Christmas coupons for active members ?

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    • Christmas coupons for active members ?


      This is a special gift a few active user in our board.

      - You've written some translations or discussed in the Suggestions- or FAQ area ?

      - You are not a member in any GameForge game- or boardteam ?

      Then please contact me to win a coupon. A few Origin team member contribute their team coupons for this gift.

      Regards, Francolino
      Nice to know but I can't understand one thing. If someone is not a member of any Gameforge game how can he be an active user of this board 8|
      It's quite obvious that this board is for people who know much about Ogame and therefore played or still play it.

      So 90% of members still play and they can't get a coupon, 10% stopped playing but somehow want to contribute in game development. Do they like to get a coupon?

      I don't think so.
    • I'm pretty sure that that red text only excludes moderators and game operators (or SGO, Smod, admin, CoMa, ...), i.e. the volunteers who signed a DPA and are in an official staff position.

      If you have no staff position in any GF game but are just a player (and contribute to Origin) then you are eligible for the coupons.
    • Kelder wrote:

      I'm pretty sure that that red text only excludes moderators and game operators (or SGO, Smod, admin, CoMa, ...), i.e. the volunteers who signed a DPA and are in an official staff position.

      If you have no staff position in any GF game but are just a player (and contribute to Origin) then you are eligible for the coupons.

      Correct. I want to exclude all TEAM member of an GameForge game because of a simple reason - they get their team coupons. And i use my own coupons and from a few other Origin team member to give them away. We haven't so much.

      Regards, Francolino