Tactic 10: Slowdown by ACS

    • Tactic 10: Slowdown by ACS

      • What is Slowdown by ACS (slow probing) and how to do it

      • Please use this thread for questions, suggestions, improvements, etc.

      • Written by <Azgaroth>
        - <newly written>

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      • added tutorial - 3rd January 2011 - Azgaroth.
    • Slowdown by ACS

      The following guide will show you how to slow down/delay your attacks against other players and briefly explain why this technique is important to know. You will find the basics of how to initiate an ACS attack in the tutorials section.

      Delaying a fleet is done for a number of reasons. It may be so simple as an allymate or friend of yours that is travelling farther to the target than you want to join your attack. Or it may be for more elaborate and tactical reasons such as avoiding “ninja” or making it harder for someone to blind phalanx you on your way back from the target (when attacking from a moon).

      The delay can be done at different times during the attack and also be delayed from anything between 1 second and upwards. When and how much the attack is delayed depends on for what purpose you are delaying.

      What is really important to know and understand about delaying is that you can slow down a fleet a maximum of 30% (of the remaining time). If you try to slow it down more than that you´ll be unable to join the ACS attack. However you can slow the fleet down several times to achieve a delay that would exceed 30% with a single slowdown.

      The most common way of delaying the attack is by inviting yourself to the attack as you would normally invite friends and then choose a probe to join the attack. To delay the fleet and not just join it to attack at the same time, you need to send the probe to arrive after the original impact time. This way you are forcing the rest of the fleet to slow down and arrive at the target for instance 30 seconds later than it would normally do. You can of course let a friend delay the attack for you as well and you can use any type of ship as long as the attack isn´t delayed more than 30%.

      What is also worth knowing about the slowdown is that once the fleet has been delayed it can never go back to the original impact time. This means that you can recall whatever ship you used to slow the fleet down immideatly after you´ve sent it. The only function of this is freeing fleet slots so that they´re not occupied by something that will not earn you more resources. Be aware that if you for some reason choose to recall the original fleet (the one that started the attack) you can no longer join in more fleets to the attack, even if there´s still other fleets going towards that target.
    • I would like to have some feedback on this. I know that it´s very short but since we´re seperating the basics of ACS, delaying and ninja evasion there´s really not much more to write about the process of just slowing it down. But if you feel I´ve missed something please feel free to say so :)
    • A tiny bit on uses, it can be used to "fine-tune" fleet and recycler arival time.

      eg, your fleet hits 5secs before your recs, you slow down for 3 or 4 secs to minimize the chance of a df-steal

      other than that, i think it's ok
    • Slowdown by ACS

      The following guide will show you how to slow down/delay your attacks against other players and briefly explain why this technique is important to know. You will find the basics of how to initiate an ACS attack in the tutorials section.

      Delaying a fleet is done for a number of reasons. It may be so simple as an allymate or friend of yours that is travelling farther to the target than you want to join your attack. Or it may be for more elaborate and tactical reasons such as making it harder for someone to blind phalanx you on your way back from the target (when attacking from a moon) or avoid being stamped by the defender (receiving allied fleets on deffensive ACS if you're attacking a moon, or using own deployments canceled if you're attacking a planet).
      It can be also useful for set the arrival time of your ships one second after to the defensor fleet arrival. Or adjust your warships with your recycle ships

      The delay can be done at different times during the attack and also be delayed from anything between 1 second and upwards. When and how much the attack is delayed depends on for what purpose you are delaying.

      What is really important to know and understand about delaying is that you can slow down a fleet a maximum of 30% (of the remaining time). If you try to slow it down more than that you´ll be unable to join the ACS attack. However you can slow the fleet down several times to achieve a delay that would exceed 30% with a single slowdown.

      The most common way of delaying the attack is by inviting yourself to the attack as you would normally invite friends and then choose a probe to join the attack. To delay the fleet and not just join it to attack at the same time, you need to send the probe to arrive after the original impact time. This way you are forcing the rest of the fleet to slow down and arrive at the target for instance 30 seconds later than it would normally do. You can of course let a friend delay the attack for you as well and you can use any type of ship as long as the attack isn´t delayed more than 30%.

      What is also worth knowing about the slowdown is that once the fleet has been delayed it can never go back to the original impact time. This means that you can recall whatever ship you used to slow the fleet down immideatly after you´ve sent it. The only function of this is freeing fleet slots so that they´re not occupied by something that will not earn you more resources. Be aware that if you for some reason choose to recall the original fleet (the one that started the attack) you can no longer join in more fleets to the attack, even if there´s still other fleets going towards that target.