorption by shields in 6 rounds of battle: 150
      Max Damage Absorption by Unit in 6 rounds of battle: 350
      Max Damage Caused by Unit in 6 rounds of combat: 600

      Heavy Laser

      4 SL are much more effective for the same cost. However, it's yet more fodder with a slightly larger hull/shield rating and less rapid fire from the bomber. However, I have been informed one heavy laser will destroy one light fighter in one round. That's a pretty decent reason to build these. However I have yet to see turtles use large amount of these. The reason being, a prohibitive metal cost to take out the large fodder fleets.

      Pros - Its 'heavier' than the small laser - It destroys LF in one shot. Less rapid fire against it.
      Cons - It's expensive for what it does. Your much better off buying 4 Smalls.

      Minimum Firepower to kill in 1 shot: 340
      (68 SC/LC, 7 LF, 3 HF, 1 CR, 1 BS, 7 COL, 1 Bmb, 1 Des, 1 BC)

      Maximum Firepower 1 unit can sustain in 1 shot: 900
      (180 SC/LC, 18 LF, 6 HF. 3 CR, 1 BS, 18 COL, 1 Bmb, 1 Des, 2 BC)

      Max Damage Absorption by shields in 6 rounds of battle: 600
      Max Damage Absorption by Unit in 6 rounds of battle: 1,400
      Max Damage Caused by Unit in 6 rounds of combat: 1,500

      Gauss Cannon

      This is the first of the bigger defences. It's pretty damn effective. It has nothing noteworthy other than the fact it has a good all around attack/shield/hull.

      Pros - Good all rounder.
      Cons - Kind of expensive, but not overly so. Useless against fodder heavy fleets on its own.

      Minimum Firepower to kill in 1 shot: 1,250
      (250 SC/LC, 25 LF, 9 HF, 4 CR, 2 BS, 25 COL, 2 Bmb, 1 Des, 2 BC)

      Maximum Firepower 1 unit can sustain in 1 shot: 3,700
      (740 SC/LC, 74 LF, 25 HF, 10 CR, 4 BS, 74 COL, 4 Bmb, 2 Des, 6 BC)

      Max Damage Absorption by shields in 6 rounds of battle: 1,200
      Max Damage Absorption by Unit in 6 rounds of battle: 4,700
      Max Damage Caused by Unit in 6 rounds of combat: 6,600

      Ion Cannon

      People hate these...however, this is where you must make a decision. To have an effective defence, you need not only a range of ALL the defences, but also you need effective fodder. The ion cannon does both of those. For an exorbitant Crystal amount for such a weak weapon, your reward is high shielding. They really do help in larger crashes. I find them innefective until you trying to hold back HOF worthy fleets. At which point in large numbers they can help force a draw. As remember, shielding regenerates each round.

      Pros - Large shielding.
      Cons - Nothing else is good about it. It's expensive, weak.

      Minimum Firepower to kill in 1 shot: 740
      (148 SC/LC, 15 LF, 3 HF, 2 CR, 1 BS, 15 COL, 1 Bmb, 1 Des, 2 BC)

      Maximum Firepower 1 unit can sustain in 1 shot: 1,300
      (260 SC/LC, 26 LF, 9 HF, 4 CR, 2 BS, 26 COL, 2 Bmb, 1 Des, 2 BC)

      Max Damage Absorption by shields in 6 rounds of battle: 3,000
      Max Damage Absorption by Unit in 6 rounds of battle: 3,800
      Max Damage Caused by Unit in 6 rounds of combat: 900

      Plasma Turret

      This can kil anything except a destroyer and a RIP in 1 shot. 8 of these will force a draw against a RIP (yep, thats right - completly on their own)

      Pros - Best defence in game, awesome against capital ships. (BS/Bombers/Cruisers/RIPS)
      cons - Useless against fodder heavy fleets on its own. Pretty expensive!

      Minimum Firepower to kill in 1 shot: 3,300
      (660 SC/LC, 66 LF, 22 HF, 9 CR, 4 BS, 66 COL, 4 Bmb, 2 Des, 5 BC)

      Maximum Firepower 1 unit can sustain in 1 shot: 10,300
      (2060 SC/LC, 206 LF, 69 HF, 26 CR, 11 BS, 206 COL, 11 Bmb, 6 Des, 15 BC)

      Max Damage Absorption by shields in 6 rounds of battle: 1,800
      Max Damage Absorption by Unit in 6 rounds of battle: 11,800
      Max Damage Caused by Unit in 6 rounds of combat: 18,000

      Small Shield Dome

      Minimum Firepower to kill in 1 shot: 2,600
      (520 SC/LC, 52 LF, 18 HF, 7 CR, 3 BS, 52 COL, 3 Bmb, 2 Des, 4 BC)

      Maximum Firepower 1 unit can sustain in 1 shot: 4,000
      (800 SC/LC, 80 LF, 27 HF, 10 CR, 4 BS, 80 COL, 4 Bmb, 2 Des, 6 BC)

      Max Damage Absorption by shields in 6 rounds of battle: 12,000
      Max Damage Absorption by Unit in 6 rounds of battle: 14,000

      Large Shield Dome

      Cargo ships, Colony Ships and Light Fighters Firepower is subject to 'BOUNCING' and cannot damage the Large Shield Dome.

      Minimum Firepower to kill in 1 shot: 13,000
      (87 HF, 33 CR, 13 BS, 13 Bmb, 7 Des, 19 BC)

      Maximum Firepower 1 unit can sustain in 1 shot: 20,000
      (134 HF, 50 CR, 20 BS, 20 Bmb, 10 Des, 29 BC)

      Max Damage Absorption by shields in 6 rounds of battle: 60,000
      Max Damage Absorption by Unit in 6 rounds of battle: 70,000

      Small and Large Shiel Dome

      Build these, don't even think about not building them. Whether you are a raider a crasher, a turtle...whatever. The small and large shield domes are priceless. They can force a draw even against the most obscenely large fleets due to the way the combat works in 6 rounds max. All they do is absorb damage, they don't protect your defence or fleet, but act as an extra wave of fodder.

      Interestingly enough, due to the bouncing rule, Light fighters cannot penetrate the large dome. Speedsim 999,000 LF vs 1 LSD and you
      will see that the result is always a draw.

      Pros - They are awesome
      Cons - They don't fire back

      ..:: Shole - 07.07.2015. - Updated ::..