Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • Francolino wrote:

      Everyone is busy because of coming christmas, sorry.

      Hi Francolino,

      Nothing more about unifusions since Christmas ...

      Please, Could you tell us what is concerning this project today ?
      and what are the next steps planned ?

      Thank you.

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Wraith02" wrote:

      And then it’s time for a little experiment with another new feature that has been in the works for some while now and concerns one of our communities major problems. We won’t go into detail yet, but if our prototype runs smoothly, we will all have a very merry Christmas this year.

      This is a message we had some months ago now on the french board, and I suppose on all ogame boards.
      A lot of players took that message as an announcement of the fusions. Probably not a good thing to do, but still, this is what most of them, me included, did.
      Some weeks after that, we had a post announcing the fusions.. Which was great ! And since.. Nothing. I can understand that it was the Xmas period, so less activity, and I won't blame you for that.. However, giving an update about it would be a very good thing. Ogame Origin is a really great idea, but not giving news is ruining all the efforts and progress you made in the past weeks. I can read more and more "GF is fooling us AGAIN", because of that lack of communication about the fusion. So if you could do an official post about it, that would be a very good idea, IMO..

      EDIT : Here's a typical message I can read on the french board. I posted a thread about the actual number of players on my universe, stating that I was eagerly waiting for the fusion, and he answered :

      avada wrote:

      Meme cas pour l'univers 23 !

      La fusion, je crois que ca va rester une utopie encore pendant pas mal de temps . Aucune nouvelle rien, je pense et beaucoup suive cette pensé, que la game force nous en a parler pour nous appâter, nous remotiver mais es ce reelement dans leur projet ? tsss -_-"

      Translation : It's the same for the universe 23 ! The fusion, I think it's gonna be an utopia for a pretty long time. No news, I think, and I followed up a lot that story, that the GF told us about it to remotivate us and show us something interesting, but is it really in their project ?

      EDIT 2 : 100 views of that topic since I posted.. 4 days since asterix's post asking if we can have any news.. Francolino was on the forum today.. I doubt he did not see these posts. And still, nothing. This is really disappointing, and as I said previously, ruining all the efforts you made recently.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by badkarma ().

    • Hello,

      Here is a short summary about the current state ( and yes, there is nothing new)

      - As before you find any details here Details about unifusion and here Questions & answers about merging universes

      - The development state is since the last 2 weeks : The devs and the OGame Tech team tests unifuions. Cause they have to setup sevaral unmerged universes for every test this needs it's time.
      - When it works fine, WeTeHa will announce it for all communities ( in my opinion this happens the next weeks) and the GF starts with the prototype - merging Uni 30-35 in

      As i said, this is nothing new, only a current state - And sorry about late answer, the last weeks were very stressfull.

      Regards, Francolino
    • Finally we have news !

      Only news but this is part of a good communication (or relationship) between the GF and the whole world players !

      Good Work to the GF ! we trust in its work !

      Thank you Francolino ^

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • ^^ Well As asterix2 said even though it doesn't sound like news but it's a news ^^...
      The French community is very demanding as everybody knows... they have been waiting for a while since the last news (the decision to start working in unifusion)...
      Now they're aware that the GF is working in the projet =) and makes us more optimistic toward the future ^^.
      Thanks again Francolino :D

      P.S: kein problem for the delay everyone is a kind of busy ;)
    • Well, please poke me when you want urgent information like this - often i am to busy to read all here.
      I know, it's a pitty and but my team is still in the "build up" state and to many tasks and positions are free ( means work for me ...)
    • sorry but i don't see any kind of information here... u just say:
      "nothing new under the sun..."

      so... that's not a new! we are knowing for a long time that there's nothing new...
      try to say something different, something with a content... something NEW!!!
    • Nothing new?

      Here Questions & answers about merging universes you can find a lot of very useful information about de merging process, with answers to the more common questions that you can think about this project.

      I guess that all of us want to see it as soon as possible... but also, nothing is so important than the quality... and in this point it's crucial that GF test it in order to be sure that everything will work correctly when the Exodus Phase starts, isn't it?
    • I agree with you Kramagon. However, having a quality feature without communication is not a quality feature. Users will be grumpy and won't see the quality, they will just see it as something added to the last minute because they were yelling for it. Which won't be accurate, but still, it will be the idea.

      It may sound useless, but even if there's no progress, most of the players, including me, I admit, need to see something. The game has been frozen for years and years, the global opinion about the GF is VERY negative, at least in France.. You started changing that, little by little, opening to the community, asking to the players what they'd like, and so on. That was great. And then, silence, like in the very bad old days. That is not great at all. You can't allow yourself to do that, IMO. Post something once a month, even if it's just for saying that you are still working on it, that it's not ready, etc.. COMMUNICATION is the key here, really. And once a month, there has to be some progress to talk about I suppose.
    • Well, i understand that you want newer news about unifusion.

      Please keep in mind that :

      - This is the most important change in OGame since it started. Like me it's more important than the Redesign for a lot of player. This is NOT a one time feature where the GF can say "OK, we merge this 5 unis and fix a few problems by hand" - Please see the linked threads for more.

      - Once again, the devloper and the OGameTech team are still testing the fusion of some universes. Any turnaround needs several days.

      - Be sure that ANY GF staffer who is working for OGame is very busy with this new version. And really anyone of them would be glad if they can say "We are proud to announce .... "

      - And last but not least we are talking here about a few weeks more or less.

      Regards, Francolino
    • and i ll answer that even if i m not developper, i work everyday with some of them...
      our compagny is working with majors compagnies, for e-business, perfumes business, and lot of major providers for logistics... so, we know what is merging process, what is unifusion of databases... we merge "strangers" batabases for all of our customers, and the data are generally in millions of parameters or characteristics...
      a project for a customer is generally on 7 months...
      but the merging of databases starts after 2 months of the project and closes after 4...
      so what is the conclusion?
      our developpers work faster than yours?
      our developpers are better than yours?
      we consider more the customer than you do?

      i don't know...
      but i see that GF announce generally some things with some dates, and everytime they delayed the deadline...
      So YES i'm grumpy, (was also one of my nickname on a painter forum... ) but i m mostly bored about those delay...
      This game is fabulous but it' seems that all the necessary efforts aren 't done for increasing the capacities of this game!!!

      I don't know if the french people in this forum shows all the wearness of the french community...
      but we only have the habit of the delay!!!

      If you want to see the french community (not only here, but in the french forum!) happy one day: show us the capacity of the gameforge to anticipate the desires of the community, not only react lately!
    • 3zekiel wrote:

      and i ll answer that even if i m not developper, i work everyday with some of them...
      our compagny is working with majors compagnies, for e-business, perfumes business, and lot of major providers for logistics... so, we know what is merging process, what is unifusion of databases... we merge "strangers" batabases for all of our customers, and the data are generally in millions of parameters or characteristics...
      a project for a customer is generally on 7 months...
      but the merging of databases starts after 2 months of the project and closes after 4...
      so what is the conclusion?
      our developpers work faster than yours?
      our developpers are better than yours?
      we consider more the customer than you do?

      My guess: you have more developers who can work full time on this one project.
      And 1 customer is completely different from 20k customers involved in a merge. Perfumes don't rant, troll or ddos a forum if you change their coords.
      If you want to see the french community (not only here, but in the french forum!) happy one day: show us the capacity of the gameforge to anticipate the desires of the community, not only react lately!

      Surely they anticipated the desire of some in the community to be able to do trades with a NPC. ;)
      Again, you can't do good for everyone. And judging on a lot of the suggestions I see passing by I started hoping GF would never implement user suggestions.
    • Kelder wrote:

      My guess: you have more developers who can work full time on this one project.
      And 1 customer is completely different from 20k customers involved in a merge. Perfumes don't rant, troll or ddos a forum if you change their coords.
      a team for a project is between 1 - 6 persons... 6 persons are for a project with some millions €...
      about the complexity of the warehouse management: you have to manage some data:
      - FIFO, FEFO, LIFO
      - Characteristics (serial number, batch, Selling date, Consommation Date...)
      - Each product has to be in only 1 place generally for preparation, and a lot for storage, but you have to link the places for replenishment considering the path for mission accomplishment...
      - etc... sincerely, i know that our customers has to parameterize the product for 2 months of complete work for 3 + persons...

      Edit: you re Belgian, so you ll know some of our customers: MDS, Planet Parfum, Cophana... that's only the project in Belgium, in which i work... so search information about the complexity of a warehouse manager system, and you ll see that Ogame is quite simple in comparison!

      Actually the system isn't to merge 20K persons, but merge universes 5 per 5, so maximum 7000 players, without considering the "iI" or the vacant players... there's probably only 4500 players to merge for 1 unifusion of 5 universes...
      It doesn't take 6 months to code this, the rules are simple... we have seen some propositions about this in the french forum!
    • @Kelder : I'm pretty sure I saw a post some months ago stating that the GF reorganised its team, and that there were a full time dev team working on Ogame now. Did that change again ? I tried to find the post, but there are so many, can't find it.. But I'm almost 100% sure that I've read that.

      Now, even if I mostly agree with 3zekiel, I won't blame (yet) the time it takes to implement this new feature. My problem is that we don't have a clue about what's going on. And even if Francolino post here, we're not that many reading this forum. I'm one of the few that keeps saying that, Yes, the unifusion is coming, yes, you have to be patient, yes, it will be a great feature.. But how can I keep arguing if I don't have something to say to the skeptics ?

      Once again, my point is, GF did not communicate at all with its players for years, tnow they try to change that, and then silence again. It's a very bad move IMO.
    • Hello badkarma,

      You are right with the reorganisation in the GameForge - since middle of the last year every Game has an responsible CoMa ( Product CoMa). At least this is the reason why Origin exists cause this project is for WeTeHa (our Product CoMa for OGame) a part for better communication between communites and therefore to the users.

      If you need an official posting to tell sceptic mates, see

      WeTeHa wrote:

      Hi. Wie Francolino schon sagt befinden wir uns noch im internen Test, dort allerdings klar in der Endphase. Wir werden versuchen zeitnah weitere Informationen bzw. Ausblicke geben zu können, und wollen natürlich auch mit dem Prototypen schnell beginnen.

      Die Fusion im Allgemeinen ist dann natürlich ein längerer Prozess. Es werden also nicht gleich alle irgendwie zusammengewürfelt. Zumal wir ja auch schauen müssen ob beim Prototypen noch neue Probleme auftauchen bzw. was noch überarbeitet werden könnte.


      In a short summary : You have only to wait a few weeks for concrete news about unifusion.
    • Hi !

      Few days before christmas, I had a question about the "zombie-accounts" in target unis.

      You say that the Test period had begun, so can you explain us which solution was found to merge unis with a lot of "zombie-accounts" especially in G1/2 (I posted screens and details about this problem in the previous page -same topic-)

      Thanks fors future answers and keep on working ! :P