Tactic 16a: Alliance page guide

    • Tactic 16a: Alliance page guide

      • This alliance page guide compiles most useful bbcodes/coding and tips to create nice Alliance page contents
      • Please use this thread for questions, suggestions, improvements, etc.

      • Written by Mort

      • The template for all translations:
        - <Link to the template for all translations>
        • added - 1st November 2010 - Mort.
    • Tactic 16a: Alliance page guide

      Description: How to edit an alliance page - coding and content.

      Originally written by: IMNVS; credits also to Ghoul

      Suggestions, improvements, etc. can be posted here: /

      - How to copy a code: How to copy a posting with all BBcodes

      What needs to be done


      English: (original)

      If it's not on the list yet, feel free to add the translation for your community.


      Table of Contents:
      1. How to make alliance page in Ogame?
      Starting from the VERY beginning...
      1. Make alliance or have sufficient right to edit
      2. Go to Alliance in your left menu bar, then to manage alliance
      3. Under Text Management choose to edit your External text, Internal text or Application text
      4. Write what you would like in the textbox below. (Keep in mind the In-game Rules, so no offensive language and so on.)
      5. Press the save button
      6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until done.
      2. The basics of alliance page formatting in Ogame:
      Beginning to spice up your alliance page...

      First, to manipulate and edit the look of the alliance page, you will need a basic understanding of BBCode. It is a specialized markup language that the forum (and many forums like it) and he alliance page uses instead of HTML. It uses tags just like HTML, though some of those tags are different. Tags are surrounded in square brackets instead of angle brackets. It can do much of what HTML can, like colorize the background, format the text (for size, font, color, and all the rest) or add images.
      3. List of all possible BBCodes


      Source Code

      1. [list]
      2. [*] cookies
      3. [*] are
      4. [*] great!
      5. [/list]

      Gets you:
      • cookies
      • are
      • great!


      Source Code

      1. [b]I'm bold! Yes really! The cake is a lie![/b]

      Gets you:
      I'm bold! Yes really! The cake is a lie!


      Source Code

      1. [u]I'm underlined! At least i should be. If not, some mean cookie destroyed the space-time-structure![/u]

      Gets you:
      I'm underlined! At least i should be. If not, some mean cookie destroyed the space-time-structure!


      Source Code

      1. [s]OGame is a really stupid game![/s]

      Gets you:
      OGame is a really stupid game!


      Source Code

      1. [i]WOAH! The world is leaning sideways! Everything....is....rolling....[/i]

      Gets you:
      WOAH! The world is leaning sideways! Everything....is....rolling....


      Source Code

      1. [align=center]middle![/align]

      Gets you:

      Other positions:

      Source Code

      1. [align=right]right![/align]
      2. [align=center]middle again :P[/align]
      3. [align=left]left![/align]

      Gets you:

      middle again :P



      Source Code

      1. cookies[sup]2 up[/sup]

      (doesn't work on the forum, but does in the game)


      Source Code

      1. cookies[sub]2 down[/sub]

      (doesn't work on the forum, but does in the game)


      Source Code

      1. [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie[/url]
      2. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie]CLICK ME OR I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE!!11spam[/url]

      Gets you:

      Email Links:

      Source Code

      1. [email]bugs@ogame.org[/email]
      2. [email=bugs@ogame.org]Nobody likes me! *sniff*[/email]

      Gets you:
      Nobody likes me! *sniff*


      Source Code

      1. [color=red]red[/color]
      2. [color=green]green[/color]
      3. [color=blue]blue[/color]
      4. [color=#CCCCCC]hex grey[/color]
      5. [color=#0000FF]hex blue[/color]

      Gets you:
      hex grey
      hex blue

      The complete colors list includes: sky-blue, royal blue, blue, dark-blue, orange, orange-red, crimson, red, firebrick, dark red, green, limegreen, sea-green, deeppink, tomato, coral, purple, indigo, burlywood, sandy brown, sienna, chocolate, teal, silver.

      If using hex-code for color, the # must be there and the letters must be capitalized.


      Source Code

      1. [size=8]size 8[/size]
      2. [size=12]size 12[/size]
      3. [size=20]size 20[/size]

      Gets you:
      size 8
      size 12
      size 20


      Source Code

      1. [img]http://board.ogame.org/wcf/images/ogameOldDesign/logo.png[/img]

      Gets you:


      Source Code

      1. [font=arial]Arial[/font]
      2. [font=times]Times[/font]

      Gets you:

      Some combinations

      Source Code

      1. [color=red][size=20](color=red) (size=20)[/size][/color]
      2. [s][I](s) (i)[/I][/s]
      3. [align=center][s][I](align=center) (s) (i) [/I][/s][/align]
      4. [size=20][align=center][s][I](size=20) (align=center) (s) (i) [/I][/s][/align][/size]
      5. [color=red][align=center][s][I](color=red) (align=center) (s) (i)[/I][/s][/align][/color]

      Gets you:
      (color=red) (size=20)
      (s) (i)
      (align=center) (s) (i)

      (size=20) (align=center) (s) (i)

      (color=red) (align=center) (s) (i)

      Additionally, backgrounds:
      For one image, no tiling:

      Source Code

      1. [background image="url"]text[background]
      For the background to tile, but only across:

      Source Code

      1. [background image="url" image-repeat='yes-x']text[background]
      For the background to tile, but only down:

      Source Code

      1. [background image="url" image-repeat='yes-y']text[background]
      For the background to not tile:

      Source Code

      1. [background image="url" image-repeat='no']text[background]
      For the background to tile in both directions:

      Source Code

      1. [background image="url" image-repeat='yes']text[background]
      For the background to be a color:

      Source Code

      1. [background color='colour']text[background]
      4. An example alliance page:

      Source Code

      1. [img]http://board.ogame.org/wcf/images/ogameOldDesign/logo.png[/img]
      2. [align=center][size=16][COLOR=silver]Welcome To [u]AllianceXXX[/u][/COLOR][/size]
      3. Alliance with Traditions[/align]
      4. [align=left]We are accepting players in top 100 only
      5. To Apply Contact [i]Trojan[/i][/align]
      6. [align=center]__________________________________[/align]
      7. [align=left][color=green]-Alliances-
      8. None[/color]
      9. [color=yellow]-NAP's-
      10. None[/color]
      11. [color=red]-WAR's-
      12. None[/color][/align]
      13. [align=center]__________________________________[/align]
      14. [SIZE=14]Cheers and Happy Raiding[/SIZE]
      15. [img]http://board.ogame.org/wcf/images/ogameOldDesign/logo.png[/img]
      Display All

      Would result in this:

      Welcome To AllianceXXX

      Alliance with Traditions

      We are accepting players in top 100 only

      To Apply Contact Trojan






      Cheers and Happy Raiding

      5. Common things to include

      Common things to have on your alliance external text:
      • Contacts in the alliance, sometimes categorized (diplomacy, recruitment).
      • Alliances, NAPs and Wars.
      • Some sort of 'mission statement.' Basically, some blurb to give your alliance character.
      • Boasts of how awesome you are and how you'll pwn anyone that so much as looks at your alliance strange. (n00bish, but still common. ;))

      Common things to have on your alliance internal text:
      • Links to useful websites for the game like simulators, CR converters, calculators.
      • Responsibilities of particular members.
      • Contact for members.
      • Rules for the alliance that are not publicly broadcast.

      Commonly provided links:
      • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OGame
      • http://www.ogametips.com/
      • http://ogame.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
      • http://www.o-calc.com/
      • http://speedsim.websim.net/
      • http://www.ogame-world.com/

      For the application text, you're suggested to ask questions that will reveal to you if the person is a good fit. Ask questions like their score/rank, style too, of course, but compatible personalities make for a happier alliance too.
      - color codes?
      - background not working
      - allign not working
      - more info on what to include

      More sources:
      board.ogame.de/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=545208 (.de guides)
    • ==UPDATE==

      1. How to make alliance page in Ogame?
      Starting from the VERY beginning...[list=][/list]
      • Make alliance or have sufficient right to edit
      • Go to Alliance in your left menu bar, then to manage alliance
      • Under Text Management choose to edit your External text, Internal text or Application text
      • Write what you would like in the textbox below. (Keep in mind the In-game Rules, so no offensive language and so on.)
      • Press the save button
      • Repeat steps 3 through 5 until done.

        2. The basics of alliance page formatting in Ogame:
        Beginning to spice up your alliance page...

        First, to manipulate and edit the look of the alliance page, you will need a basic understanding of BBCode. It is a specialized markup language that the forum (and many forums like it) and he alliance page uses instead of HTML. It uses tags just like HTML, though some of those tags are different. Tags are surrounded in square brackets instead of angle brackets. It can do much of what HTML can, like colorize the background, format the text (for size, font, color, and all the rest) or add images.

        [align=left]3. How can I link to my AllyPage ?

        To be able to show your alliance page to another players that are not playing your Uni,
        it is possible to link directly to the AllyPage.

        Simply insert the appropriate things and post the link .


        xx = Uni
        zz = Ally ID

        The link to your own Allypage can be found under
        " Alliance " - > " Mengament " - " Manage texts " > - > " External text " - " Open Alliance page " [/align][align=left]
        [align=left]4. How can I add background on alliance page?

        You can add background image on this ways:

      • [background image="url"]text[/background]
      • [background image="url" image-repeat='yes-x']text[/background]
      • [background image="url" image-repeat='yes-y']text[/background]
      • [background image="url" image-repeat='no']text[/background]
      • [background image="url" image-repeat='yes']text[/background]URL must link the input to the desired background image.

        About the image -repeat command , the refresh can be controlled .
        That is, if if you want image to fill the entire background to be repeated accordingly.

        " yes " ( 2 ) means that it is repeated accordingly in all directions ,
        " yes - x " ( 3 ) means only repetition side by side ( line ) ,
        " yes - y " ( 4 ) means repeat each other ( column ) ,
        "no " ( 5 ) means no repeat .

        If you leave out part ( 1 )
        which has the same effect as " yes " and the picture is repeated accordingly for the complete range .
        If the image is too large , it will be truncated accordingly.

        5.How do I edit my AllyPage ?

        That goes with BB - code :
      • Lists:

        Source Code

        1. [list][*] cookies[*] are[*] great![/list]

        Gets you:
        • cookies
        • are
        • great!


        Source Code

        1. [b]I'm bold! Yes really! The cake is a lie![/b]

        Gets you:
        I'm bold! Yes really! The cake is a lie!


        Source Code

        1. [u]I'm underlined! At least i should be. If not, some mean cookie destroyed the space-time-structure![/u]

        Gets you:
        I'm underlined! At least i should be. If not, some mean cookie destroyed the space-time-structure!


        Source Code

        1. [s]OGame is a really stupid game![/s]

        Gets you:
        OGame is a really stupid game!


        Source Code

        1. [i]WOAH! The world is leaning sideways! Everything....is....rolling....[/i]

        Gets you:
        WOAH! The world is leaning sideways! Everything....is....rolling....


        Source Code

        1. [align=center]middle![/align]

        Gets you:

        Other positions:

        Source Code

        1. [align=right]right![/align][align=center]middle again :P[/align][align=left]left![/align]

        Gets you:
        [align=center]middle again :P[/align]


        Source Code

        1. cookies[sup]2 up[/sup]

        (doesn't work on the forum, but does in the game)


        Source Code

        1. cookies[sub]2 down[/sub]

        (doesn't work on the forum, but does in the game)


        Source Code

        1. [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie[/url][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie]CLICK ME OR I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE!!11spam[/url]

        Gets you:

        Email Links:

        Source Code

        1. [email]bugs@ogame.org[/email][email=bugs@ogame.org]Nobody likes me! *sniff*[/email]

        Gets you:
        Nobody likes me! *sniff*


        Source Code

        1. [color=red]red[/color][color=green]green[/color][color=blue]blue[/color][color=#CCCCCC]hex grey[/color][color=#0000FF]hex blue[/color]

        Gets you:
        hex grey
        hex blue

        The complete colors list includes: sky-blue, royal blue, blue, dark-blue, orange, orange-red, crimson, red, firebrick, dark red, green, limegreen, sea-green, deeppink, tomato, coral, purple, indigo, burlywood, sandy brown, sienna, chocolate, teal, silver.

        If using hex-code for color, the # must be there and the letters must be capitalized.


        Source Code

        1. [size=8]size 8[/size][size=12]size 12[/size][size=20]size 20[/size]

        Gets you:
        size 8
        size 12
        size 20


        Source Code

        1. [img]http://board.ogame.org/wcf/images/ogameOldDesign/logo.png[/img]

        Gets you:


        Source Code

        1. [font=arial]Arial[/font][font=times]Times[/font]

        Gets you:

        Some combinations

        Source Code

        1. [color=red][size=20](color=red) (size=20)[/size][/color][s][I](s) (i)[/I][/s][align=center][s][I](align=center) (s) (i) [/I][/s][/align][size=20][align=center][s][I](size=20) (align=center) (s) (i) [/I][/s][/align][/size][color=red][align=center][s][I](color=red) (align=center) (s) (i)[/I][/s][/align][/color]

        Gets you:
        (color=red) (size=20)
        (s) (i)
        [align=center](align=center) (s) (i) [/align]
        [align=center](size=20) (align=center) (s) (i) [/align]
        [align=center](color=red) (align=center) (s) (i)[/align]

        6. An example alliance page:

        Source Code

        1. [img]http://board.ogame.org/wcf/images/ogameOldDesign/logo.png[/img]
        2. [align=center][size=16][COLOR=silver]Welcome To [u]AllianceXXX[/u][/COLOR][/size]
        3. Alliance with Traditions[/align]
        4. [align=left]We are accepting players in top 100 only
        5. To Apply Contact [i]Trojan[/i][/align]
        6. [align=center]__________________________________[/align]
        7. [align=left][color=green]-Alliances-
        8. None[/color]
        9. [color=yellow]-NAP's-
        10. None[/color]
        11. [color=red]-WAR's-
        12. None[/color][/align]
        13. [align=center]__________________________________[/align]
        14. [SIZE=14]Cheers and Happy Raiding[/SIZE]
        15. [img]http://board.ogame.org/wcf/images/ogameOldDesign/logo.png[/img]
        Display All

        Would result in this:


        [align=center]Welcome To AllianceXXX

        Alliance with Traditions[/align]

        [align=left]We are accepting players in top 100 only

        To Apply Contact Trojan[/align]






        Cheers and Happy Raiding


        7. Common things to include

        Common things to have on your alliance external text:
        • Contacts in the alliance, sometimes categorized (diplomacy, recruitment).
        • Alliances, NAPs and Wars.
        • Some sort of 'mission statement.' Basically, some blurb to give your alliance character.
        • Boasts of how awesome you are and how you'll pwn anyone that so much as looks at your alliance strange. (n00bish, but still common. ;))

        Common things to have on your alliance internal text:
        • Links to useful websites for the game like simulators, CR converters, calculators.
        • Responsibilities of particular members.
        • Contact for members.
        • Rules for the alliance that are not publicly broadcast.

        Commonly provided links:
        • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OGame
        • http://www.ogametips.com/
        • http://ogame.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
        • http://www.o-calc.com/
        • http://speedsim.websim.net/
        • http://www.ogame-world.com/

        For the application text, you're suggested to ask questions that will reveal to you if the person is a good fit. Ask questions like their score/rank, style too, of course, but compatible personalities make for a happier alliance too.