Pinned Advanced Tutorials list [old]

    • Advanced Tutorials list [old]

      General game information

      Player types and guides

      Advanced tactics

      • rapidfire guide
        -What is rapidfire, how it works, and how to use it to your advantage
      • expedition guide
        -Advanced information on expeditions and best fleet combinations
      • graviton guide
        -When to go for graviton, recommended tactics for getting graviton techonolgy
      • firing orders guide
        -In what order the ships and defenses of OGame fire in a battle
      • advanced fleetsaving guide
        -Safest types of fleetsaving, low-deut cost fleetsaving and similar
      • moon desctruction guide
        -How to pull off a moon destruction, chances of destroying a moon, special tactics to maximize the possibility of a destroying a moon and minimizing the possibility of ninjas/lost rips
      • blind phalanx guide
        -A guide on what are blind phalanxes, how to pull them off. Return hits, recalled deployments and df/activity watch hits
      • slow-probing and ninja evasion guide
        -What is slow probing and how to do it. How to anticipate and avoid ninjas. Avoiding jumpgate ninjas
      • ninja guide
        -A guide on making ninjas. How to mask, hide, or not create activity at all, jumpgate ninjas, ACS defend ninjas
      • advanced acs guide
        -How and when to ACS with yourself. How to prevent return hits and minimize losses and fuel costs with ACS
      • mobile colonies guide
        -What are mobile colonies, how are they used, effect of relocation on mobile colonies
      • rip guide
        -What are RIPs, how to use RIPs in normal universes, how to use RIPs in speed universes, RIPs as defense, minimizing fleetsave fuel costs with RIPs
      • fleet ratios/composition (newly written by Azgaroth)
        -What is the best fleet composition for you? What is fodder and how to use it properly? Ratio of cost vs. effectiveness on different fleet compositions
      • advanced ipm guide
        -How to pull off massive IPM strikes? How to coordinate with allies for IPM strikes, IPM flight times, effect of nanites on large scale IPM strikes


      • formula thread
        -All game-related formulae in one place
      • ticket system guide
        -A step-by-step guide on how to use the ticket system- added the ticket-system guide from DulcePerra, waiting for feedback - Najics
      • How to manage an alliance
        -How to create, manage and design an alliance page ingame
      • special unverses
        -What types of special universes are there (higher speed, higher percentage to DF, non-ACS, defense to DF etc.), how does it affect the rules and gameplay. Which are the special universes (community specific)?
      • advanced payment guide
        -How to make resources with the merchant, only use officers for a week

      Uber-1337 guides
      • Mortle guide
        -A collection of fun but mostly useless info on OGame. Dedicated to Mort :P