Adding over all resource scanner for hostile fleets. to commander

    • Resources and Facilities

    • Adding over all resource scanner for hostile fleets. to commander

      Ok the suggestion is as follow's to add a enemy cargo scanner that only shows the total resources an enemy fleet can carry. with less than or equal esp. tech

      if your esp. tech is higher than the scanned player it will show you the total amount of resources on board but not what type of resources they are.

      the first part is easy since all ship types have a basic starting point for resource holds.

      the second part can be calculated buy the out gassing from the engines since the phalanx measures gases across the spectrum. depending on how much out gasing an enemy fleet is emitting determines the amount of weight to thrust ratio is being used for (X) amount of resource,s

      this doe's not over power the phalanx but gives players a general idea of what they may or may not get from a fleet crash.
      with out giving away what the scanned player has per resource in the holds. just an idea. of what may be there.