Can not delete planets on test servers

    • General

    • Can not delete planets on test servers

      When I tried to delete a planet on Bermuda test server, I had a "wrong password" dialogue pop up. Initially I thought that I used wrong password, however after few invalid passwords I have decided to try to check if I am typing incorrect password, or if there is a bug which refuses any password, as I was sure I have supplied correct password. I have logged out of my hub account, and relogged successfully with the password I tried to use earlier to delete planet.

      I then proceeded to try deleting the same planet using the same password which I have used to log-in to the hub account. I was greeted by the "wrong password" pop up once again. I have attempted to change my Hub account password, in case there was something which caused the in-game password check think my password was not right, but when trying to delete the planet once again, I was greeted by the same "wrong password" pop up again.

      This have happened on Firefox (67.0.2) and Chrome (75.0.3770.90). I have attempted to clear cache in Firefox (I never played before using Chrome, therefore there wouldn't be any cache) and tried to do it without any addons.
      I was able to delete planets earlier around week ago on the Bermuda test server.