
    • Alliance_Evolution

      • Info : Generator of statistics on the evolution of alliance
      • Author : Lame noire
      • Website :
      • Support :
      • Download :
      • Screenshot :
      • Browser :
      • Languages : EN, FR, RU

        Version : [1.1.2]

        Fonctionnalités :
        Le script permet d'avoir 5 vue sur la page alliance
        - La vue normal sans aucunes modifications
        - La vue évolution avec une série de tri possible et une vue globale sur l'évolution de chaque membre.
        - La vue Export qui pour le moment export en BBcode et HTML.
        - La vue Import qui permet de revenir a un état précédent.
        - La vue des options d'export, on y gère les différentes options de couleurs, ...

        Les statistiques générées sont :
        - évolution en place au classement
        - évolution en point
        - évolution en %
        - évolution au sein même de l'alliance

      this is not my script, but it is very good ;)
    • another addon by a french author who thinks that french is a obfuscator...

      or in other words: why do all russian and french don't code like all others do? english, english, english! would be easier to review addons which are written in a language that everyone can read.

      btw can anybody explain me what this addon does? the author didn't provide a english description...
    • why do all russian

      o rly? :)

      however, in general I agree that if one would like to share their tool with the global community, it is kind of polite to make it in english.
      of course nobody is obliged to do that - but it we would be great if they did )
    • Black Cat wrote:

      english is not the only language in the world, not even the most natively spoken language
      the author doesn't earn anything for this work, so you could be satisfied that he shares it ;)
      I agree Black Cat ^^

      The author shares his work on the french board and it is mentionned here :
      Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins - Proposals

      At the moment the author seems to be absent.

      So I try to translate but, as many french people, I can tell you I don't like using english language ....

      • Info : Generator of statistics on the evolution of alliance
      • Author : Lame noire
      • Website :
      • Support :
      • Download :
      • Screenshot :
      • Browser :
      • Languages : EN, FR, RU

        Version : [1.1.2]

        Features :
        This script allows to obtain 5 kinds of views on the alliance page
        - Normal view without any modifications
        - Evolution view with various possible sorts and a global view concerning every player evolution
        - Export view : BBCode and HTML unable
        - Import view that allows to return to a previous state.
        - Options for export view : colors ...

        Statistics given are :
        - Rankings evolution
        - Points evolution
        - % evolution
        - Evolution within the alliance

        Evolution view :

        Remark : I do that to show you rapidly this script. I'll try to contact the author ^^

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Hi,

      And that's why you are mainly speaking German on the OGame Origin Tools' IRC channel? :P So please, do not blame someone for something that you are doing yourself elsewhere. Besides, it is more easy to understand a code only with an incomprehensible variable name – and I do not talk about comments, they should be useless with a clean code – than a whole conversation with a foreign and especially unknown language... :rolleyes: I have already reused some polish codes – language that I do not know at all! – for OGame without understanding the variable meaning but by understanding its global functioning without any difficulties, while I have to use a crappy online translator to understand a whole thread on a Lithuanian board for example.

      I do not want to blame you in my turn, I just want to point out that almost everyone prefers to express himself in his native language, and so we have sometimes to put up with this fact. It is more or less what Black Cat is saying.

      It is not necessarily a so big problem here where people comes from all around the world, if there is something that you can't understand, someone could probably translate/explain it in English. However I have to concede that if it is made in English from the scratch, it simplifies a lot the task, giving more time for people to do something more useful than translating a text for someone else. But we know that it is not/cannot be always the case, particularly with volunteer workers. ;)

      Anyway, have a good night! :)

      PS: The script above does not contain so many French words. The code in itself, including variable name and even localized labels, is in English. Only comments – which are useless with a good code – are in French and the UserJS description tag but it is already translated in the Razzo's message. And sorry to be off topic, but it was already deriving before. :D

      PS 2: Thanks to asterix2, you did what I was about to do. :thumbsup:
    • so i havent seen you on that channel for about 2 month. so there was no reason to talk english (which indeed would be polite)... even if i had written everything in english there wouldn't be anything interesting left but only spam.

      thanks asterix
    • This tools is tolerated.

      Regards, Francolino

      • Info : Generator of statistics on the evolution of alliance
      • Author : Lame noire
      • Website :
      • Support :
      • Download :
      • Browser : Firefox with GM
      • Languages : EN, FR, RU

        Version : [1.1.2]

        Fonctionnalités :
        Le script permet d'avoir 5 vue sur la page alliance
        - La vue normal sans aucunes modifications
        - La vue évolution avec une série de tri possible et une vue globale sur l'évolution de chaque membre.
        - La vue Export qui pour le moment export en BBcode et HTML.
        - La vue Import qui permet de revenir a un état précédent.
        - La vue des options d'export, on y gère les différentes options de couleurs, ...

        Les statistiques générées sont :
        - évolution en place au classement
        - évolution en point
        - évolution en %
        - évolution au sein même de l'alliance
    • Hi everbody,
      I'm the author of Alliance_Evolution.
      Sorry for late but i have stopped Ogame and User JS a couple of month ago.

      Alliance_Evolution was my first real User JS and i didn't know that it would be used by a lot of people and even by people who are not french.
      Then sorry for the description and comments in french. But the source are in English as i usually do.
      I have translate in other languages just before I left Ogame. It was one of my last modification.

      I'm not gonna continue this User JS, so, as I have already said on french board, if someone wants to improve the script, he can with pleasure.

      If you require any further information, feel free to contact me :
    • I sent a PM to Lame Noire in the french board, telling him that the script is being translated in other languages.
      Though I didn't get a response.
      Maybe someone can send him a mail in order to update the script (add new languages :))
    • how can we add more languages to this tool if the the creator is inactive?
      he is inactive also in his own board (FR) since one year.

      Will it work wiht the future versione 4.0?
      does it work with Firefox 10?