Increase the time given for account e-mail rollback

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    • Increase the time given for account e-mail rollback

      From one week to three - mainly, for the purpose of stopping account thefts and tricks like promises to say in the alliance upon receiving an account from alliance leadership and then, turning on Vacation Mode for a week until the e-mail change takes place.

      Having an extra time for the previous account owner (and the alliance) to decide whether a chosen successor is capable of playing with the team or not seems like a reasonable gesture to me, therefore, I suggest increasing the number of days required for the new e-mail address to become permanent from 7 to 21 days.
    • The rules forbid to change the owner of an account within a month of it changing again. And I would make it even longer if it were up to me.

      The account reclaim thing is to stop account theft and mistakes in changing email address. It is not meant as a way to reclaim accounts that were correctly given away because of whatever reason. Once an account is given to someone else, it's their account and they can do whatever they want with it. Stealing it back or having 50 people "try out" an account is account sharing and should be permbanned.