Pinned Database : Teams

    • Database : Teams

      There is one database with all wiki team member and helper: Data:Teams

      How it works:
      • This database contains all team member.
      • Every Representative should update his team member there inclusive all helper etc.

      How to edit:
      • You can edit the valutes here
      • Please edit only your part!
      • Add the links to the Origin board profile, for example

        Source Code

        1. [ Francolino]

      • Leave a space char between the URL and the name.

      Important Notes:
      • Note: If you change an URL, you don't see the changes immediately, because the URLs are cached in the page. You have to purge or edit the pages to see it. To purge the page from the cache add "&action=purge" to the url. The page will be rebuild with the new URLs in the database.

      • Please DONT touch red marked content! Only add/change behind the =





      Source Code

      1. de->Team-Representative=[ Hlaine Larkin]
      2. de->Team-Team=[ Mario] - [ TheViking]
      3. de->Team-Helper=[ fl00ri]