Translations needed for an wiki-extension

    • Translations needed for an wiki-extension

      I need some translations to show the labels in special-page for translations in your own language.
      Please add them here in a reply, i will add them to the extension.
      Copy the code below, change TLD and translate them.

      Source Code

      1. $message['TLD'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Translations',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Enables getting and setting of data for translations in articles',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'View translations',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Translations',
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Show translation for:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Choose a language',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Purge the translations for this language',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Go',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Translations for',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'Key',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Translation',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Abbr.',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Aliases',
      15. );
      Display All

      Explanation of the items:

      Source Code

      1. 'translation' => 'Name of the extension, shown in [[Special:SpecialPages]].',
      2. 'translation-desc' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. This is a description of this extension shown on [[Special:Version]].',
      3. 'translation-title' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Title for the Specialpage.',
      4. 'translation-legend' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Label on the fieldset on the Specialpage.',
      5. 'translation-select' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Label for the selectbox on the Specialpage.',
      6. 'translation-choose' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. First "empty" item in the selectbox on the Specialpage.',
      7. 'translation-purge' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Label for the checkbox for purging the translation on the Specialpage',
      8. 'translation-button' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Label for the button on the Specialpage',
      9. 'translation-for' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Title for the table, the language will be added.',
      10. 'translation-key' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Columnheader of the table on the Specialpage.',
      11. 'translation-translation' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Columnheader of the table on the Specialpage.',
      12. 'translation-abbr' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Columnheader of the table on the Specialpage.',
      13. 'translation-aliases' => 'Part of the "Translation" extension. Columnheader of the table on the Specialpage.',
      Display All
    • FR

      Source Code

      1. $message['TLD'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Traduction',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Permet l'obtention et la définition des données pour les traductions dans les articles',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'Voir les traductions',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Traduction',
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Voir la traduction pour:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Choisissez une langue',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Purger les traductions de cette langue',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Go',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Traduction pour',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'clé',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Traduction',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Abbr.',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Alias',
      15. );
      Display All

      Thx, added
      You didn't have to translate the explanation ;)
      The Truth:
      I have done a rectification :)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by The Truth ().

    • Source Code

      1. $message['TLD'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Tradução',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Permite obter e definir dos dados para traduções nos artigos',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'Ver traduções',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Traduções,
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Mostrar tradução para:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Escolher idioma',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Purgar as traduções para este idioma',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Ir',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Traduções para',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'Chave',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Tradução',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Abbr.',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Aliases',
      15. );
      Display All

      PitA: Added as PT and linked BR to PT.
    • Source Code

      1. $message['TLD'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Преводи',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Дава възможност за получаване и задаване на данни за преводи в темите',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'Преглед на преводите',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Преводи',
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Покажи превода за:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Избор на език',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Изчисти превода за този език,
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Ок',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Превод за,
      11. 'translation-key' => 'Ключ',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Превод',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Съкращение',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Съюзници',
      15. );
      Display All

      PitA: Added
      Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things.

    • PHP Source Code

      1. $message['sk'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Preklad',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Umožniť získanie a nastavenie údajov pre preklady v článkoch',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'Zobraziť preklady',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Preklady',
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Zobraziť preklad pre:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Vyberte jazyk',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Vyčistiť preklady pre tento jazyk',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Choď',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Preklady pre',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'Klúč',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Preklad',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Skratka',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Aliasy',
      15. );
      Display All

      PitA: Added
    • [ES]

      Source Code

      1. $message['TLD'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Traducciones',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Permite obtener y configurar los datos para traducciones en artículos',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'Ver traducciones',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Traducciones',
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Mostrar traducción para:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Escoger idioma',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Purgar las traducciones para este idioma',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Ir',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Traducciones para',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'Llave',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Traducción',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Abbr.',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Alias',
      15. );
      Display All

      PitA: Added
    • PHP Source Code

      1. $message['AR'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'ترجمة ',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'يتيح الحصول على البيانات وإعداد للترجمة في المواد',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'انظر الترجمة',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'الترجمة',
      6. 'translation-select' => ' :انظر الترجمة ل ',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'اختر لغة',
      8. 'translation-purge' => ' تطهير ترجمات هذه اللغة',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'انطلق',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'الترجمة ل ',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'مفتاح',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'ترجمة',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'الاختصار.',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'ملقب ب',
      Display All

      Please notice that arabic is written from right to left ( unlike french, english, german...)
      thanks ;=)

      PitA: Added and i know it's rtl ;)
    • GR........

      Source Code

      1. $message['TLD'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Μεταφράσεις',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Επιτρέπει να πάρει και να καθορισει τα στοιχεία για τις μεταφράσεις στα άρθρα',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'Δες τις μεταφράσεις',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Μεταφράσεις',
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Δείξε τις μεταφράσεις για:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Διάλεξε μια γλώσσα',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Εκκαθάρισε τις μεταφράσεις για αυτή τη γλώσσα',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Πήγαινε',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Μεταφράσεις για',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'Κλειδί',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Μετάφραση',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Σύντμηση',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Ψευδώνυμα',
      Display All
    • i hope will be all right
      for RO
      Display Spoiler


      1. $message['TLD'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Traduceri',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Permite obţinerea şi stabilirea de date pentru traduceri în articole',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'Arată traduceri',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Traduceri',
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Arată traducerea pentru:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Alege o limbă',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Procură traducerile pentru această limbă',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Du-te',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Traduceri pentru',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'Cheie',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Traducere',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Abbr.',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Alianţe',
      15. );
      Display All

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lao Tzi ().

    • Source Code

      1. $message['DE'] = array(
      2. 'translation' => 'Übersetzungen',
      3. 'translation-desc' => 'Aktiviert das Abrufen und Festlegen von Daten für Übersetzungen in Artikeln',
      4. 'translation-title' => 'Übersetzungen anzeigen',
      5. 'translation-legend' => 'Übersetzungen',
      6. 'translation-select' => 'Übersetzung anzeigen für:',
      7. 'translation-choose' => 'Sprache auswählen',
      8. 'translation-purge' => 'Übersetzungen für diese Sprache löschen',
      9. 'translation-button' => 'Los',
      10. 'translation-for' => 'Übersetzung für',
      11. 'translation-key' => 'Schlüssel',
      12. 'translation-translation' => 'Übersetzung',
      13. 'translation-abbr' => 'Abk.',
      14. 'translation-aliases' => 'Alias',
      15. );
      Display All