Honorable points reward when fighting pirates during expedition

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Honorable points reward when fighting pirates during expedition

      Expedition missions are one of the few original, refreshing idea implemented to Ogame in recent years. However I regret that the stories told are not more developed and varied.

      Concerning pirates encounter in particular, I feel like some honorable points should be awarded in case of victory. Sometimes attacking fleets are quite substantial and since there is no way to prepare for them, a reward would be appreciable :ninja:

      It is a simple suggestion, very easy to implement in the game. Overall the whole honor system should be reviewed in my opinion, but this would already be a small step.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Guritchi ().

    • don't sound a bad idea ........... the main problem is if we want decide that we need to have more positive kind of event by expedtion, or if already there are a good part of positive thing and if increasing the positive event, moving more for a static game where i play versus server and not versus players

      maybe considering a decrease of active members in an universe, we could think to increase event in expedition in proportion to the number of players .......... so if number decrease, incoming of resource from expedition increse, item increase, you receive debris from win versus pirate, etc ........... while if number of players increase we have the opposite effect.

      In few words, encourage the use of expeditions only when there are few human targets to attack

    • TGWo wrote:

      In few words, encourage the use of expeditions only when there are few human targets to attack

      I agree with you except concerning the "only" part. I think It's better to give a certain liberty and see what emerges; rather than force players into specific gameplay styles.

      I think expeditions could easily be extended with additional, more illustrated stories & more rewards as it is a good feature. Especially for pacific players (which I am not) that may not want to attack other players.

      That said..
      - resources and DM should remained rare; but other types of reward could be considered (honorable points, a whole new stats recording pirates kills score, boosters & items ...)
      - in low populated universe, rewards could indeed be increased
      to cope with low number of targets
    • Guritchi wrote:

      I agree with you except concerning the "only" part. I think It's better to give a certain liberty and see what emerges; rather than force players into specific gameplay styles.
      I don't agree, because more you increase passive game and more there will be active game. If you increase expedtion in any situatuation the sure effect will be that many more players decide to do expedition instead to attack other players.
      I'm a pacific players, but game it is more funny for me, if i know that around i have players that could attack me . But if do 20 expeditions will give equal result of a good attack, who will be the silly to lose time to search target, study, etc ? (modern players play with calculator)