Non-existing unread messages

    • Message System

    • Non-existing unread messages

      Browser-extensions / Addons: Please deactivate them! No Support with Addons

      Bug description: Unread message counter is broken
      The message counter indicates unread messages in Communication>Information (empty folder). When opening 'Communication' folder, the counter disappears temporary. It may be related to messages regarding Alliance creation/deletion: I created/deleted my alliance several times to change the name without having to wait a week




      General data for the bug hunt
      • Internet browser with version number: Chrome (Official build) x64 (version 74.0.3729.169)
      • Does the bug also appear in other Browsers?: Yes, including mobile (Safari)
      • When using mobile / tablet - which operating system do you use: iOS 12.3.1
      • OGame Version in which the bug appeared: Current version (12 Jun 2019)
    • Guritchi wrote:

      It may be related to messages regarding Alliance creation/deletion: I created/deleted my alliance several times to change the name without having to wait a week
      Thats correct. And the counter only gets back to normal after 7 days, because thats the time it takes for the messages to delete themselfs. The bug is known since (I think) summer 2017, personally I don't expect for it to get fixed any time soon.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief