
    • I saw a post where it says its perfectly allowed to invoke a flash object to enable a chat, so why dont we save ourselves the problem Francolino?

      Give me a Christmas and New Year gift, and just tell me I have green light with this script :)

      Im begging for a reply, we are fearful of GM's because they tend to react way worse than it actually deserves, a green light will give the alliance a sensation of comfort.

    • Francolino!!! Many Many Thanks!!!

      Francolino thank you very much for your time, you sure made my day!!

      I truly have an ear to ear smile!! ^^

      It will be implemented as soon as possible!! :thumbsup:

      Oh and for sure, happy holidays for you too :D :D

      Thank you man!
      Greetings and have a great year!!
    • Try this one, but I think it works only in spanish :huh:

      Display Spoiler

      Source Code

      1. // ==UserScript==
      2. // @name OGame - Chat Alianza
      3. // @author Elwe - - uniFornax
      4. // @namespace
      5. // @include*
      6. // ==/UserScript==
      7. // Versión 1.0
      8. (function(){
      9. //var elemento = document.getElementById('section31'); //para ponerlo debajo de los circulares
      10. var elemento = document.getElementById('planet'); //para ponerlo en la imagen
      11. var titulo = document.getElementsByTagName('h2');
      12. titulo[0].innerHTML = 'Chat Fornax Warriors ;)';
      13. var p = document.createElement("p");
      14. var chat = '<embed src="" quality="high" width="654" height="312" name="chat" FlashVars="id=80784174" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />';//<br><small><a target="_BLANK" href="">Get your own Chat Box!</a> <a target="_BLANK" href="">Go Large!</a></small><br>';
      15. elemento.setAttribute('style', 'height:346px;background-image:none;');
      16. p.setAttribute('style', 'margin:0px;');
      17. p.innerHTML = chat;
      18. elemento.appendChild(p);
      19. })();
      Display All

      I hope the script maker doesn't mind about this change :)